Suncor CEO mum on upgrader expansion: Strong U.S. demand for heavy oil has pushed company delay completion of Voyageur project

With construction of its oil sands upgrader stalled, Suncor Energy Inc. SU-T said Wednesday it plans to sell unprocessed bitumen to U.S. refiners, whose strong demand for Canadian heavy oil […]

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Premier’s vow of no tax hikes spurs fear of deep cuts: Economist forecasts deficit of more than $7 billion

Premier Ed Stelmach’s declaration that there will be no tax hikes during his reign has some people bracing for brutal cuts to programs and services if the faltering economy does […]

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Stelmach rules out tax increases to fix deficit

Premier Ed Stelmach is ruling out any tax increases to balance the budget. And to prove the point, he’s rescinding a tax on liquor, brought in just a few months […]

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Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach says there will be no tax hikes while he’s in charge

CALGARY – Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach is laying down the law when it comes to raising taxes in the province – saying now and forever, the answer is no. Faced […]

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Long EI waits leave Albertans struggling: Hundreds turn to welfare system

CALGARY- When Heather Eide applied for employment insurance, she didn’t expect she’d have to wait more than two months. At 23, she had never been laid off before. She was […]

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May 2009: New TFW Report; New Labour Economic Monitor; New safety rules coming; Keep jobs in Canada petition

Entrenching Exploitation: Canada’s Shameful Record on TFWs In its latest report on the working and living conditions of Temporary Foreign Workers, the AFL’s Foreign Worker Advocate reports that things are […]

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Harper refuses to ease EI rules: Opposition demands called an ‘absurdity’

In the face of steep job losses and a battering recession, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Friday his government won’t ease eligibility rules for unemployment benefits. Harper, who was in […]

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May 2009: Say No to Old Dutch Chips; Keep Energy Jobs in Alberta; Green Jobs; Friends of Medicare Rally

Say No to Old Dutch Chips Rather than bargain fairly, Old Dutch Chips on March 30 locked out 170 workers at its Calgary plant. The workers are simply looking for […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (May 2009)

Labour Economic Monitor (May 2009) It’s springtime in Alberta, and signs of the new season are everywhere. Birds are flocking back, the ice is out of the river, and down […]

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A New Direction for Alberta’s Energy Economy (2009)

A New Direction for Alberta’s Energy Economy (April 2009) Policy paper adopted at AFL 46th Constitutional Convention, April 23-26, 2009

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Green Jobs: It’s time to build Alberta’s future

Green Jobs: It’s time to build Alberta’s future The emerging cooperation between labour and environmental groups is flipping the traditional story, and creating a new way to see the environment […]

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Myths fuel the eco lobby’s emissions-slashing, green-jobs fantasy: Ideologically-driven employment claims don’t stand up to scrutiny

In December 2007, just as the worst recession in decades got underway, 54 leading U.S. economists were asked by Business Week magazine to share their economic outlook for 2008. More […]

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Green economy could create thousands of new jobs in Alberta: report

Creating a more environmentally sustainable economy could create tens of thousands of jobs in Alberta, according a report released Wednesday by the Alberta Federation of Labour, Greenpeace and the Sierra […]

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Green jobs touted as fix for struggling economy: Eco-friendly investment could put ‘tens of thousands’ to work, new report says

Stephani Carter earned a reputation early in her career as “the Green Girl who asks tough questions,” constantly pushing the envelope of her Earth-first sensibilities about architecture and design. Today, […]

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Environmental groups and AFL release groundbreaking Green Jobs report

Edmonton – Alberta can create more than 200,000 long-term green jobs and build a strong economic future, according to a groundbreaking report on green jobs released by two prominent environmental […]

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Alberta’s deficit budget earns praise from contractors, skepticism from unions

In its first deficit budget in 16 years, the Alberta government anticipates dipping $4.7 billion into debt in an attempt to keep Albertans working through the recession. Central to the […]

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Layoffs at Petro Canada come as no surprise to labour group

The Alberta Federation of Labour is disappointed, but not surprised that two hundred full time Petro Canada employees have been laid off.President Gil McGowan says it can be blamed on […]

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Provincial budget must emphasize jobs, not cuts, labour leaders say

EDMONTON – Next week’s provincial budget needs to emphasize getting unemployed workers back to work and keeping those who have jobs at work, say the leaders of some of Alberta’s […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour comments on jobless numbers

The Alberta Federation of Labour says the increased unemployment rate in Alberta last month only confirms that the province is not going to escape the economic downturn unscathed. President Gil […]

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Stop the carnage, AFL says after job losses: Alberta job loss more than 29,000 so far this year; minister predicted 15,000

EDMONTON – An Alberta labour group is calling for the province to come up with a new stimulus plan for the economy after news Friday that 23,700 people were thrown […]

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January 2009: New Labour Economic Monitor; EPCOR privatization; Project 2012 Poster 1

When the Economic Party is Over… Someone has to clean up the mess. The latest Labour Economic Monitor, the AFL’s digest of economic statistics and analysis, is out – and […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (December 2008)

Labour Economic Monitor (December 2008) The May 2007 issue of Labour Economic Monitor compared a booming economy to a party, where some of the guests have a bit too much […]

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Oct 2008: New government safety ads fall flat; Unions and coops; National boycott of Petro-Canada

New Government Safety Ads Fall Flat New, gory health and safety ads from the Alberta government aimed at young workers strike the wrong chord with workers. The new, web-only, ads […]

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NAFTA bumps into Albertas upgrader plans; Trade deal would prohibit the province from reducing the flow of bitumen to the United States once it starts

EDMONTON – Eighteen months ago, Premier Ed Stelmach — the man who said shipping oilsands bitumen south was like selling off the topsoil — asked his energy minister to develop […]

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