TPP would open TFW floodgates – AFL

Labour mobility sections of trade deal will put Canadians out of work Calgary – The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will undermine the Canadian labour market, the leader of Alberta’s largest labour […]

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AFL Responds to Provincial Budget – AFL

AFL Responds to Provincial Budget Edmonton – Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan will be available in the legislature rotunda after the provincial budget is tabled. McGowan has been […]

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AFL joins national day of action for the Fight for $15 campaign – AFL

AFL joins national day of action for the Fight for $15 campaign Edmonton – On Friday, April 15, volunteers from the Fight for $15 campaign will be meeting at the […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour Launches Fair Start campaign – AFL

Calls on provincial government to move towards implementing a universal early childhood education and care system in Alberta. Edmonton – At an educational breakfast this morning, dozens of concerned labour […]

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AFL Welcomes Government Review Of Workers’ Compensation In Alberta – AFL

Years of neglect by previous governments have undermined WCB system Edmonton – The recently-announced review of Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation Board is long overdue, says the Alberta Federation of Labour. Today, […]

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Essential Services Legislation Strikes Balance Between Workers’ Rights And Public Safety – AFL

Right to strike restored to many public-sector workers after having been unjustly denied for decades Edmonton – Alberta’s new essential services legislation strikes a reasonable and constructive balance between the […]

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Wildrose critics are “simply wrong” when they say the government’s new negotiator is in a conflict-of-interest, says AFL – AFL

Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan: Edmonton – “The Wildrose Opposition’s comments on the appointment of Kevin Davediuk as the Alberta government’s Chief Advisor on Negotiations are […]

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Strong public services means strong women – AFL

Supporting public services in economic downturn a priority for women on IWD Edmonton – Support for public services is essential in the battle to advance the rights of women, says […]

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Government must put the retirement security of Albertans ahead of CFIB fearmongering – AFL

Expansion of the Canada Pension Plan is the most efficient and effective way to ensure the financial security of Albertans in their old age Edmonton – The Government of Alberta […]

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Workers must be heard in TFWP Review – AFL

Canadians cannot allow business lobbyists to dominate discussion of guest-worker program Edmonton – The Federal Government must listen to working Canadians, not just employers when they review the Temporary Foreign […]

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Right-wing budget proposals would worsen Alberta’s recession – AFL

Independent analysis shows that attempts to balance the budget too quickly would dramatically magnify job losses Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour has released an independent economic analysis showing […]

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Right-wing budget proposals would worsen AB’s recession – AFL

Independent analysis shows that attempts to balance the budget too quickly would dramatically magnify job losses Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is releasing an independent analysis showing the […]

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Whistleblower protection must cover private sector – AFL

Workers should feel safe coming forward about wrongdoing — regardless of who their employer is Edmonton – Whistleblower protection in Alberta should be extended to all workers regardless of whether […]

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Let’s treat late-night workers like they matter – AFL

The province can’t delay working alone legislation Edmonton – An attack on an Edmonton convenience store employee early this morning has renewed calls for safety legislation for late-night workers. Early […]

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AFL calls on PM to fix the gaps in Alberta’s EI system – AFL

Putting money in the pockets of unemployed Albertans is the most powerful economic stimulus. Edmonton – Alberta’s largest worker advocacy organization is calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to broaden […]

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AFL Releases Royalty Research – AFL

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour’s work has been driven by one crucial message: Albertans are the owners of Alberta’s plentiful non-renewable resources and therefore deserve a fair royalty […]

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DATE CHANGE: Labour Federation Releases Royalty Research – AFL

URGENT MEDIA ADVISORY For Immediate Release: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 When: 1:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: This date has been changed from a previous advisory. Monday, February 1, 2016 Where: Amber […]

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Labour Federation Releases Royalty Research – AFL

Media Advisory for Immediate Release Friday, January 22, 2016 When: 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Where: Amber B room Matrix Hotel 10640 – 100 Ave. NW Edmonton Who: AFL […]

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Working retail in the middle of the night needs to be treated as a workplace risk – AFL

Killings of two convenience store workers prompts call for action on late night workplace safety Edmonton – The killings of two workers in south Edmonton last night are a grim […]

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Inequality a root cause of negative anti-women attitudes that lead to violence – AFL

Inequality a root cause of negative anti-women attitudes that lead to violence On 26th Anniversary of Montreal massacre AFL reaffirms commitment to ending violence against women Edmonton – December 6 […]

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Workers mourn agricultural fatalities – AFL

Workers mourn agricultural fatalities Labour representatives commemorate 112 needless deaths since 2009 Edmonton – Labour activists from all over Alberta, and from all sectors of the economy will commemorate the […]

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Bill 6 Is About Workers – AFL

Bill 6 Is About Workers “Debate over workplace law neglects those at the heart of the issue” Edmonton — “This debate should be about a group of workers who have […]

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AFL applauds inclusion of Alberta’s agricultural sector in workplace laws – AFL

“The inclusion of agricultural workers in Alberta’s workplace laws is a victory for all workers” Edmonton – Alberta’s largest labour organization is celebrating the comprehensive inclusion of agricultural workers and […]

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TPP erodes labour rights – AFL

Deal bad for Canadian workers, great for foreign corporate giants Edmonton – The Trans-Pacific Partnership will erode the labour rights of Canadian workers. The trade deal, whose full text was […]

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