Alberta Budget: Labour Leaders Don’t Want Public Services Cut


EDMONTON – Labour leaders in Alberta have joined forces to say they don’t want to see public services cuts in Thursday’s provincial budget. The group consists of the Alberta Federation […]

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Advisory: Albertans reject cuts say union leaders

Nurses, teachers, health sciences professionals, and public employees urge government to listen to majority of Albertans Edmonton – Labour leaders are standing up for the majority of Albertans who do […]

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Bitumen upgrading should be top priority: AFL


In front of a government panel on Tuesday, a labour group argued in favour of increasing refining operations in Alberta, instead of sending unprocessed bitumen to foreign refineries. Alberta Federation […]

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Bitumen upgrading should be top priority: AFL


In front of a government panel on Tuesday, a labour group argued in favour of increasing refining operations in Alberta, instead of sending unprocessed bitumen to foreign refineries. Alberta Federation […]

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2013 Feb 26 Presentation to the Standing Committee on Alberta’s Economic Future on the Study of BRIK (Bitumen Royalty-in-Kind) Program

Speaking Notes Gil McGowan, President As elected officials from across the province, you all know that the majority of Albertans want to see more upgrading done within our borders. You’ve […]

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Redford accused of picking a fight with labour


Alberta Premier Alison Redford, desperate to cut costs amid a ballooning deficit, is angering the very labour groups she coveted for support during her leadership bid and last year’s election. […]

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Renewable in Ottawa


When Peter Julian visited his in-laws in Shandong province in 2011, he was struck by skies which, depending on weather, either were grey, or grey and wet. The New Democratic […]

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Salary freeze an example of Tory mismanagement says AFL

Fiscal update shows province has revenue problem, not a spending problem Edmonton – Alberta’s fiscal update shows a government disconnected from the economy it’s supposed to manage says the Alberta […]

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Oil price gap a handy excuse for strapped governments


According to experts inside Alberta Energy, it’s much more profitable to refine more of our oil before we ship it. Both the Alberta and federal governments are now pointing to […]

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We need pipelines, not pipe dreams


With all the discussion recently over the lack of so-called value-added jobs, one might wonder why that debate is confined to one sector of the economy. For example, in 2010-2011, […]

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Sales tax discussion dominates economic summit


CALGARY — Premier Alison Redford was ready to declare the inaugural Alberta economic summit a success Saturday even without a consensus from the prominent Albertans who spent the day hashing […]

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AFL targets royalties and upgrading at economic summit

Federation president to set the record straight on bitumen glut Edmonton – AFL president Gil McGowan will be tackling Alberta’s revenue problem this Saturday at the Alberta Economic Summit. The […]

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Report says pipeline squeeze could be ‘devastating’ to Canadian economy


CALGARY – The inability to get western Canadian crude to the right markets is costing the country’s economy dearly, according to a new report paid for by the Saskatchewan government. […]

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Report says time running out for Canadian oil producers to access Pacific Rim


CALGARY – A research paper is reinforcing the idea that Canada’s resource industry is at risk of being left behind internationally if it doesn’t find a way to get oil […]

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Media Advisory: Secret documents show upgrading is economic

AFL to release Government of Alberta analysis of bitumen economy Edmonton – Secret government documents that show upgrading is economically viable will be released by the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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Province’s unionists call for more bitumen production at home


The time is right for Alberta to profit from bitumen’s low price by processing more of it at home, say the province’s unionists. The so-called bitumen bubble makes it economically […]

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Labour group says a new upgrader will help economy


Alberta Federation of Labour says it’s time for a new bitumen upgrader The Alberta Federation of Labour says with the current sagging oil prices, this is the time for the […]

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Labour group contests bitumen bubble claim


The premier’s claim that Alberta’s financial woes are because of a bitumen bubble is being challenged by a provincial labour group. The bitumen bubble refers to the growing gap between […]

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Bitumen bubble’ bad news for budget


When Premier Alison Redford talks about “a bitumen bubble,” she’s referring to the record amount of Alberta bitumen for sale, and the low price it’s fetching in the U.S. these […]

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Bitumen glut has silver lining

Creating upgrading jobs in Alberta has never been more viable CALGARY – The so-called “bitumen bubble” is actually an opportunity for the province to add value and create jobs, says […]

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Public sector unions are girding to fight impending provincial cutbacks


Public sector unions are girding to fight impending provincial cutbacks driven by a multi-billion dollar cash crunch. And a prominent economist says Premier Alison Redford’s TV address to Albertans Thursday […]

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Unions, economists blast Alison Redford’s budget plans


CALGARY – Public sector unions are bracing to fight impending provincial cutbacks driven by a multi-billion dollar cash crunch. And a prominent economist said Premier Alison Redford’s TV address to […]

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