Government warned to control development

[Calgary] “The Stelmach government must act now to control the pace of development,” says AFL President Gil McGowan. “The province is already paying too great a price for their past […]

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Labour wants Keystone pipeline put on hold

[Edmonton] In a submission to the National Energy Board (NEB) on April 13, 2007, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) argues that the Keystone pipeline project that is currently before […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (February 2007)

Labour Economic Monitor (February 2007) After over a decade of almost uninterrupted growth, Alberta is now entering the fifth year of an economic boom. Despite the mismanagement of the Klein […]

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Big chair, big decisions: Time for Stelmach to decide whose side he’s on – Alberta workers or global oil companies

I honestly didn’t want to start criticizing Ed Stelmach before his official swearing-in ceremony on December 15. Just common courtesy, I told myself. Give the guy at least a day […]

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Why No Labour on Oilsands Multi-Stakeholder Committee?

The AFL responded today to the announcement of a Multi-stakeholder Committee to examine oilsands development by questioning why labour is the only stakeholder group left off the 19-member committee. “This […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (Summer 2006)

Labour Economic Monitor (Summer 2006) The following report is intended to give trade unionists reliable, current information on the provincial economy. The data is drawn from government sources, including Statistics […]

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2006 June Speech Canadian Institute’s Resource Industry

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, June 13, 2006 Sometimes life proceeds as expected – sometimes you get thrown a curve ball Getting an invitation to speak […]

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Government and business Reaping What They Have Sown in Over-heated Labour Market

CALGARY – Unreasonably low royalty rates and years of under-investment in trades training have combined to create the tight labour market that so many Alberta business leaders and politicians are […]

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Real Issue is union-busting, not racism

When it comes to public debates, one of the oldest tricks in the book is to attack your opponent’s character and question his motives. If you can successfully paint the […]

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Government cooperated with developer to cut union workers out of Horizon mega-project

EDMONTON-Documents recently filed with the Court of Queen’s Bench in Edmonton show that the provincial cabinet used its power to over-ride existing labour law in a bid to help a […]

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Oilsands Project to Import Chinese Workers – May Breach Rules Regarding Foreign Workers

EDMONTON-Documents released by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) and Alberta Building Trades Council (ABTC) show that Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL), the lead partner in the Horizon oil sands […]

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“Fair Share Now!!!” Say Fort McMurray Workers

Hundreds of Fort McMurray workers are expected to rally tonight to send a message to the Conservative government and to Oilsands Companies that the boom in Alberta needs to be […]

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What’s all the fuss about foreign workers?

Three Issues Intertwine to Create Powderkeg in Fort McMurray In recent weeks, Albertans’ TV screens and newspapers have flickered with trades workers rallying, marching and protesting against “foreign workers” in […]

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Horizon Oil Sands Project (2005)

Horizon Oil Sands Project (May 2005) Policy paper adopted at AFL 44th Constitutional Convention, May 12 – 15, 2005

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Government over-reacts to revenue decline

EDMONTON – The provincial government’s decision to cut infrastructure spending and impose a public-sector hiring freeze is hard to justify in light of the rosy financial figures released today, says […]

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Tories giving away oil and gas at “bargain basement prices,” says AFL

Deep cuts to health care, education and other services would have not been necessary if Klein had been a better steward of Alberta’s petroleum resources EDMONTON – Premier Ralph Klein […]

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