Abandon public health care and education at our peril new study says

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) has produced a new research study examining the economics of public education, public health care and other social programs. The book demonstrates that these […]

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Government plans to download responsibility for health care could cost Alberta businesses $500 million a year, says AFL

CALGARY – The Alberta government’s plan to limit Medicare coverage will end up costing businesses in the province $500 million or more each year, says a presentation prepared by the […]

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Labour activists plan to leaflet Tory convention

EDMONTON – Delegates to the Conservative convention will be greeted on Saturday morning with leaflets reminding them how the Klein government has betrayed the party’s own policies on issues such […]

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Budget is a “triple whammy” for working people in Alberta, says AFL

EDMONTON – The budget unveiled by the Klein government late this afternoon is a “triple whammy” for working people in Alberta, says the president of Alberta’s largest union organization. As […]

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New Legislature session will feature renewed attacks on basic workers rights

EDMONTON – Despite government reassurances and claims to the contrary, the new session of the Legislature is shaping up as an historic showdown on issues such as public health care […]

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Unions will have no choice but to bargain for health benefits if Maz report is implemented, says AFL

EDMONTON – If the Alberta government proceeds with changes to Medicare proposed today by the Mazankowski commission, businesses in the province will be saddled with new costs and the so-called […]

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Tories walking into election with “eyes shut and ears closed”

EDMONTON – The Klein Conservatives are walking into the provincial election with their “eyes firmly shut and their ears closed to the real concerns of Albertans,” says the president of […]

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Tories are “reaping what they have sown” with health care strike

EDMONTON – The strike that is currently crippling hospitals across the province is a clear example of the provincial government “reaping what it has sown,” says the president of Alberta’s […]

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AFL President to meet with Alan Rock to urge Action on Bill 11

EDMONTON – Alberta Federation of Labour President Audrey Cormack will be taking the fight against the Klein government’s Private Hospitals Bill to Ottawa on Tuesday, March 7th. Cormack has a […]

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Government Will Pay Price for Private Hospital Bill, Says AFL

The Klein government will pay a big price from Albertans if it continues with its private health care bill, introduced in the Legislature today, says Audrey Cormack, President of the […]

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Federal government ignores promises on health care and children

EDMONTON – The federal government has squandered an historic opportunity to restore the health of Canada’s Medicare system and build new programs to help Canadian families in the 21st century, […]

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Provincial budget charts dangerous course for Alberta, says AFL

EDMONTON – Based on the plans outlined in yesterday’s provincial budget, it’s clear that the Klein government is charting a dangerous course for Alberta, says the president of Alberta’s largest […]

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AFL president available for comment on provincial budget

EDMONTON – The fiscal plan that will be outlined in this afternoon’s provincial government budget is based on two dangerous myths, says the president of Alberta’s largest labour organization. “Today’s […]

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Government Plans Based on Two Dangerous Myths

EDMONTON – The Alberta government’s plan for the coming year – as outlined in today’s Throne Speech – is based on two dangerous myths, says the President of the Alberta […]

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Premier Continues to Mislead Public on Health Care Privatization Plan, Says AFL

Premier Klein’s televised address last night was a continuation of his intentional misleading of the public over his privatization experiment, says Audrey Cormack, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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AFL Reminds College of Physicians Of Its Duty to the Public Interest

The AFL is reminding the Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons that it has an overarching responsibility to the public when considering proposed guidelines allowing overnight stays in health facilities. […]

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Nurses deserve thanks for standing up in defense of quality Medicare

EDMONTON – Nurses in Alberta deserve the heartfelt thanks and congratulations of all Albertans for their strong stand in defense of quality health care – both at the bargaining table […]

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LRB decision proves that Alberta labour laws are seriously flawed

EDMONTON – The decision to prohibit Alberta nurses from holding a vote on the latest contract offer from their employers proves that Alberta’s labour laws are seriously flawed, says the […]

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Delegates to explore the role of unions in protecting Medicare

CALGARY – The Alberta Federation of Labour’s biennial convention continues in Calgary tomorrow. Highlights from the convention agenda for Saturday, April 18 include the following: A panel of labour leaders […]

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Labour Rejects Panel Report on Bill 37

EDMONTON – Premier Ralph Klein will go down in history as the man who killed Medicare if he goes ahead with recommendations put forward by the so-called blue ribbon panel […]

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Klein exposes real agenda about private health care, says AFL

Premier Ralph Klein’s call for the provinces and federal government to discuss changes to the Canada Health Act reveals that his real agenda is to permanently entrench private, for-profit hospitals […]

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Bill 37 poses serious threat to Medicare

EDMONTON – The provincial government’s controversial Bill 37 poses a serious threat to the future of Medicare and should be scrapped, says the Alberta Federation of Labour. That was the […]

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