Labour Economic Monitor (May 2008)

Labour Economic Monitor (May 2008) These are odd times in Alberta. With oil prices on the spot market topping $130/barrel and natural gas prices on the uptrend, you’d expect the […]

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Labour leader urges voters to choose hope over fear when it comes to the oil sands

In the final days of the provincial election campaign, Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan is urging Alberta voters to “choose hope over fear” when it comes to development […]

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Projects facing labour crunch: Critics worried Tories’ plans will face cost overruns

As a week marked by massive pre-election spending draws to a close, the $1.3-billion question facing Alberta is whether the province has the manpower — and capacity — to complete […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (February 2008)

Labour Economic Monitor (February 2008) These are turbulent times in the economic world, and tumbling stock markets are just a symptom of a much greater malaise. The so-called “sub-prime mortgage […]

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Alberta Clipper Pipeline Will Create Only Two Permanent Jobs in Alberta – Versus the Thousands That Will Be Created in U.S. as They Refine Alberta Oil Sands

CALGARY-The proposed Alberta Clipper Pipeline is expected to create only two full-time permanent jobs in the province, admitted Enbridge Pipeline’s executive under cross examination in front of the National Energy […]

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Conference Board Gets it Wrong on Wages

The Alberta Federation of Labour responded today to a Conference Board of Canada study, released this morning, stating that wages across Canada are on the rise due to wage pressure […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (October 2007)

Labour Economic Monitor (October 2007) As the economic boom in Alberta reached its crest over the last two years, employers and the business media alerted the public to a new […]

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New Data Shows Workers Not Getting Ahead in the Boom

New research produced by the Alberta Federation of Labour and the Parkland Institute shows that wages in Alberta are lagging behind the rate of inflation. As well, inequality is on […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (August 2007)

Labour Economic Monitor (August 2007) Inflation Alert: Inflation in Alberta is seriously out of control. In June the Consumer Price Index for Alberta was 6.3% higher than one year ago. […]

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Labour leader urges NEB to stop energy companies from “sending Alberta jobs down the pipeline”

CALGARY – If approval is granted to the proposed Keystone mega-pipeline, literally thousands of potential Alberta jobs in upgraders and refineries will be lost and Alberta will miss out on […]

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National Energy Board rules against labour motion to subpoena witnesses from Big Oil

CALGARY – Under heavy cross-examination from union lawyers, the man in charge of the proposed Keystone mega-pipeline admitted he doesn’t really know how much raw bitumen from Alberta will be […]

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Labour groups lead charge to keep value-added jobs in Alberta

NEB Hearings on pipeline to move unrefined oilsands to U.S. begin CALGARY – Hearings begin this week before the National Energy Board in Calgary to determine whether or not the […]

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Anatomy of a Boom (2007)

Anatomy of a Boom (May 2007) Policy paper adopted at AFL 45th Constitutional Convention, May 10 – 13, 2007

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Labour Economic Monitor (May 2007)

Labour Economic Monitor (May 2007) In fact, the 2007 Budget demonstrates clearly that the government has no idea of how to proceed. The basic economic strategy remains unchanged: sell off […]

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Labour wants Keystone pipeline put on hold

[Edmonton] In a submission to the National Energy Board (NEB) on April 13, 2007, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) argues that the Keystone pipeline project that is currently before […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (February 2007)

Labour Economic Monitor (February 2007) After over a decade of almost uninterrupted growth, Alberta is now entering the fifth year of an economic boom. Despite the mismanagement of the Klein […]

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Working Our Fingers to the Bone

The Alberta Federation of Labour reacted today to a new study by Statistics Canada looking at work hours across the country. The study revealed that Albertans work the most hours […]

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Increased use of guest workers wrong approach in tight labour market

So, federal Immigration Minister Monte Solberg is tired of waiting in line to get his double-double at Tim Horton’s. For those who missed it, that was one of the rationales […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (Fall 2006)

Labour Economic Monitor (Fall 2006) The general picture of the Alberta economy is very positive: sources from the business press to Statistics Canada are celebrating the boom, and the data […]

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Some Boom – Wages Up a Measly 1.4%

The first issue of a new quarterly publication from the Alberta Federation of Labour finds that weekly wages in Alberta are only up 1.4% in 2006, after accounting for inflation. […]

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The sky isn’t falling on Alberta’s labour market – yet

But it may be time to slow pace of oil sands development When it comes to discussions about the labour force in Alberta, it’s hard not to be reminded of […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (Summer 2006)

Labour Economic Monitor (Summer 2006) The following report is intended to give trade unionists reliable, current information on the provincial economy. The data is drawn from government sources, including Statistics […]

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2006 June Speech Canadian Institute’s Resource Industry

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, June 13, 2006 Sometimes life proceeds as expected – sometimes you get thrown a curve ball Getting an invitation to speak […]

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Business and government have it wrong on labour shortage concerns, says AFL

EDMONTON-Alberta’s largest union organization, the Alberta Federation of Labour, weighed into the debate over skills shortages today by unveiling a detailed new policy paper, entitled “Beyond Chicken Little: Understanding the […]

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