Green jobs blooming in skilled trades: Wind farms and retrofits spell work opportunity

So-called “green jobs” are growing at more than twice the rate of traditional jobs in Canada–9.1 per cent over the last decade compared with the average of 3.7 per cent–but […]

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A Green Economy to Lift Recession Blues

Alberta has the capacity to create over 20,000 jobs in the short run, and tens of thousands more long term by shifting its focus to a green economy, according to […]

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Green Jobs: It’s time to build Alberta’s future

Green Jobs: It’s time to build Alberta’s future The emerging cooperation between labour and environmental groups is flipping the traditional story, and creating a new way to see the environment […]

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Green economy could create thousands of new jobs in Alberta: report

Creating a more environmentally sustainable economy could create tens of thousands of jobs in Alberta, according a report released Wednesday by the Alberta Federation of Labour, Greenpeace and the Sierra […]

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Green jobs touted as fix for struggling economy: Eco-friendly investment could put ‘tens of thousands’ to work, new report says

Stephani Carter earned a reputation early in her career as “the Green Girl who asks tough questions,” constantly pushing the envelope of her Earth-first sensibilities about architecture and design. Today, […]

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Environmental groups and AFL release groundbreaking Green Jobs report

Edmonton – Alberta can create more than 200,000 long-term green jobs and build a strong economic future, according to a groundbreaking report on green jobs released by two prominent environmental […]

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