Reflections on Labour Day

Will our children have the luxury of lounging by the lake? Or will they be worrying about where the next pay cheque will come from? It’s Labour Day again – […]

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“Fair Share Now!!!” Say Fort McMurray Workers

Hundreds of Fort McMurray workers are expected to rally tonight to send a message to the Conservative government and to Oilsands Companies that the boom in Alberta needs to be […]

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300 Alberta industrial jobs to be lost at Celanese

Alberta Federation of Labour President Kerry Barrett was highly critical of the lack of any government industrial strategy in the wake of the announced closure of the Celanese Canada plant […]

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Real Wages in Alberta Falling – a Wake-up Call?

The Alberta Federation of Labour has released data showing that real, inflation-adjusted wages in the province have fallen for the second year in a row, and for the fourth time […]

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Economic boom times have not led to rising standards of living for most Albertans, says report

EDMONTON – What do ordinary Albertans have to show for a decade of unprecedented growth and prosperity in their province? As it turns out, very little. In a new research […]

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St. Anne? Give me a break!

If you were in Edmonton during the week or two before Christmas you can be forgiven for thinking that some miraculous change had transformed Alberta’s political landscape. The headlines in […]

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Running to stand still: How Alberta government policy has led to wage stagnation during a time of prosperity

Running to stand still: How Alberta government policy has led to wage stagnation during a time of prosperity Albertans are entitled to ask: “What’s going on? How can the most […]

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Forestry workers urge Klein government to be part of the solution, not the problem in softwood dispute

EDMONTON – Leaders from the Alberta Federation of Labour and two unions representing thousands of forestry workers in the province will meet with Human Resource Minister Clint Dunford this afternoon […]

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Real wages plummet in Alberta despite current economic boom

If you’re finding it more and more difficult to keep up with the bills each month, you’re not alone. Recently released figures show that the amount Albertans earn each week […]

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The Other Competitive Advantage

The Other Competitive Advantage But the question needs to be asked whether public health care, public education and income security are also competitive advantages, for both employers and workers.

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New session of Legislature will bring more bad news for working people

EDMONTON – Despite a booming economy and an expected multi-billion-dollar budget surplus, the Alberta government will not likely use the upcoming session of the Legislature to make life any easier […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour Year End Statement, December 2002

The Alberta Federation of Labour expects 2003 to be a year of intense activity on the labour relations front. AFL President Les Steel points to high inflation and slow wage […]

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Labour leaders to meet with federal environment minister today

OTTAWA – The president of the Alberta Federation of Labour, along with several other prominent labour leaders from across the country, will attend a special two-and-a-half hour meeting with federal […]

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Unions, NGOs and Environmental Activists to meet regarding Kyoto Protocol

WHEN: Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 1:30 p.m. WHERE: The Inn of 7th, Courtyard Room10001 – 107 Street Edmonton The Alberta Federation of Labour, Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Unions, Canadian […]

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Activists out-perform G-8 leaders

The following is a statement released by Alberta Federation of Labour president Les Steel in the wake of this week’s G-8 Summit in Kananaskis, Alberta. The AFL worked closely with […]

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Abandon public health care and education at our peril new study says

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) has produced a new research study examining the economics of public education, public health care and other social programs. The book demonstrates that these […]

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Government over-reacts to revenue decline

EDMONTON – The provincial government’s decision to cut infrastructure spending and impose a public-sector hiring freeze is hard to justify in light of the rosy financial figures released today, says […]

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Losing Ground: The Slow Decline of Workers’ Rights and Privileges in Alberta 1975-2000

Losing Ground: The Slow Decline of Workers’ Rights and Privileges in Alberta (1975-2000) This booklet examines what effects this has had on the lives of working people in Alberta. In […]

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Tories walking into election with “eyes shut and ears closed”

EDMONTON – The Klein Conservatives are walking into the provincial election with their “eyes firmly shut and their ears closed to the real concerns of Albertans,” says the president of […]

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Business Tax Committee is a “Sham Consultation”

The Alberta Federation of Labour is criticizing the announcement today of a new Committee struck to review Alberta’s business tax regime. The new Committee, says AFL President Audrey Cormack, will […]

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Liberals must resist pressure from business and Reform Party to recklessly slash taxes

EDMONTON – Members of the federal government are allowing themselves to be unduly swayed by pressure from the Reform Party and other advocates of radical tax cuts – and ordinary […]

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Missing out on the Boom: A report card

Missing out on the Boom? (A Report Card on Jobs, Wagds and Economic Security in Alberta) In the next twenty pages, we will provide an update of the economic “snapshot” […]

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Crumbs from the Table: Re-evaluating the so-called “Alberta Advantage”

Crumbs from the Table: Re-evaluating the so-called “Alberta Advantage” A report card on jobs, wages and economic security in Alberta (March 1997)

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