Federal Tories’ promise to restrict bitumen exports falls by wayside

The Harper government has quietly buried a controversial promise to ban bitumen exports to countries that are environmental laggards, as Alberta and the energy industry formalize plans to ship oilsands […]

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Environmentalists could undermine shale-gas plans, Alberta cabinet documents suggest

EDMONTON — Leaked Alberta cabinet documents suggest the province is worried environmental groups will undermine public support for shale gas development by spreading “misinformation” about health and environmental effects of […]

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Alberta spending more on public relations

EDMONTON – A labour group is accusing Alberta of boosting spending on public relations while cutting spending on environmental monitoring. The Alberta Federation of Labour says since 2003 the provincial […]

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Alberta spin-doctoring impact of oilsands, says labour boss: Government not ‘putting its money where its mouth is’

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour says spending on public-sector monitoring of the environment has dropped precipitously in the years that investment in oilsands developments has rocketed. Their analysis […]

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Alberta Environment’s Monitoring Budgets Plummet − Public Relations Spending Skyrockets

AFL analysis shows Alberta government’s real priorities − calls for public investment in environmental monitoring and enforcement Edmonton – The Alberta government decimated program spending on environmental enforcement, compliance, and […]

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May 2010: Health-care reform; Workplace safety; Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights; Spring/Summer 2010 Union Magazine

Have your say on health-care reform! The Alberta government is hosting 28 “invitation-only” meetings around the province as it plans sweeping changes to the health-care system. Friends of Medicare, supported […]

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Deeper Transformation: “Greening” capitalism is not enough to fix the climate

As the next round of international climate change talks in Copenhagen approaches, the Canadian and Alberta governments are both doing everything they can to reinforce their long-standing position that doing […]

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Green jobs blooming in skilled trades: Wind farms and retrofits spell work opportunity

So-called “green jobs” are growing at more than twice the rate of traditional jobs in Canada–9.1 per cent over the last decade compared with the average of 3.7 per cent–but […]

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A Green Economy to Lift Recession Blues

Alberta has the capacity to create over 20,000 jobs in the short run, and tens of thousands more long term by shifting its focus to a green economy, according to […]

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May 2009: Say No to Old Dutch Chips; Keep Energy Jobs in Alberta; Green Jobs; Friends of Medicare Rally

Say No to Old Dutch Chips Rather than bargain fairly, Old Dutch Chips on March 30 locked out 170 workers at its Calgary plant. The workers are simply looking for […]

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Green Jobs: It’s time to build Alberta’s future

Green Jobs: It’s time to build Alberta’s future The emerging cooperation between labour and environmental groups is flipping the traditional story, and creating a new way to see the environment […]

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Environmental groups and AFL release groundbreaking Green Jobs report

Edmonton – Alberta can create more than 200,000 long-term green jobs and build a strong economic future, according to a groundbreaking report on green jobs released by two prominent environmental […]

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West guards energy riches: Stelmach warns premiers off cash grab

The premiers of Alberta and Saskatchewan scuttled notions of a national cap-and-trade program Wednesday, warning other provincial and territorial heads they consider it a thinly-disguised attempt to siphon their provinces’ […]

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Climate Change Policy Paper (2007)

Climate Change Policy Paper (May 2007) Policy paper adopted at AFl 45th Constitutional Convention, May 10-13, 2007

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Time for Alberta to “walk the talk” on Kyoto job impacts

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour applauds today’s ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in the House of Commons, and says its time for all levels of government to walk […]

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Labour leaders to meet with federal environment minister today

OTTAWA – The president of the Alberta Federation of Labour, along with several other prominent labour leaders from across the country, will attend a special two-and-a-half hour meeting with federal […]

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Unions, NGOs and Environmental Activists to meet regarding Kyoto Protocol

WHEN: Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 1:30 p.m. WHERE: The Inn of 7th, Courtyard Room10001 – 107 Street Edmonton The Alberta Federation of Labour, Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Unions, Canadian […]

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AFL Announces New Environment Policy for 21st Century

To mark this year’s Earth Day, the Alberta Federation of Labour is announcing a new Environment Policy for Alberta’s labour movement. The policy is intended to guide unions in making […]

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Our Children’s Alberta: Fighting for Jobs and the Environment (1999)

Environment Policy Paper presented at 2nd Biennial Convention (April 15 – 18, 1999) The range of environmental issues needing attention is extensive, too extensive for a single policy paper. This […]

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