Cardinal Backtracks on First Contract Arbitration, AFL Calls it

The Alberta Federation of Labour today reacted to news that Human Resources Minister Mike Cardinal has backed away from a promise to hold a public consultation on first contract arbitration […]

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2005 November Speaking Notes AFL First Contract Arbitration Campaign – Support the change that brings workplace peace!

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, November 14, 2005 Good morning and welcome. My name is Gil McGowan and I’m the president of the Alberta Federation of […]

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Support the Change that Brings Workplace Peace

In the wake of the bitter Lakeside Packers strike, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) today launched a new campaign to urge the government to implement first contract arbitration in […]

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AFL praises RCMP for approach to policing Lakeside strike

AFL president Gil McGowan has written a letter to the RCMP praising them for the approach they took to policing the recent Lakeside Packers strike in Brooks. In a letter […]

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Tentative Agreement at Lakeside great news for workers, cattle industry

The Alberta Federation of Labour today applauded the union at Lakeside for reaching a tentative agreement with Lakeside Packers in Brooks, but pledged to continue to pressure the government for […]

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AFL Sends Condolences to Families of Killed Strikers

EDMONTON – The President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Gil McGowan, today released the following statement regarding the car accident last night that killed two striking Lakeside workers, and […]

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LRB Decision Banning 2 Lakeside Managers from Picket Line, Negotiations Unprecedented

The Alberta Federation of Labour responded to an Alberta Labour Relations Board (LRB) decision handed down today banning two high-ranking managers from the picket line, any strike-related activity and from […]

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Charges against Lakeside Officials Demonstrate Company “Thinks It Can do Whatever It Wants”

EDMONTON-The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) responded today to reports that four officials from Lakeside Packers – including the plant’s former CEO, Garnet Altwasser, and the current farm operations manager, […]

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AFL Proposes new, fast resolution to Lakeside strike

In a letter faxed to Human Resources and Employment Minster Mike Cardinal today, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) has proposed a fast and fair way to resolve the dispute […]

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AFL Calls on Minister to Take Action to Resolve Lakeside Dispute

EDMONTON-The AFL today reacted to Tyson Food’s rejection of the Disputes Inquiry Board (DIB) recommendations to resolve the Lakeside Foods dispute by calling on the Minister to use the full […]

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Government appointed mediator must be respected by Tyson Foods

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is calling upon Mike Cardinal, the Minister of Human Resources and Employment, to make sure that Tyson Foods, Inc, the giant American […]

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Government must resolve meat packing dispute – not simply delay it

EDMONTON-The Alberta government decision to delay the strike for two months at the Lakeside Packers in Brooks by calling a Disputes Inquiry Board (DIB) is a step in the right […]

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Conrad Black out to break union, says AFL

The antics of the Calgary Herald this past weekend demonstrate that Southam newspaper magnate Conrad Black is not interested in finding a mutually-acceptable agreement, but out to bust the newly-certified […]

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