Controversial new election law should be called the “Jason Kenney Rescue Plan” – AFL


It’s designed to help Kenney save his leadership, wiggle out from RCMP investigation and silence one of his fiercest critics EDMONTON – The UCP gave Bill 81 the innocuous sounding […]

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AFL applauds federal announcement on paid sick leave – AFL


AFL president says it’s now Premier Kenney’s turn to step up and protect Alberta workers EDMONTON – The president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group is applauding today’s announcement confirming […]

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Alberta unions launch digital campaign aimed at raising the alarm about how the UCP’s Bill 81 undermines democracy in Alberta – AFL


Ironically, the campaign is exactly the kind of thing that would be outlawed if Bill 81 passes EDMONTON – Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), […]

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Alberta unions say they will not stand for UCP attempts to “take civil society out of our democracy” – AFL


AFL raises the alarm about the UCP’s authoritarian Bill 81 EDMONTON – The leaders of more than 20 Alberta unions are raising the alarm about the Kenney government’s Bill 81, […]

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Landmark child care deal is an amazing victory for working families and a testament to the power of civil society – AFL


“We should never stop celebrating this victory, nor forget how it was won: through the power of citizens working together in civil society.” The following is a statement from Gil […]

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“Premier Kenney, your authoritarianism is showing.” – AFL


Union leader condemns UCP’s Bill 81 as a “blatant effort to silence workers while magnifying the power of the rich” The following is a statement from Gil McGowan, president of […]

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Unions urge Albertans to join them in demanding paid sick leave for all workers – AFL


Campaign also calls for proper mental health supports for health care workers traumatized by the UCP’s unnecessary fourth wave EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour, Alberta’s largest worker advocacy […]

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New Leg sitting should be about fixing mistakes that led to hundreds of unnecessary COVID deaths, says AFL – AFL


McGowan offers Kenney advice about how to make it up to Albertans EDMONTON – The president of the Alberta Federation of Labour says Premier Jason Kenney and the UCP have […]

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“Just get the damn shot!” – AFL


AFL sends message to anti-vaxxers: mandatory workplace COVID vaccination policies are legal EDMONTON – Alberta’s largest worker group, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), has released a legal opinion stating […]

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Alberta unions support doctors’ call for ‘firebreak’ closures to save collapsing health care system – AFL


The UCP has left us with no choice – but workers need financial support The Executive Council of the Alberta Federation of Labour, representing more than 20 Alberta unions in […]

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“It’s time to call in the military to help our overwhelmed hospitals,” say Alberta health care unions – AFL


“We’ve run out of staff. Kenney’s fourth wave is collapsing the system.” EDMONTON – The leaders of Alberta’s largest health care unions are calling on Premier Jason Kenney to ask […]

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Alberta union leader calls for “Pensions For All” – AFL


All workers should have secure pensions, not just 1/3 of the workforce EDMONTON – On September 16, 2021, AFL President Gil McGowan delivered a stark message and a clear demand […]

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Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan on Premier Kenney’s lack of leadership during the COVID pandemic – AFL


Statement from Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Alberta’s largest labour organization with affiliate unions spanning the province and its industries with more than 170,000 workers. EDMONTON […]

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Anti-vax protesters do NOT speak for Alberta frontline workers – AFL


Statement from AFL president Gil McGowan on anti-vax protests at Alberta hospitals EDMONTON – The following statement was released this morning by Gil McGowan, president of the Alberta Federation of […]

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Alberta unions won’t be fooled by O’Toole’s soothing words on unions – AFL


Conservative Leader O’Toole only wants union votes, but Party is deeply anti-union EDMONTON – Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan sent a letter to Erin O’Toole, reminding him the […]

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EDMONTON – Support Our Students (SOS) Alberta, with support from Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), have released an easy-to-use letter writing tool at for parents and community members to […]

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National Indigenous Peoples Day statement from the Alberta Federation of Labour – AFL

Joint statement from the leaders of Alberta’s largest labour organizations EDMONTON – National Indigenous Peoples Day and National Indigenous History Month offer the opportunity to celebrate the resiliency, beauty and […]

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Unions join Indigenous groups in demanding search for graves at other former residential school sites – AFL

“We cannot let this moment pass without meaningful action.” EDMONTON – Alberta unions are supporting Indigenous leaders and advocates in demanding a thorough search for graves at other former residential […]

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AFL Convention 2021 concludes with the re-election of President Gil McGowan and the election of Karen Kuprys to secretary treasurer – AFL

Alberta’s labour movement wraps ups convention ready to stand up for Alberta EDMONTON – At the 52nd Constitutional Convention of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Gil McGowan was re-elected to […]

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Universities’ pensions move shows folly of UCP’s Bill 22 – AFL

Kenney undermined ability of Alberta’s biggest pensions to get the best deal for workers and retirees EDMONTON – Alberta’s universities’ pensions board pulled funds from Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) […]

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UCP MLAs shut down the Legislature to save themselves, but leave millions of other Albertans unprotected in their workplaces – AFL

AFL demands action to keep people safe in ALL Alberta workplaces, not just the Legislature EDMONTON – The president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group, the Alberta Federation of Labour, […]

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“We won’t be able to get a handle on the third wave until the UCP acknowledges that COVID is being spread in Alberta workplaces” – AFL

On the National Day of Mourning, AFL releases 10-point plan to protect Alberta workers and help end the pandemic EDMONTON – Every year, workers come together on April 28, the […]

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Dreeshen took COVID-19 safety equipment from emergency workers to give to meatpacking plants, documents suggest – AFL

Minister Dreeshen interfered with Alberta’s emergency response while packing plant ran without PPE EDMONTON – Minister Dreeshen’s office interfered with the provincial emergency response to COVID-19 to take personal protective […]

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AFL worried about UCP’s true intentions as Kenney government moves to abolish apprenticeship board – AFL

Bill 67 will give minister unprecedented power – and unions don’t trust him to use it wisely EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is skeptical and worried by the […]

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