New figures show use of temporary foreign workers set to surge while unemployment among Canadians remains stubbornly high

Alberta becoming “Dubai of the North” as many employers use guest-worker program as first choice rather than last resort, warns labour leader Alberta employers are increasingly looking to temporary foreign […]

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July 2011: Tories give billions of dollars and thousands of jobs away; Alberta Dubai of the North; ethical shopping website; CETA

Alberta Tories give away billions of dollars and thousands of jobs The Alberta Progressive Conservative government’s management of the energy industry and provincial finances has come under fire from the […]

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Alberta bitumen upgrades fall short

The Alberta Federation of Labour says the Premier needs to live up to a five-year-old promise to upgrade more of the province’s bitumen, right here in Alberta. Figures from the […]

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Alberta-based bitumen upgrading is plummeting, new figures show: ERCB projections demonstrate that Tories have turned their backs on promises to keep oil sands jobs in the province, says…

New figures released today by the Alberta Federation of Labour show that the percentage of oil-sands bitumen upgraded in the province will drop to 52 per cent by 2016 – […]

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A true national energy strategy has to be about more than building bitumen export pipelines

As energy ministers from around the country gather in Kananaskis this week, it’s starting to look like the Alberta government is engaging in an old-fashioned game of bait and switch. […]

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Temporary foreign workers: a growing reality. But is it the right one?

How immigration policy is increasingly being used by governments and businesses to address labour market needs, and the debates these policies have given rise to. In this 4-part series, The […]

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June 2011: Join Together Alberta campaign; minimum wage; AB govt code of silence; workers at risk in AB

Join Together Alberta launches campaign to save education, health and social services Alberta is one of the wealthiest jurisdictions in the world, and yet up to 1,200 teachers and hundreds […]

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Alberta labour, social agencies unite to fight provincial budget cuts: Higher taxes, energy royalties would stablize funding for education, social services, health care, group says

EDMONTON — Raising taxes will reduce provincial budget cuts and save more than 1,000 teachers from losing their jobs in Alberta, say unions, community groups and social-services agencies, which have […]

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Alberta teachers hold news conference to discuss cuts

Teachers and the Alberta Federation of Labour plan to fight layoffs that could cost up to 1,200 teachers their jobs. The Alberta Teachers’ Association is holding a news conference this […]

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Public sector coalition launches campaign against cuts

A coalition of public sector workers is ramping up its call for no more government cuts. The Join Together Alberta group launched a new campaign Thursday, essentially creating a coalition […]

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Foreign companies buying into tarsands: Canada losing profits and control as refining moves to countries with low labour and environmental standards

Foreign corporations, some controlled by national governments, have been using their economic clout to buy into Alberta’s oil sands and take control of our natural resources. US, French, British, Chinese, […]

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Importance of oilsands not lost on NDP: Mason

Alberta has nothing to fear from a federal government led by Jack Layton, says provincial New Democratic Party Leader Brian Mason. Despite the federal Conservatives’ insistence that NDP environmental policies […]

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AFL concerned about plan to keep Albertans working longer: Workers will rebel against efforts to force deferral of retirement dreams

Plans announced by the provincial government today to keep Albertans working longer are being viewed with concern by the labour movement. “If Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk is talking […]

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AFL says Hastman is being “offensive” when he suggests Conservatives are the only party that can be trusted with the oil sands: Conservatives have broken their promise to stop oil sands j…

Conservative candidate Ryan Hastman is being both offensive and untruthful when he suggests that the federal Conservatives are the only party that can be trusted with the future of the […]

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Mason: Tory broken promises are costing Albertans jobs

Alberta NDP leader Brian Mason says Tory broken promises are costing Albertan jobs. In the last election Ed Stelmach promised to increase the amount of bitumen being upgraded in Alberta. […]

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Help wanted!

A project manager at a sheet metal company in B.C. recently shared with me his thoughts on the labour shortage in Canada and how he’s dealing with it. He chuckled. […]

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The real story on Keystone XL pipeline is that Stelmach Tories are breaking their promise to keep upgrading jobs in Alberta

AFL releases new figures showing that Alberta has fallen even further behind government’s own upgrading targets than previously thought As Premier Ed Stelmach and his ministers continue to lobby the […]

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Civil servant wages not to blame for deficit

Re: “Want to enjoy great wages and job security?” by Barbara Yaffe, Feb. 22. Yaffe quotes former Reform MP Herb Grubel, who wants to deprive public servants of the right […]

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Canada must rethink the value of shipping oil south

The new Keystone XL pipeline project threatens our environment, our job opportunities, and our energy security, so why isn’t Canada taking the issue seriously? The battle to stop the Keystone […]

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Oil sands firms look at outsourcing

As Canada’s oil sands companies work to head off another looming labour crunch, some have begun looking at moving huge numbers of employees out of Fort McMurray, Alta. – and […]

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Alberta’s earnings gap between women and men largest in Canada: Women participating in the workforce at higher rates than ever; inequality persists

Edmonton – As women’s workforce participation in Alberta has increased, so too has earnings inequality, according to the Alberta Federation of Labour. While today’s Statistics Canada report on Women and […]

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AFL raises red flag about more cuts to health, education and other necessary services

Morton’s fiscal update shows government gearing up for severe cuts despite what Albertans want Edmonton – Today’s fiscal update shows the government of Alberta is laying the groundwork for a […]

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Alberta lags nation in job creation, figures show

Alberta gained more full-time jobs in August, but its unemployment rate nudged up 0.2 percentage points in August to 6.5 per cent, seasonally adjusted figures from Statistics Canada showed Friday. […]

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