Alberta spin-doctoring impact of oilsands, says labour boss: Government not ‘putting its money where its mouth is’

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour says spending on public-sector monitoring of the environment has dropped precipitously in the years that investment in oilsands developments has rocketed. Their analysis […]

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Alberta Environment’s Monitoring Budgets Plummet − Public Relations Spending Skyrockets

AFL analysis shows Alberta government’s real priorities − calls for public investment in environmental monitoring and enforcement Edmonton – The Alberta government decimated program spending on environmental enforcement, compliance, and […]

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Province sees low long-term natural gas prices

Alberta could be facing an extended period of low natural gas prices that will have an adverse effect on the province’s finances for the foreseeable future, Finance Minister Ted Morton […]

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Stelmach policies export jobs along with bitumen out of province: Premier not acting in best interests of Albertans

While other politicians have been using the first few weeks of summer to hit the barbecue circuit, Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach has been engaged in a much more solitary pursuit: […]

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Refine it where we mine it

“Refine it Where We Mine it”, a public campaign advocating for more Alberta upgraders, is pushing the province to process more Alberta oil here at home. The partnership of municipalities […]

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Let’s face it – Alberta has a problem, a revenue problem: It’s time for a grown-up conversation about how to fix the province’s broken revenue system

The Alberta government’s revenue model is broken and the time has come to talk about how to fix it, says Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) president Gil McGowan. Yes, that […]

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Which Way Will We Pay?

Which Way Will We Pay? It’s time for a grown-up conversation about Alberta’s revenue problem – and how we fund vital public services Too often the budget dialogue in Alberta […]

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Stelmach Tories bet on long-term with North West upgrader announcement: Current markets see more bitumen exported

The Stelmach government is forging ahead with an upgrader partnership designed to process more oilsands in Alberta at a time when market forces are working against their goal and the […]

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Stelmach’s Tories face gooey problem as more bitumen upgrading leaves Alberta

The amount of oilsands bitumen being upgraded in Alberta continues to sink — leaving the government well short of its target — with Syncrude the latest in a growing number […]

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Suncor asset sale a sign of permanent structural shift in gas patch

CALGARY – Suncor’s decision this week to unwind its natural-gas business points to what could be a permanent structural shift that highlights the decreasing competitiveness of Alberta’s natural gas patch, […]

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Suncor cuts shine light on weakness of Alberta gas

CALGARY- Suncor’s decision to unwind its natural gas business points to what could be a permanent structural shift that highlights the decreasing competitiveness of Alberta’s natural gas patch, observers said […]

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Stelmach policy hurts upgrading

Polls have consistently shown that Albertans want to keep valuable oilsands upgrading and refining jobs in the province instead of shipping them down a pipeline to processing facilities in the […]

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Alberta government extends bitumen royalty in kind program by two years

CALGARY _ If anyone wants to see Alberta´s oilsands upgrading industry get a boost from the government as quickly as possible, it´s businesses in Alberta´s industrial heartland, just outside Edmonton. […]

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Alberta Premier to reveal budget plans over airwaves: Stelmach’s pre-taped speech will address strategy for balancing finances in timely fashion and touch on health care and seniors

Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach will take to the airwaves this week to deliver a plan to return the ailing province to a balanced budget in a “reasonable period of time.” […]

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Alberta’s oil hangover

In Fort McMurray, it’s been a bad year for the cocaine and snowmobile dealers but boom times for the repo companies; thousands of oil sands workers are returning to places […]

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Coalition files lawsuit over Enbridge pipeline

True to their word, an environmental coalition has filed suit in California challenging the recent U.S. presidential permit granted to a controversial pipeline running from Alberta across the Canada-U.S. border […]

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China welcomed to oilsands; No upgrader plans in Asian country’s $1.9B investment

The decision by China’s government-controlled PetroChina to spend $1.9 billion on two undeveloped oilsands projects owned by Athabasca Oil Sands Corp. is being lauded as a vote of confidence in […]

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Suncor CEO plans speedy streamlining

CALGARY – Suncor expects to move quickly to complete its merger with Petro-Canada and trim overlap between the two companies, its newly minted CEO said Tuesday. That includes addressing the […]

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Skilled immigrants squeezed out for temporary workers: Record number of short-term workers given permits to fill shortages last year, study finds

Canada is still bringing in temporary foreign workers at a near-record pace despite the recession, but a new study argues our immigration policy’s increasing focus on filling jobs will hamper […]

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