2011 May Join Together Alberta Campaign Launch

Speaking Notes Gil McGowan, President Our current provincial government wants Albertans to believe that these are tough times. They want us to believe that the recession has left them with […]

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Alberta unions, special interest groups protest teacher cuts

A plan to lay off more than 1,000 teachers across Alberta is being met with fierce opposition from unions and special interest groups, who say the decision can’t be justified. […]

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Alberta teachers hold news conference to discuss cuts

Teachers and the Alberta Federation of Labour plan to fight layoffs that could cost up to 1,200 teachers their jobs. The Alberta Teachers’ Association is holding a news conference this […]

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Public sector coalition launches campaign against cuts

A coalition of public sector workers is ramping up its call for no more government cuts. The Join Together Alberta group launched a new campaign Thursday, essentially creating a coalition […]

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December 2010: Leaks reveal Tory Plan to privatize health care; Farm deaths prove safety laws are absurb; Brace for more cuts to vital services; Time for action on domestic violence

Leaks reveal Tory plan to privatize health care Documents leaked to opposition parties show that the government has a hidden agenda to allow more privatization of health care after the […]

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October 2010: Pension reform; Lakoff lecture/workshop; health-care proposals; workplace injury and fatality records website

New poll shows massive support for pension reform More than three quarters of Canadians support increasing Canada Pension Plan benefits, according to a new national survey released today by Canadian […]

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Friends of Medicare campaign launched in Alberta

Legal opinion commissioned by Alberta Federation of Labour says proposed changes are “not consistent with a democratic society.” Edmonton (14 Oct. 2010) – Friends of Medicare (FoM) has launched a […]

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Critics fear ‘radical reform’ of health-care system

Two advocacy groups say the proposed Alberta Health Act will be a piece of “shell legislation” that will give politicians the power to privatize health care without any public debate. […]

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Medicare, labour groups say Alberta Health Act could lead to more private care

EDMONTON – Medicare and labour groups want Alberta to shelve planned changes to laws that govern the province’s health-care system. The Friends of Medicare says the new Alberta Health Act […]

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Friends of Medicare launches campaign to drop health law changes: Legal opinion commissioned by AFL says proposed changes are undemocratic

Edmonton – Friends of Medicare (FoM) today launches a new campaign to persuade Health Minister Gene Zwozdesky to abandon proposed changes to provincial health laws. “It’s time to move on […]

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Lobby groups team up to fight health legislation

Friends of Medicare and the Alberta Federation of Labour are joining forces in an effort to derail the proposed Alberta Health Act, which is expected to be introduced this fall […]

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Message to Health Minister Zwozdesky: Don’t Tear Up the Laws!

This fall, an advisory committee to the Minister of Health recommended that Alberta tear up its health care laws in favour of vague and unclear statements of “principles” and “guidelines.” […]

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2010 Jun Speaking Notes – Presentation to Minister’s Advisory Committee on Health Care (MACH)

Good morning. My name is Gil McGowan and I am the President of the Alberta Federation of Labour. As most of you know, the AFL is Alberta’s largest organization of […]

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June 2010: Which Way Will We Pay?; Health-care public meetings; Public education petition

Which way will we pay for our vital public services? Despite all the media reports and shrill calls for cuts, Alberta does not have a spending problem, it has a […]

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May 2010: Health-care reform; Workplace safety; Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights; Spring/Summer 2010 Union Magazine

Have your say on health-care reform! The Alberta government is hosting 28 “invitation-only” meetings around the province as it plans sweeping changes to the health-care system. Friends of Medicare, supported […]

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Hundreds rally against public spending cuts

EDMONTON – Hundreds of chanting protesters from across the province marched through downtown Edmonton to the Alberta legislature on Saturday, demanding the provincial government stop spending cuts to public services. […]

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Hundreds protest Alberta services cuts

Hundreds of people gathered at the Alberta legislature on Saturday afternoon to protest cuts to public services. Chanting “Save Our Services,” the protesters carried signs warning of cuts to funding […]

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PUBLIC SECTOR CUTS: Joining together brings success: Join Together Alberta redoubles efforts to change this year’s provincial budget

Workers in Alberta helped to prevent more severe cuts from happening in the 2010 Alberta budget, but the work is not over for the unions, advocacy groups, students and individuals […]

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2001 June Submission MLA Review on Ambulance Service Delivery

2001 June Submission MLA Review on Ambulance Service Delivery

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2006 April Presentation Real Costs of Third Way

2006 April Presentation Real Costs of Third Way

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2002 April Presentation Commission on Future of Health Care in Canada

2002 April Presentation Commission on Future of Health Care in Canada

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Big union campaign deflated by reality

It’s tough enough running a public sector union in a province like Alberta, where fat cats get a pass and working stiffs the straight-arm. So when the provincial government’s latest […]

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