May 2009: Say No to Old Dutch Chips; Keep Energy Jobs in Alberta; Green Jobs; Friends of Medicare Rally

Say No to Old Dutch Chips Rather than bargain fairly, Old Dutch Chips on March 30 locked out 170 workers at its Calgary plant. The workers are simply looking for […]

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March 2009: Rights for farm workers; Health and safety postcard campaign; Project 2012 Booklet; Save the Wheat Board

Rights for Farm Workers! The AFL is joining with UFCW Canada in a campaign to include farm workers in Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Act. The campaign is a result […]

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January 2009: New Labour Economic Monitor; EPCOR privatization; Project 2012 Poster 1

When the Economic Party is Over… Someone has to clean up the mess. The latest Labour Economic Monitor, the AFL’s digest of economic statistics and analysis, is out – and […]

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December 2008: Support new coalition

Let’s Make Parliament Work – Support the New Coalition Stephen Harper has failed. He promised in the election to make the minority government work and to address the economic crisis. […]

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Oct 2008: New government safety ads fall flat; Unions and coops; National boycott of Petro-Canada

New Government Safety Ads Fall Flat New, gory health and safety ads from the Alberta government aimed at young workers strike the wrong chord with workers. The new, web-only, ads […]

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