It’s Big Oil ‘over the barrel’ in bargaining

As the clock ticks down towards Premier Ed Stelmach’s pivotal announcement on energy royalties, many groups and individuals have been urging the government to heed former premier Peter Lougheed’s advice […]

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Federation organizes royalty rally in Ft. McMurray so workers in Alberta’s oil sands heartland can speak for themselves

AFL dismisses so-called “grassroots” event at Legislature as “a gathering for small business bosses who’ve bought into Big Oil’s scare tactics” EDMONTON-If you want to know what rank-and-file oil industry […]

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Implementation of full royalty report even more pressing in light of today’s NEB decision to approve

Without safeguards, Keystone pipeline will act as a spigot draining thousands of potential value-added jobs out of Alberta says McGowan If Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach was looking for another good […]

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No need for workers to apologize for growing wage demands

This Labour Day, wage-earning Albertans should resolve to grab a bigger piece of our province’s economic pie, says union leader It was only a matter of time. Whenever the economy […]

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Energy plans stoke labour crisis; Mega-projects need 40,000 workers

The announcement of $40 billion worth of new energy industry projects in the past two weeks, including Shell Canada’s plans to spend $27 billion to construct a massive oilsands processing […]

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Oilpatch risks turn from value creation to value destruction; Comment; Everybody Wants A Bigger Cut Of The Booming Industry

For the first time in a generation, Alberta is facing a general strike within its construction trades that threatens to disrupt its booming oilsands industry and is introducing a new […]

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Horizon faces test if oilsands strike; Project On Schedule; Questions Remain Whether Canadian Natural Immune

CALGARY – A controversial labour strategy used by Canadian Natural Resource Ltd. to build its oilsands mega-project could be put to the test later this month if 30,000-plus unionized construction […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (August 2007)

Labour Economic Monitor (August 2007) Inflation Alert: Inflation in Alberta is seriously out of control. In June the Consumer Price Index for Alberta was 6.3% higher than one year ago. […]

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‘Burning issue’ not resolved; Oilsands Report

The biggest surprise coming out of the provincial Oil Sands Consultation – Multistakeholder Committee Final Report is that the diverse panel reached consensus on 96 of the 120 recommendations. “There […]

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Oilsands construction unions vote to strike; ‘Historic’ walkout as early as next week would be first under tough Alberta law

CALGARY — Five oilsands construction unions have voted overwhelmingly to strike, in a move that could halt work at oil-sands projects in Fort McMurray, Alta., as early as next week. […]

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Agreement hopes to clarify foreign worker program

The temporary foreign worker program is perhaps the most contentious labour issue in the oilsands but a new provincial and federal government agreement is expected to clarify its parameters. “We’ll […]

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Stop work order lifted

A union leader says the province has quietly lifted a stop work order imposed on an oilsands tank construction site in northern Alberta after two workers died. Gil McGowan, president […]

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New bid to attract workers to Alberta

Help may soon be on the way for the province’s growing energy sector in the form of a collaborative approach addressing labour shortages. A Workforce Strategy for Alberta’s Energy Sector, […]

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Alberta falling short 100,000 workers; Labour crunch jeopardizes mega projects

Alberta faces a potentially crippling shortage of workers that could stall development of multi-billion-dollar oilsands projects and the economy at large, government and industry officials said Tuesday. Government forecasts say […]

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Alberta develops energy industry work force plan

Alberta yesterday published a new “work force strategy” to attract more workers to the province’s booming energy industry. The project, which involved industry, proposed 46 ideas to recruit, retain and […]

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Strategy Aims To Stem Alberta’s Worker Shortfall

A worker shortfall in the energy industry could stall Alberta’s motoring economy, although government and industry representatives outlined plans Tuesday to grapple with the problem. Officials unveiled a 10-year workforce […]

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Keystone pipeline capacity raised by 35%; Expansion driven by new contracts

Keystone pipeline to the United States by 35 per cent, citing strong support from Canadian oilsands producers. The pipeline will be capable of carrying 590,000 barrels per day (bpd) to […]

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Alta. too hands-off on energy approvals

Many Albertans get prickly at the prospect of oilsands bitumen flowing to the U.S. for refining. And rightly so — for how can the province make most of its finite […]

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Labour leader urges NEB to stop energy companies from “sending Alberta jobs down the pipeline”

CALGARY – If approval is granted to the proposed Keystone mega-pipeline, literally thousands of potential Alberta jobs in upgraders and refineries will be lost and Alberta will miss out on […]

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National Energy Board rules against labour motion to subpoena witnesses from Big Oil

CALGARY – Under heavy cross-examination from union lawyers, the man in charge of the proposed Keystone mega-pipeline admitted he doesn’t really know how much raw bitumen from Alberta will be […]

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Labour groups lead charge to keep value-added jobs in Alberta

NEB Hearings on pipeline to move unrefined oilsands to U.S. begin CALGARY – Hearings begin this week before the National Energy Board in Calgary to determine whether or not the […]

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Alberta Government Should Consider Taking Equity Position In Oil Sands Projects, AFL Tells Royalty Panel

If major oil companies balk at paying higher royalty rates on oil sands projects, then the Alberta government should consider developing the resource themselves by working in equity partnerships with […]

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Anatomy of a Boom (2007)

Anatomy of a Boom (May 2007) Policy paper adopted at AFL 45th Constitutional Convention, May 10 – 13, 2007

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Labour Economic Monitor (May 2007)

Labour Economic Monitor (May 2007) In fact, the 2007 Budget demonstrates clearly that the government has no idea of how to proceed. The basic economic strategy remains unchanged: sell off […]

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