Long Waiting Lists the Problem, Not Public Health Care

The Alberta Federation of Labour, the province’s largest labour organization, responded to the Supreme Court decision on health care today by urging governments to focus on the real problem, and […]

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Labour Federation Presidents hold parallel conference in Inuvik, NT

Inuvik, NT – Federation of Labour Presidents from across Western Canada and the Territories have arrived in Inuvik, NT to make their views clear to the Premiers of the 4 […]

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Song and Dance Routine Continues

The Alberta Federation of Labour responded to the government health care plan today by noting that the real plan is being held under wraps until after the next provincial election, […]

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If Klein wants health reform, he should support Romanow blueprint

Premier Ralph Klein is up to his old tricks. Once again, he’s trying to convince Albertans that Medicare is unsustainable and that the only way to “save” the system is […]

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Lack of government disclosure sinks union court challenge

The Alberta Federation of Labour reacted with disappointment early today after the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench ruled there wasn’t enough evidence to proceed with a case against the Labour […]

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St. Anne? Give me a break!

If you were in Edmonton during the week or two before Christmas you can be forgiven for thinking that some miraculous change had transformed Alberta’s political landscape. The headlines in […]

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Government plans war on nurses early in the New Year

AFL Year-end Message Looking ahead to the New Year, it’s clear the Labour movement will have a lot on its plate. New rules on drug and alcohol testing in the […]

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2003 November Speech Alberta New Democrat Convention

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, November 2003 Good morning. I probably don’t have to tell you that it has not been a banner year for labour […]

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2003 October Speech United Nurses of Alberta Annual General Meeting

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, October 2003 Good morning. It’s been 70 years since Alberta had a government that could even be loosely described as worker […]

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Forcing nurses into binding arbitration is a “recipe for disaster,” says AFL

EDMONTON – Alberta’s health care system could be thrown into chaos if the province’s nine regional health authorities are successful in their bid to force nurses into binding arbitration, says […]

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2003 August Speech International Forum on Privatization of Public Services

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, August 2003 (Oslo, Norway) Good morning and thank you for the warm welcome. As you’ve already heard, my name is Les […]

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Don’t be fooled by Tory spin on Bill 27

You have to hand it to the Klein Tories – they sure know how to spin a tall tale. Take the case of Bill 27, for example, their controversial new […]

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The Other Competitive Advantage

The Other Competitive Advantage But the question needs to be asked whether public health care, public education and income security are also competitive advantages, for both employers and workers.

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2003 April Speech Alberta CUPE Convention

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, April 2003 As trade unionists we are currently living through a period that can best be described as schizophrenic. It’s a […]

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New regulations set the stage for attack on health care workers rights, contracts

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is responding angrily to regulations released yesterday that flesh-out the provincial government’s controversial new labour law, Bill 27. The regulations “trample on […]

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Dark day for labour relations in Alberta

EDMONTON – By ramming Bill 27 through the Legislature, the Alberta government has abandoned all pretence that it is an impartial third party when it comes to labour relations in […]

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Health workers set to rally against Bill 27

EDMONTON – Health care workers from seven different unions will rally at the Legislature over the lunch hour tomorrow to protest Bill 27, the government’s controversial amendment to the Alberta […]

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Unions launch NAFTA challenge of proposed labour law

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour and seven unions representing health care workers in the province have decided to launch a formal challenge to Bill 27, a bill to […]

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Union leaders meet to plan response to strike-ban legislation

EDMONTON – The leaders of unions representing health care workers in Alberta will meet tomorrow morning to discuss a new piece of provincial legislation that will strip the right-to-strike from […]

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First Ministers drop the ball on saving Medicare

They blew it. In early February, our federal, provincial and territorial leaders had an historic opportunity to reform and reinvigorate Medicare. They had a chance to keep our health care […]

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Mazankowski is the wrong man for the job, says AFL

EDMONTON – The federal government’s decision to name Don Mazankowski as chair of a new national agency dealing with health care issues would be comical if it wasn’t so dangerous, […]

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Romanow has it right, says AFL

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour, representing more than 120,000 unionized workers from across the province, has expressed strong support for the key recommendations of the final report released […]

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Labour Relations Board Out of Line in AUPE Ruling

The Alberta Labour Relations Board is jeopardizing its fundamental need to be seen to be neutral on labour relations conflicts by its continued insistence upon assessing punitive damages against the […]

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Fiscal Management Commission Report Means $2 Billion in Cutbacks, says AFL

The Alberta Federation of Labour responded to the release of “Moving From Good to Great”, the final report of the Financial Management Commission, by pointing out it is just more […]

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