AFL congratulates new government – AFL

Canadians rejected Harper’s divisive anti-union anti-Canadian wedge politics Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour offers its congratulations to Canada’s Prime Minister elect Justin Trudeau. The leaders of Alberta’s largest […]

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Statement from the AFL about the Premier’s Advisory Committee on the Economy – AFL

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is pleased and proud that Siobhán Vipond, secretary treasurer and acting president, has been named to the Premier’s Advisory Committee on the Economy. […]

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Temporary Foreign Worker Program Approvals Based on Shoddy Data – AFL

Outdated, Inaccurate and Biased Wage Info Allows Businesses to Drive Down Canadian Wages Edmonton – The wage data used by government officials to determine which Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) […]

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Province Must Crack Down On Wage Theft – AFL

Business Owner Caught on Camera Threatening to Garnish Tips Edmonton – The province must be prepared to act quickly to crack down on bosses who steal their employees’ wages. After […]

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Minimum Wage Increase Long Overdue – AFL

Low-Wage Businesses Need to Calm Down and Stop Fearmongering Edmonton – Alberta’s business lobby should calm down about tomorrow’s increase to the minimum wage. As of tomorrow, Alberta’s lowest-paid workers […]

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Majority of Edmontonians Want Harper Gone … But They May Get Him Anyway – AFL

Riding-by-riding poll conducted by major national polling firm paints grim picture for majority of Edmontonians who want a change of government Edmonton – Polling conducted last week by a major […]

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Workers Must Lift The Silence On Suicide – AFL

Workers Must Lift The Silence On Suicide Colleagues, employers, and work friends all have a role in suicide prevention Edmonton – Suicide prevention is a workplace issue. Across Alberta, more […]

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Report vindicates Albertans who rallied against Redford’s attack on public sector pensions – AFL

Report vindicates Albertans who rallied against Redford’s attack on public sector pensions

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Vast majority of Albertans support workplace protections for agricultural workers – AFL

Despite years of promises, agricultural workers still excluded from provincial health and safety legislation

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Fort McMurray Airport’s TFW Plan Doesn’t Fly with Voters – AFL

Poll released in advance of Airport Board meeting shows Wood Buffalo residents want outsourcing plan grounded

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Norway’s Top Oil Man Urges Canadians To Think Like Owners – AFL

Former Director of Norwegian Petroleum Directorate Rolf Wiborg Addresses AFL Convention

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Election law muzzles advocacy campaign website that calls for corporate tax increases

Better Way Alberta campaign site will be shuttered to comply with law that ‘undermines free speech’ Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour will be forced to shut down its […]

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Court of Queen’s Bench throws out large sections of Alberta’s labour law

Government given one year to fix labour legislation that violates constitution Edmonton –Alberta laws that interfere with the right of public-sector workers to go on strike violate the Canadian Charter […]

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