Nowhere to go

Letter to the Editor Re: “Still solid,” Letter, Sept. 7. The Merit Contractors Association (Alberta) needs lessons in geography and reality. Geography first. The oilsands are in Alberta – not […]

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Saskatchewan Federation of Labour files in union lawsuit against provincial government

Over the summer months, the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour and 25 additional plaintiffs (SFL et al.) filed their legal argument in the Saskatchewan Court of Queen’s Bench related to the […]

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Minister touched by plight of women who got pregnant hoping to stay in Canada

EDMONTON – Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk has stepped up his push to get permanent status for temporary foreign workers in Alberta after hearing of recent cases of abuse of some […]

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McGowan: Trades workers under attack

Labour Day is a holiday to honour the contributions that workers make every day to the economy and the communities in which they live. It’s supposed to be a day […]

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Alberta workers under attack as province marks Labour Day

Alberta workers are under increasing under fire as the province takes a day off work Monday to celebrate their contribution to our communities and our economy. “The Alberta government has […]

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Construction labour laws face major review: Province seeks changes to reduce costs

The Alberta government is quietly consulting with employers and unions about major changes to the labour laws that cover the province’s massive construction sector. Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk […]

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Minister’s secretive review of labour code fatally flawed: Biased process launched at the whim of lobby group, says AFL

A review of the labour code launched by Alberta employment minister Thomas Lukaszuk is doomed to fail unless the process is changed, says the province’s largest labour group. “The minister […]

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Minister’s silence on farm-worker safety unacceptable, says AFL: Lukaszuk has failed to respond to calls for investigation of farm accidents

Workers on farms and ranches will mark the seventh annual Alberta Farm Worker Day tomorrow still waiting for the Alberta government to end its silence on a call to make […]

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Lukaszuk moves on workplace fairness

Alberta Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk is promising to make workplaces in the province fairer, cracking down on employers who fail to pay fair wages and benefits. Lukaszuk announced […]

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Sticking up for workers

New efforts by the province to stick up for workers who feel they are being treated unfairly by their employers is a welcome step. The province announced this week it […]

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Employment Standards bolsters staffing to address flood of online complaints

EDMONTON – A new online system for workers to report grievances against their employers has worked so well the province has been “flooded” with complaints to investigate, Employment and Immigration […]

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Occupational Health and Safety Policy Paper (2011)

Occupational Health and Safety Policy Paper (April 2011) AFL occupational health and safety policy paper presented to AFL 47th Constitutional Convention, April 28th to May 1, 2011 Negative coverage of […]

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Labour Law Policy Paper (2011)

Labour Law Policy Paper (April 2011) AFL policy paper presented to AFL 47th Constitutional Convention, April 28 to May 1, 2011 Earlier this year, we saw attacks on labour rights […]

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Rights of working children violated, Alberta labour group contends: Most of province’s youngest job holders employed illegally, study says

The Alberta Federation of Labour claims tens of thousands of working Alberta children are having their rights violated. Of an estimated 26,000 children aged 12 to 14 with jobs, 21 […]

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Study finds widespread violations of standards for underage workers in Alberta: More than one in five employed adolescents work in prohibited jobs – survey

Edmonton – There are widespread violations of employment standards for working children and adolescents in Alberta, according to a study by the province’s largest labour group. “Tens of thousands of […]

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Alberta’s Child Labour Laws: The Need for Change

Alberta’s Child Labour Laws: The Need for Change Alberta’s child labour laws are set out in the Employment Standards Code. This law makes it illegal to employ children under 12. […]

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Striking postal workers ordered back to work

Striking workers at the St. Albert Post Office returned to work this morning (Friday) after being ordered to end their wildcat walkout by the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB). The […]

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Postal workers on picket line as dispute flares

Information picket lines have gone up at the Canada Post distribution centre in St. Albert after rural and suburban mail carriers walked off the job. “Our members are furious over […]

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Show us the money

You know you’re getting older when you can recall the minimum wage for Ontario in 1976 was $2.15. But the cost of living back when Disco was the music of […]

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March 2011: Wisconsin protests; forklift safety; Alberta govt failing to collect billions; equality still a dream in Alberta; IAMAW 99 fight against CLAC

Workers’ rights under attack! From Wisconsin to Egypt, from Mexico to Canada, the rights of workers are under attack. The right of public-sector unionized workers to bargain collectively has been […]

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The Machinists need your help in their fight against CLAC!

Nearly seven years ago, Finning announced the closure of its CRC facility in Edmonton. As a result, more than 170 workers with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers […]

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Smart employers will see unions as tools for improving workplace

Few of us would find it easy to terminate an employee. It’s not pleasant to be the one who has to undertake this role — and nor should it be. […]

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January 2011: CEP welcomes new members; New Union Magazine; Victory for IAMAW Lodge 99; NUPGE/CLC commit to examine raiding issue

CEP welcomes new members There were 226 reasons that the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada was celebrating on New Year’s Day. That’s the number of new members it […]

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Two men electrocuted in Edmonton: Grain auger contacted overhead power line

EDMONTON – Two men are dead after farm machinery they were transporting came in contact with an overhead power line Thursday evening. Occupational Health and Safety sent investigators out to […]

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