Labour Economic Monitor (December 2008)

Labour Economic Monitor (December 2008) The May 2007 issue of Labour Economic Monitor compared a booming economy to a party, where some of the guests have a bit too much […]

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Plunging oil prices to have spillover effects onto rest of Canada

CALGARY – The effects of plunging oil prices on Alberta’s once red hot economy will stretch well beyond the oil laden province’s boundaries, touching everything from Ontario steel pipe producers […]

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Labour groups critical of Harper’s oilsands comments

Recent election promises by Conservative Leader Stephen Harper focusing on oilsands irritated two labour groups fighting for Canadian job, and energy, security. Both the national Communications, Energy and Paperworkers (CEP) […]

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Backhoe operator drowns at Alberta oil sands project site

FORT MCMURRAY, Alta (Canadan OH&S News) — A backhoe operator has drowned in an accident on September 3 at a tailings pond at Canadian Natural Resources Ltd’s (CNRL) Horizon Oil […]

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Keystone Project No Threat To Upgrading Jobs: NEB

In approving the Keystone pipeline expansion, the National Energy Board (NEB) was not persuaded the project would threaten potential upgrading jobs in Alberta, the board ruled in a 98-page decision. […]

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NEB Approves Keystone Cushing Expansion

The National Energy Board has approved the TransCanada Keystone Pipeline GP Ltd. Cushing application to expand the Canadian portion of the Keystone pipeline. The expanded facilities will allow Keystone to […]

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West guards energy riches: Stelmach warns premiers off cash grab

The premiers of Alberta and Saskatchewan scuttled notions of a national cap-and-trade program Wednesday, warning other provincial and territorial heads they consider it a thinly-disguised attempt to siphon their provinces’ […]

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NAFTA bumps into Albertas upgrader plans; Trade deal would prohibit the province from reducing the flow of bitumen to the United States once it starts

EDMONTON – Eighteen months ago, Premier Ed Stelmach — the man who said shipping oilsands bitumen south was like selling off the topsoil — asked his energy minister to develop […]

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Oilsands pipelines to the US blasted

The president of a national union was “shocked” and “dismayed” this morning to learn of the federal government’s approval of two pipelines via a phone call from Today. A further […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (May 2008)

Labour Economic Monitor (May 2008) These are odd times in Alberta. With oil prices on the spot market topping $130/barrel and natural gas prices on the uptrend, you’d expect the […]

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CEP tackles crude oil shipments

The national Communications, Energy and Paperworkers (CEP) Union will be on Parliament Hill Tuesday morning welcoming returning MPs with national energy security concerns. Enbridge’s Clipper and TransCanada’s Southern Lights pipelines […]

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Black Gold, Clear Vision: A Proposed Policy Framework for the Alberta Oil Sands

Black Gold, Clear Vision: A Proposed Policy Framework for the Alberta Oil Sands (Spring 2008) The AFL believes that Albertans need to be clear about where we want to go […]

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Alberta could open gas stations in U.S., report says

The provincial government should consider taking oilsands products directly to U.S. consumers, and perhaps set up its own line of gas stations south of the border, the Alberta Federation of […]

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Labour leader urges voters to choose hope over fear when it comes to the oil sands

In the final days of the provincial election campaign, Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan is urging Alberta voters to “choose hope over fear” when it comes to development […]

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Ed Stelmach’s refusal to act on the key issues of exporting bitumen and slowing the pace of development in the oil sands proves Tories have no real plan for managing the engine of Alberta…

If Albertans want to see what a real plan for the oil sands look like, AFL invites them to attend Black Gold, Clear Vision forums Whether it’s because he’s been […]

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Deal to pipe bitumen to USA generates criticism

Many are criticizing Premier Stelmach after a deal to pipe more bitumen to the US was approved by the National Energy Board. Enbridge now has approval to begin construction on […]

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Tory leader panned over pipeline; More bitumen headed to U.S.

HINTON – Conservative Leader Ed Stelmach was criticized Saturday for failing to stem the flow of bitumen to the United States after regulatory approval was given to a pipeline project […]

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Approval of second massive bitumen highway to the U.S. proves Ed Stelmach is misleading Albertans when he promises to keep oil sands jobs in Alberta

EDMONTON-Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach got some help from the National Energy Board (NEB) yesterday when they decided to quietly release their approval of the controversial Alberta Clipper super pipeline late […]

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Southern Lights pipeline approval slammed by unions

The approval of a groundbreaking pipeline to take diluent from the U.S. to Alberta is being slammed by critics who also blame the provincial government for standing on the sidelines, […]

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Pipeline approval highlights need for clear plan to keep oil sands jobs in Alberta, says AFL

EDMONTON – Yesterday’s National Energy Board’s (NEB) approval of Enbridge’s Southern Lights pipeline highlights the need for a clear plan to keep oil sands jobs in Alberta, says the president […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (February 2008)

Labour Economic Monitor (February 2008) These are turbulent times in the economic world, and tumbling stock markets are just a symptom of a much greater malaise. The so-called “sub-prime mortgage […]

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Alberta Clipper Pipeline Will Create Only Two Permanent Jobs in Alberta – Versus the Thousands That Will Be Created in U.S. as They Refine Alberta Oil Sands

CALGARY-The proposed Alberta Clipper Pipeline is expected to create only two full-time permanent jobs in the province, admitted Enbridge Pipeline’s executive under cross examination in front of the National Energy […]

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Stop Building Bitumen Highways to the U.S.

CALGARY – Starting today and continuing tomorrow, lawyers representing the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) will grill executives from Enbridge Pipelines on their plans to build yet another massive “bitumen […]

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No need to be sucked in by Big Oil’s Big Jobs Scare

If anyone is “over the barrel” at the bargaining table, it’s Big Oil, not Albertans I agree and would add that the Premier should also start thinking like a negotiator. […]

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