Calgary Joins Together to fight cuts to vital public services

With 331 jobs set to be lost in Calgary’s public schools alone, Join Together Alberta (JTA) is holding a town hall meeting tonight in Calgary to challenge cuts to education, […]

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Mass movement calls for urgent revenue reform in Alberta: Join Together Alberta launches campaign to save education, health and social services

EDMONTON – A coalition of hundreds of thousands of Albertans is gathering to force the Conservative government to fix its broken revenue system and save our schools, post-secondary education, health […]

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AFL says Hastman is being “offensive” when he suggests Conservatives are the only party that can be trusted with the oil sands: Conservatives have broken their promise to stop oil sands j…

Conservative candidate Ryan Hastman is being both offensive and untruthful when he suggests that the federal Conservatives are the only party that can be trusted with the future of the […]

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The real story on Keystone XL pipeline is that Stelmach Tories are breaking their promise to keep upgrading jobs in Alberta

AFL releases new figures showing that Alberta has fallen even further behind government’s own upgrading targets than previously thought As Premier Ed Stelmach and his ministers continue to lobby the […]

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Tories table Wildrose Budget in all but name: Empty coffers, empty hospitals and empty schools to be part of premier’s legacy

Edmonton – This is the budget the Wildrose Alliance made, says Gil McGowan, leader of Alberta’s largest labour group. “This budget is straight out of the Wildrose Alliance’s playbook – […]

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AFL raises red flag about more cuts to health, education and other necessary services

Morton’s fiscal update shows government gearing up for severe cuts despite what Albertans want Edmonton – Today’s fiscal update shows the government of Alberta is laying the groundwork for a […]

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Friends of Medicare launches campaign to drop health law changes: Legal opinion commissioned by AFL says proposed changes are undemocratic

Edmonton – Friends of Medicare (FoM) today launches a new campaign to persuade Health Minister Gene Zwozdesky to abandon proposed changes to provincial health laws. “It’s time to move on […]

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Which Way Will We Pay?

Which Way Will We Pay? It’s time for a grown-up conversation about Alberta’s revenue problem – and how we fund vital public services Too often the budget dialogue in Alberta […]

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Public Works! Alberta’s public services work … for all of us

Public Works! Alberta’s public services work … for all of us Whether it’s the best of time or the worst of times, the public sector is vital to the health […]

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