Fighting for workers rights in Alberta’s agricultural sector – AFL

More than 50,000 Albertans work in the agricultural sector. They account for 2.6 per cent of our workforce — and until this legislation was introduced, they had few legal protections […]

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TPP erodes labour rights – AFL

Deal bad for Canadian workers, great for foreign corporate giants Edmonton – The Trans-Pacific Partnership will erode the labour rights of Canadian workers. The trade deal, whose full text was […]

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2015 #PrenticeBlamesWomen

On International Women’s Day, the Premier of Alberta is framing his election campaign around an attack on women’s hard-earned equality gains Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is marking […]

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Death of 15-year old Worker in Drumheller Tragic Reminder of Alberta’s Unsafe Work Laws

Alberta remains one of the most dangerous places in Canada to work, especially for young workers: AFL Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is responding to Saturday’s death of […]

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Federal budget skills training plan embraced by Alberta business groups

CALGARY – Alberta business groups say a rejigged skills training program included in the most recent federal budget could offer some relief for the province’s tight labour market. Travis Davies […]

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Update: Alberta unions denounce ‘Klein-style cuts’ coming in budget


EDMONTON – In a show of unity, nurses, teachers and labour groups joined Monday to condemn “Klein-style cuts” they say are coming to public services in Thursday’s provincial budget. Premier […]

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Suncor Drug Testing: Energy Giant And Union Local 707 Back In Court


Suncor Energy’s attempt to randomly test thousands of its oilsands workers for drugs and alcohol is back under scrutiny as proceedings began again this week. Arguments are being heard in […]

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Immigration Minister reveals new foreign worker plan


Hoping to quickly close Canada’s growing labour gap of tradespeople, federal Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has unveiled a new plan that would quickly turn skilled foreign workers into permanent Canadian […]

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Who’s cheque-ing who?

Critics say the Lobbyist Act has no teeth Alberta Ethics Commissioner Neil Wilkinson’s 2012 annual report, released November 19, has nothing but enthusiasm for the work of his office and […]

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Happy Labour Day! Push-polls prove it … Canadians hate unions … really, really they do!

Some of my younger readers may not realize this, but when I was a kid growing up in British Columbia in the 1950s, there was a holiday at the end […]

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2005 June Speech OEM Rally

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, June 29, 2005 We’re here today because a crime has been committed. Laws that were supposed to protect workers have been […]

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12-Year Olds Working in Restaurants – Child Labour as the Alberta Advantage?

EDMONTON – As of June 3, 2005, Alberta employers can now legally hire 12, 13 and 14-year olds to work in restaurants, the Alberta Federation of Labour revealed today. In […]

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2005 March Speech Rally in Support of Finning Workers

Kerry Barrett, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, March 2005 We’re here today because you’re company – that company right there – is turning its back on you. Some […]

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