Bill 6 FAQ – AFL

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about Bill 6 – Enhanced Protection of Farm and Ranch Workers Act

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Fighting for workers rights in Alberta’s agricultural sector – AFL

More than 50,000 Albertans work in the agricultural sector. They account for 2.6 per cent of our workforce — and until this legislation was introduced, they had few legal protections […]

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TPP erodes labour rights – AFL

Deal bad for Canadian workers, great for foreign corporate giants Edmonton – The Trans-Pacific Partnership will erode the labour rights of Canadian workers. The trade deal, whose full text was […]

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Court of Queen’s Bench throws out large sections of Alberta’s labour law

Government given one year to fix labour legislation that violates constitution Edmonton –Alberta laws that interfere with the right of public-sector workers to go on strike violate the Canadian Charter […]

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Death of 15-year old Worker in Drumheller Tragic Reminder of Alberta’s Unsafe Work Laws

Alberta remains one of the most dangerous places in Canada to work, especially for young workers: AFL Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is responding to Saturday’s death of […]

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Alberta construction jobs still being given to TFWs at less than half the going rate

“Smoke and mirrors” cleanup of the TFW program allowing good jobs to disappear like magic Edmonton – Good Canadian jobs continue to vanish into thin air as if by magic […]

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Advisory: Problems with TFW program extend beyond food services

AFL reveals hundreds of unlawful TFW permits issued by Minister Kenney EDMONTON – Problems with the Temporary Foreign Worker program are not limited to the food service industry. At a […]

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2000 Submission Prov Standing Policy Committee on Learning: What’s Wrong with Alberta’s Labour Law?

2000 Submission Prov Standing Policy Committee on Learning: What’s Wrong with Alberta’s Labour Law?

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AFL Sounds Alarm on Expansion of Child Labour

Jobs Minister floats suggestion to increase scope of jobs that 12-year-olds can be hired into Edmonton – Alberta’s largest worker organization is asking the province to take the expansion of […]

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Alberta Government breaks promises – and laws – with wage freeze legislation

Edmonton – The Redford wage freeze breaks promises and breaks laws. The legislation, which the government tabled on Wednesday, will ignore the bargaining rights of hundreds of thousands of Albertans […]

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Temporary Foreign Workers shortchanged

Investigations find employers skimming from TFW paycheques EDMONTON – Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs) face a greater risk of being the victims of payroll fraud. Information obtained by the Alberta Federation […]

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Supreme Court ruling a victory for workers’ privacy rights

Decision reaffirms union’s stance against random drug and alcohol testing EDMONTON – Today’s Supreme Court ruling is a major victory in the fight against random and arbitrary privacy violations through […]

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2013 TFW_From Last Resort to First Choice

FROM LAST RESORT TO FIRST CHOICE: How the Temporary Foreign Worker Program is flooding the market, not filling a need During the recession, Alberta lost tens of thousands of jobs. […]

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Businesses being given temporary foreign worker permits regardless of economic need

8,600 jobs lost in 2010, but government approves whopping 22,992 TFW positions Edmonton – Over the past four years, Alberta has brought in thousands more temporary foreign workers (TFWs) than […]

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List of ‘accelerated’ TFW approvals reveals widespread abuse of program

Alberta Federation of Labour calls for inquiry in light of growing evidence of fraud Edmonton, April 9 – A list of fast-tracked temporary foreign worker applications shows that scandals at […]

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FOIP A-2012-00448 SS_ALMOs under the TFW program_2013Feb04

This document, FOIP A-2012-00448 SS_ALMOs under the TFW program_2013Feb04, obtained by the Alberta Federation of Labour through an Access to Information request, lists all approved TFW applications in the first […]

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Will Tories Fix Temp Foreign Worker Program?


Social justice lawyer Fay Faraday says it’s time for Canadians to insist on sweeping reforms of the federal Foreign Temporary Workers Program to protect workers from the kinds of abuses […]

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The Invisibles: Migrant Workers in Canada


Reports of exploited foreign temps have grown as fast as the federal program. First in a series. They hand you a soothing cup of Tim Hortons, pack frozen beef in […]

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Foreign worker program accepting applications


A pilot program that would fast-track the immigration process for trades workers began accepting applications Wednesday is a welcome change for the oilsands, says Oil Sands Developers Group Executive Director […]

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Silence on the Floor


The recent meat recall at XL Foods Inc. in Brooks, Alberta is not wanting in superlatives. It is one of the most massive meat recalls in Canadian history involving one […]

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