UCP government sets up biased panel to attack minimum wage – AFL

In past work-related reviews, the Alberta Federation of Labour was consulted, even under conservative governments EDMONTON – It is clear that the UCP government’s minimum wage ‘expert’ panel announced yesterday […]

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UCP’s youth minimum wage cut regressive, discriminatory and will increase unemployment for 18-24 year-olds – AFL

The UCP government just tabled Bill 2, an attack on workers’ rights which included cutting the minimum wage for people under the age of 18 by $2. Why would the […]

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Working Albertans lose big with Kenney’s Bills 2 and 3 – AFL

Alberta moves to the back of the pack (again) when it comes to workplace rights and protections EDMONTON – The Kenney government’s Bill 2 and proposed Bill 3 are bad […]

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Temporary Foreign Worker Program Approvals Based on Shoddy Data – AFL

Outdated, Inaccurate and Biased Wage Info Allows Businesses to Drive Down Canadian Wages Edmonton – The wage data used by government officials to determine which Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) […]

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Province Must Crack Down On Wage Theft – AFL

Business Owner Caught on Camera Threatening to Garnish Tips Edmonton – The province must be prepared to act quickly to crack down on bosses who steal their employees’ wages. After […]

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Minimum Wage Increase Long Overdue – AFL

Low-Wage Businesses Need to Calm Down and Stop Fearmongering Edmonton – Alberta’s business lobby should calm down about tomorrow’s increase to the minimum wage. As of tomorrow, Alberta’s lowest-paid workers […]

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November 2014: Parkland Conference: People vs. Profiteers; Energy East wrong type of petroleum infrastructure; Immigration – and TFWP – must remain a federal responsibility; did you k…

Urgent Action People versus Profiteers: Demanding justice and equity The Parkland Institute’s Annual Fall Conference will explore why, at a time of remarkable wealth production, the money seems to be […]

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Minimum-wage TFW list shows program undermining Canadian wages

Uncovered documents prove employers using TFW program as a first choice rather than offering a decent wage to Canadians Edmonton – Canadian wages are being undermined by employers who use […]

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2013-ATIP A-2013-00218 TFWs earning 9 75

2013-ATIP A-2013-00218 TFWs earning 9 75 AFL Release Aug. 29: “Minimum-wage TFW list shows program undermining Canadian wages”

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Alberta’s minimum wage remains worst in Canada

Edmonton – The Redford government is raising the minimum wage next week, but Alberta’s lowest-income earners will still be the worst-paid in Canada. As of September 1, the provincial general […]

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Alberta leading race to the bottom

Province’s minimum wage again the lowest in Canada Edmonton – Alberta has reclaimed the dubious distinction of having the worst minimum wage in the country. On Saturday, Dec. 1, the […]

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Two-tier minimum wage system open to abuse by employers

Swiss Chalet case shows how employers can use weak laws to rip-off workers EDMONTON – Alberta’s poorly written minimum wage laws are subject to abuse, says Nancy Furlong, Secretary Treasurer […]

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Alta. minimum wage not a living wage

Advocates of a living wage hit downtown streets Tuesday to hand out $9.40 bills to raise awareness that Alberta’s minimum wage, now the lowest in the country, is not enough. […]

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Higher minimum wage won’t end poverty

In one fell swoop, the Alberta government has managed to ensure the perpetuity of both future minimum wage increases and the controversy over the minimum wage itself. After freezing the […]

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Alberta to increase minimum wage to $9.40 on Sept. 1, booze servers to get less

EDMONTON – Alberta is raising its minimum wage, but too late for students working summer jobs who will be returning to school this fall. The general minimum wage will rise […]

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Minimum-wage raise welcomed, but program seriously flawed, says AFL: Further delay in implementing raises is ‘mean spirited,’ says Gil McGowan

Today’s announcement that minimum-wage levels in the province are going up has been welcomed by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), but the labour organization has serious concerns over details […]

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Raising minimum wage a dilemna

The Alberta Federation of Labour thinks the province’s minimum wage is too low, and it wants Alberta Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk to do something about that before he […]

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Message to Minister Lukaszuk: Raise minimum wage before you resign to seek Tory leadership

Minmum wage should be raised now, before thousands of high school students get summer jobs, says McGowan EDMONTON – Before he steps down to pursue the leadership of the PC […]

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Show us the money

You know you’re getting older when you can recall the minimum wage for Ontario in 1976 was $2.15. But the cost of living back when Disco was the music of […]

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2010 Jun Submission to Standing Committee on the Economy: Minimum Wage Review

2010 Jun Submission to Standing Committee on the Economy: Minimum Wage Review

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2010 Jun Speaking Notes – Presentation to Alberta Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on the Economy – Minimum Wage

Good afternoon. My name is Gil McGowan and I’m president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. As most of you know, the AFL is Alberta’s largest labour organization, representing 29 […]

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Minimum wage to remain the same

The Minister of Employment and Immigration Thomas Lukaszuk announced recently that minimum wage in the province would remain at $8.80 per hour, dismantling a system of wage increase less than […]

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Minimum wage freeze unfair: AFL

While the provincial government is lauding its decision to freeze minimum wage, one labour group claims the government is playing politics with the wages of low income earners. The province […]

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