February 21 2012: Beyond Acute Care Conference; Better Way Alberta; Budget 2012; farm workers; HSAA information pickets

Last chance to see Ralph Nader and Maude Barlow at Beyond Acute Care Conference You have only until tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday, Feb. 22) to register for the Beyond Acute Care: […]

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February 2012: Beyond Acute Care Conference; Better Way Alberta campaign; farm workers safety; health care; Burns Lake blast; 2012 Centennial

Register now to see Ralph Nader and Maude Barlow at conference on health care It’s time that seniors and those with disabilities were covered by the medicare umbrella. World-renowned consumer-rights […]

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November 2011: Canadian Wheat Board; Keystone XL decision; Occupy Movement; health and safety blitzes

Prairie labour groups defend Canadian Wheat Board The The Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Federations of Labour united to defend the Canadian Wheat Board against attack from the Harper government. In […]

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October 2011: Labour Code Review; Keystone XL pipeline; no protection for TFWs; safety on construction sites

Unions fight back against biased review of Labour Code The Alberta government has embarked on a biased and secretive review of the province’s Labour Code that threatens to introduce Tea […]

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July 2011: Tories give billions of dollars and thousands of jobs away; Alberta Dubai of the North; ethical shopping website; CETA

Alberta Tories give away billions of dollars and thousands of jobs The Alberta Progressive Conservative government’s management of the energy industry and provincial finances has come under fire from the […]

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June 2011: Join Together Alberta campaign; minimum wage; AB govt code of silence; workers at risk in AB

Join Together Alberta launches campaign to save education, health and social services Alberta is one of the wealthiest jurisdictions in the world, and yet up to 1,200 teachers and hundreds […]

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May 2011: AFL convention; lineup of star speakers at CLC convention; battle for workplace safety continues; workers warned about delayed retirement

AFL Convention a success: Read all about it! About 400 delegates and guests attended the AFL convention in Calgary for a packed schedule of events that included: A moving ceremony […]

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April 2011: Widespread violations of child-labour laws revealed; government performance on oil sands shameful; fed Conservatives accused of hypocrisy in dealing with immigrants; Albertans…

Widespread violations of child-labour rules revealed in study Tens of thousands of adolescent Albertans are in the workforce – 21 per cent of them in illegal jobs, according to an […]

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March 2011: Wisconsin protests; forklift safety; Alberta govt failing to collect billions; equality still a dream in Alberta; IAMAW 99 fight against CLAC

Workers’ rights under attack! From Wisconsin to Egypt, from Mexico to Canada, the rights of workers are under attack. The right of public-sector unionized workers to bargain collectively has been […]

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February 2011: Operation Hockey; Farm deaths spur calls to change work-safety laws; fight for REAL pension reform continues; Athabasca Univ Pension Course

Big fun in Little Buffalo Union members, human-rights activists and members of the Lubicon Cree took to the ice at the newly opened hockey rink in Little Buffalo at the […]

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January 2011: CEP welcomes new members; New Union Magazine; Victory for IAMAW Lodge 99; NUPGE/CLC commit to examine raiding issue

CEP welcomes new members There were 226 reasons that the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada was celebrating on New Year’s Day. That’s the number of new members it […]

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December 2010: Leaks reveal Tory Plan to privatize health care; Farm deaths prove safety laws are absurb; Brace for more cuts to vital services; Time for action on domestic violence

Leaks reveal Tory plan to privatize health care Documents leaked to opposition parties show that the government has a hidden agenda to allow more privatization of health care after the […]

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November 2010: Better health and safety rules; pension reform; Parkland fall conference; Lakoff lecture highlights; stop Calgary Public Library cuts

AFL demands better health and safety rules The AFL has released a 10-point plan on workplace health and safety (click here for the plan), calling for immediate action from the […]

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October 2010: Pension reform; Lakoff lecture/workshop; health-care proposals; workplace injury and fatality records website

New poll shows massive support for pension reform More than three quarters of Canadians support increasing Canada Pension Plan benefits, according to a new national survey released today by Canadian […]

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August 2010: New website; AB sheds jobs; Workers still at risk; Farm Workers at risk; Next Up Alberta

Welcome to our new website The Alberta Federation of Labour has a new website and is now on Facebook and Twitter. We’d really like you check out the site (let […]

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July 2010: McKesson Canada strike; Jobs crisis continues; Minimum wage; IAMAW rally in Calgary

McKesson Canada workers hit the picket lines in Edmonton 213 members of UFCW 401 at McKesson Canada in Edmonton are on strike, with the issues including wage parity with employees […]

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June 2010: Which Way Will We Pay?; Health-care public meetings; Public education petition

Which way will we pay for our vital public services? Despite all the media reports and shrill calls for cuts, Alberta does not have a spending problem, it has a […]

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May 2010: Health-care reform; Workplace safety; Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights; Spring/Summer 2010 Union Magazine

Have your say on health-care reform! The Alberta government is hosting 28 “invitation-only” meetings around the province as it plans sweeping changes to the health-care system. Friends of Medicare, supported […]

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April 2010: Auditor General Report on Occupational Health and Safety; Temporary Foreign Workers; Pensions; Phone now to save union jobs

Lives of workers put at risk by government The government’s shocking failure to enforce its own workplace safety laws is putting thousands of workers at risk, according to a new […]

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March 2010: Budget is cutting budget; Alberta women falling behind; Sklar Peppler boycott; Join Together Alberta

Despite all the spin, the recent budget is a cutting budget While the Stelmach government boosted health-care spending and held the line on education spending, in other ministries it was […]

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January 2010: Join Together Alberta; Old Dutch lockout ends; Next Up Alberta

Join Together Alberta – a coalition campaign to save Alberta’s public services. The Join Together Alberta campaign was conceived and launched jointly by a number of Alberta unions and union […]

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October 2009: Attacks on health care; EI failing working people in Alberta; Pension reform; Send Old Dutch a message

Wrong Way! Stelmach vows to proceed with attacks on health care … In his recent televised address to the province, Premier Ed Stelmach vowed to press on with plans for […]

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May 2009: New TFW Report; New Labour Economic Monitor; New safety rules coming; Keep jobs in Canada petition

Entrenching Exploitation: Canada’s Shameful Record on TFWs In its latest report on the working and living conditions of Temporary Foreign Workers, the AFL’s Foreign Worker Advocate reports that things are […]

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