Which Way Will We Pay?

Which Way Will We Pay? It’s time for a grown-up conversation about Alberta’s revenue problem – and how we fund vital public services Too often the budget dialogue in Alberta […]

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Minimum Wage Increases Do Not Lead to Job Loss: AFL analysis shows service industry employment has increased after minimum wage adjustments

CALGARY – New Alberta Federation of Labour research shows employment in service industries actually grows after minimum wages increases, said AFL president Gil McGowan in his presentation to a government […]

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Major labour shortage predicted for oilpatch by 2014

CALGARY – Canada’s oilpatch may once again be a magnet for workers from across the country and around the world, an economist said Monday after a study predicted a major […]

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June 2010: Which Way Will We Pay?; Health-care public meetings; Public education petition

Which way will we pay for our vital public services? Despite all the media reports and shrill calls for cuts, Alberta does not have a spending problem, it has a […]

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Alberta cutting training programs amid zero job growth: New AFL research shows Alberta cut job training by $23 million despite increased need by aboriginals and young workers

EDMONTON – Alberta is the only province in Canada that hasn’t seen job growth since last summer, but the province is cutting employment training programs by more than $20 million, […]

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May 2010: Health-care reform; Workplace safety; Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights; Spring/Summer 2010 Union Magazine

Have your say on health-care reform! The Alberta government is hosting 28 “invitation-only” meetings around the province as it plans sweeping changes to the health-care system. Friends of Medicare, supported […]

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April 2010: Auditor General Report on Occupational Health and Safety; Temporary Foreign Workers; Pensions; Phone now to save union jobs

Lives of workers put at risk by government The government’s shocking failure to enforce its own workplace safety laws is putting thousands of workers at risk, according to a new […]

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More out of work: StatsCan

With the latest Statistics Canada figure showing Alberta’s unemployment rate has risen to 7.5%, the province’s largest union group says the numbers reflect the Tories’ lack of stimulus spending. Despite […]

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Jobless rate hits 14-year high: Rise in number of jobseekers blamed for Alberta surge in March

Where did 9,700 Albertans ready to work if they could only find a job come from?A surge in jobseekers boosted Alberta’s unemployment rate 0.6 percentage points to 7.5 per cent […]

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Alberta jobless rate hits 14-year high: Province appears left out of recovery

Alberta lost jobs for the third consecutive month in March as the unemployment rate rose to its highest level in 14 years, figures released Friday show. Despite signs of an […]

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Hundreds rally against public spending cuts

EDMONTON – Hundreds of chanting protesters from across the province marched through downtown Edmonton to the Alberta legislature on Saturday, demanding the provincial government stop spending cuts to public services. […]

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Hundreds protest Alberta services cuts

Hundreds of people gathered at the Alberta legislature on Saturday afternoon to protest cuts to public services. Chanting “Save Our Services,” the protesters carried signs warning of cuts to funding […]

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PUBLIC SECTOR CUTS: Joining together brings success: Join Together Alberta redoubles efforts to change this year’s provincial budget

Workers in Alberta helped to prevent more severe cuts from happening in the 2010 Alberta budget, but the work is not over for the unions, advocacy groups, students and individuals […]

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March 2010: Budget is cutting budget; Alberta women falling behind; Sklar Peppler boycott; Join Together Alberta

Despite all the spin, the recent budget is a cutting budget While the Stelmach government boosted health-care spending and held the line on education spending, in other ministries it was […]

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Big union campaign deflated by reality

It’s tough enough running a public sector union in a province like Alberta, where fat cats get a pass and working stiffs the straight-arm. So when the provincial government’s latest […]

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Start moving forward,’ Alberta left urged: Parkland Institute head tells progressives to lay out their education and health-care vision for province

Alberta’s progressives should stop defending the status quo and start defining their own visions for provincial policy, the head of the left-wing Parkland Institute said Saturday. In a fiery address […]

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Economic recovery explored at Re-Making Alberta conference

With the new provincial budget freshly on the table, and budget cuts expected once the details are unveiled later this month, the University of Alberta’s Parkland Institute, in conjunction with […]

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Strange bedfellows indeed

The theory that new Alberta finance minister Ted Morton was put in place to placate the fiscal hawks and play the cold-eyed budget-slasher-a zombie Steve West-was always dubious. I’m not […]

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Albertans send Stelmach message – Save Our Services!

Public programs are already stretched to the limit – do not make more cuts EDMONTON – Representatives of Join Together Alberta today related stories of how the services Albertans desperately […]

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Albertans are already hurting from deep cuts to public services

Citizens attending town halls implore government not to make a bad situation worse The public services Albertans desperately need are already being stretched to the breaking point and people are […]

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Minimum wage freeze unfair: AFL

While the provincial government is lauding its decision to freeze minimum wage, one labour group claims the government is playing politics with the wages of low income earners. The province […]

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Public bands against cuts

Massive cuts are coming and the public shouldn’t idly stand by, according to a town hall meeting last night. Held at the Quality Hotel and hosted by the newly-formed Join […]

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Low-income workers take a hit for business

EDMONTON – When Fazal Hussein found out that Alberta’s minimum wage was frozen Friday, he thought: “Great. Food stamps, here I come.” The 19-year-old clothing retailer wants to get his […]

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