REPORT – Alberta’s Disappearing Advantage


Click here to read Jim Stanford’s new report: Alberta’s Disappearing Advantage: The Crisis in Alberta Wages, and How to Fix It.

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2015 Prentice blames Albertans. Unions respond with campaign unmasking the true culprit: the PC government itself

Instead of cutting services, we need to end sweetheart deals for corporations and the wealthy, says Better Way Alberta campaign Edmonton – In response to comments from Premier Jim Prentice […]

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2015 Public-sector unions roll out provincial campaign to oppose cuts at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.

Better Way Alberta press conference scheduled for 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Edmonton – Because the government has scheduled a press conference at 1 p.m., and many reporters cannot make […]

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Prentice budget cuts will deepen recession

Reckless PC spending cuts will make oil downturn worse for Albertans Edmonton – The nine per cent budget cuts proposed by finance minister Robin Campbell and Premier Jim Prentice will […]

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Low-wage employers in Alberta are blowing smoke when they whine about labour shortages

Examination of Alberta jobs data shows that labour shortage claims from groups like CFIB are nothing but hot air Edmonton – The federal government should tell low-wage employers and the […]

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Alberta construction jobs still being given to TFWs at less than half the going rate

“Smoke and mirrors” cleanup of the TFW program allowing good jobs to disappear like magic Edmonton – Good Canadian jobs continue to vanish into thin air as if by magic […]

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Problems with TFW program extend beyond food services sector

AFL reveals hundreds of unlawful TFW permits issued by Minister Kenney EDMONTON – Problems with the Temporary Foreign Worker program are not limited to the food service industry. An Alberta […]

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2014 Backgrounder_Alberta Employers with LMOs allowing them to pay less than “prevailing market wage”_2014Apr25

Backgrounder_Alberta Employers with LMOs allowing them to pay less than “prevailing market wage”_2014Apr25

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PBO debunks worker shortage myth

Exposes bogus rationale for TFW program Edmonton – There is no significant shortage of workers or skills in Canada, according to a new report from the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO). […]

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Company promises to hire Canadians after being caught using TFWs to replace domestic iron workers

TFWs will be moved to another project, but it remains unclear if fired Canadians will get their jobs back Edmonton – The company involved in a TFW scandal on Imperial […]

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AFL blasts Northern Gateway decision

Conditions placed on approval won’t stop pipeline from shipping high-value jobs overseas Edmonton – Despite the evidence that the Northern Gateway will be detrimental to the interests of Canadians, the […]

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Harper undermines postal service to justify eventual privatization

In Harper’s warped world, postal workers are too essential to strike, not essential enough to deliver the mail Edmonton – The elimination of door-to-door mail delivery is the latest example […]

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AFL calls for Albertans to stand up to the Bully

Labour leaders confront anti-democratic legislation with advertising and legal challenges Edmonton – Workers in Alberta need to stand up to Alison Redford’s bullying tactics says the province’s largest labour advocacy […]

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URGENT ACTION ALERT-UPDATE: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46!

Action Request: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46! When: TONIGHT Wednesday, December 4, 2013 7:30 p.m. *Seating provided on a first-come, first-serve basis Where: Alberta […]

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Unions urge Redford to suspend debate on Bills 45 and 46 to avoid a “generation of poisoned labour relations”

AFL and unions next in line for bargaining say a task force on public-sector labour relations is needed to rebuild trust Edmonton – The leaders of the Alberta Federation of […]

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2013 Fact Sheet 4_Breaking a Promise and Breaking the Law-Public Sector Wages

2013 Fact Sheet 4_Breaking a Promise and Breaking the Law-Public Sector Wages 4 of 6 fact sheets issued

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2013 Fact Sheet 5_Breaking a Promise and the Law_Public Service Stretched

Fact Sheet 5_Breaking a Promise and the Law_Public Service Stretched_2013_Nov27 5 of 6 fact sheets issued

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2013 Fact Sheet 2_Breaking a Promise and Breaking the Law-Supreme Court_2013

Fact Sheet 2_Breaking a Promise and Breaking the Law-Supreme Court_2013_Nov27 2 of 6 fact sheets issued

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2013 Fact Sheet 3_Alberta Economy Booming

Fact Sheet 3_Alberta Economy Booming_2013Nov27 3 0f 6 fact sheets issued

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1 in 4 new jobs in Alberta filled through Temporary Foreign Worker Program, shows new data for 2013

Employers getting the green light for TFWs even when there are 2.3 unemployed Albertans for every job vacancy Edmonton – The president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group released new […]

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