2015 Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan on the federal government’s April 1 TFW deadline

Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan on the federal government’s April 1 TFW deadline On the eve of the federal government’s April 1 deadline for Temporary Foreign […]

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Harper government offers TFW loopholes to low-wage employers

“Cynical, sneaky and mean-spirited” move on TFWP breaks promise to Canadians by extending work permits and “fiddling” with caps Edmonton – The Harper government has caved in to pressure from […]

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AB companies given green light to underpay thousands of TFWs 2014

Evidence shows Harper government continues to allow TFW program to undermine Canadian wages Edmonton – The wages of Canadians are continuing to be undermined by the Temporary Foreign Worker Program […]

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2014 Overview of locations and jobs where TFWs were paid less than Canadians

Overview of locations and jobs where TFWs were paid less than Canadians Supporting document to News Release Aug 15: Alberta companies given green light to underpay thousands of TFWs

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2014 LMOs issued for less than prevailing wage rates

Internal FOIP Documents: 2014 LMOs issued for less than prevailing wage rates Supporting document to News Release Aug 15: Alberta companies given green light to underpay thousands of TFWs

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RBC iGate scandal: Ottawa urged to publicize Canadian employers using foreign temps

The RBC scandal is the “tip of the iceberg,” a unionist says; taxpayers have a right to know who’s benefiting and where the real labour shortages are. The RBC scandal […]

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Will work for less: a primer on temporary foreign workers

Earlier this week, news broke that RBC plans to hire 45 temporary foreign workers through iGate, an IT contractor, to fill positions of employees who say that, in fact, they’re […]

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Foreign worker program wrongly fills low-skill jobs, labour group says

EDMONTON — A labour group is calling for a review of a federal program designed to help employers quickly hire temporary foreign workers for high-skill jobs. The Alberta Federation of […]

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Foreign workers easier route than Canadian apprentices: AFL


The latest federal budget is “an insult to Canadians,” says Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan, who says the government’s promise to promote Canadians over the Temporary Foreign Worker […]

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Hiring of temporary foreign workers raises hackles in Alberta

Significant numbers of temporary foreign workers continued to move to Alberta even as the economy shed jobs during the recession, says a new report from the province’s largest labour group. […]

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Foreign worker program accepting applications


A pilot program that would fast-track the immigration process for trades workers began accepting applications Wednesday is a welcome change for the oilsands, says Oil Sands Developers Group Executive Director […]

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Immigration Minister reveals new foreign worker plan


Hoping to quickly close Canada’s growing labour gap of tradespeople, federal Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has unveiled a new plan that would quickly turn skilled foreign workers into permanent Canadian […]

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Editorial: Canadians expect a balanced workforce


Immigration Minister Jason Kenney continues to remove barriers to ensure Alberta’s oilsands and construction industries have access to the skilled tradespeople they need. Last week, Kenney expanded a pilot program […]

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April 2011: Widespread violations of child-labour laws revealed; government performance on oil sands shameful; fed Conservatives accused of hypocrisy in dealing with immigrants; Albertans…

Widespread violations of child-labour rules revealed in study Tens of thousands of adolescent Albertans are in the workforce – 21 per cent of them in illegal jobs, according to an […]

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How we’re creating an illegal workforce

Foreigners in Canada on temporary work permits are being pushed into Toronto’s underground economy by the recession and a controversial federal program that leaves them vulnerable to abuse, a Star […]

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Advocates, unions fighting for migrant labourers’ rights

Unite to prevent exploitation, improve conditions for Canada’s rising number of temporary workers Last fall, in a dingy boardroom in Ottawa, a group of union leaders sat uncomfortably with migrant […]

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Temporary foreign workers flood Alberta in record numbers

CALGARY – Temporary foreign workers are streaming into Alberta at breakneck speed to meet labour shortages – and are, for the first time, surpassing the province’s yearly intake of permanent […]

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Is immigration helping us?: A stunning british study suggests that maybe it isn’t

Globalization has increased acceptance of a multi-racial world and provided endless supplies of skilled and other labour, so what’s not to love about mass immigration? While Canada’s opposition parties quibbled […]

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The gain drain: The conventional wisdom that immigration is an economic boon to Canada isn’t holding up under scrutiny

Globalization has increased acceptance of a coffee-coloured world and provided endless supplies of skilled and other labour, so what’s not to love about mass immigration? While Canada’s opposition parties quibbled […]

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Stop work order lifted

A union leader says the province has quietly lifted a stop work order imposed on an oilsands tank construction site in northern Alberta after two workers died. Gil McGowan, president […]

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Labour fears foreign workers exploited; Temporary employees outnumbered immigrants to Alberta in 2006

EDMONTON – Alberta has become one of the first provinces to bring in more people as temporary foreign workers than through Canada’s mainline immigration system, the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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