Royalties and upgrading: Two words that politicians dare not utter

In the Harry Potter stories, characters are too afraid to utter the name of the villain, Voldemort. Something similar appears to be happening in the Alberta election when it comes […]

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Conservative, Wildrose leaders jockey for support of oil industry

Two of Alberta’s main contenders for political power are fighting for the support of the province’s massive energy industry as they prepare to battle it out in a provincial election […]

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The management of Alberta’s 171 billion barrels of proven oil reserves will be a major election issue, with political parties at odds about everything from upgrading to pipelines to environmental […]

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Labour federation says energy companies made millions exploiting government loophole

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour says energy companies exploited a loophole in the province’s drilling stimulus programs, forcing the province to spend about $2.9 billion, more than double […]

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Alberta’s woes: too many jobs, not enough people to fill them

EDMONTON – With an unemployment rate of 4.9 percent, Alberta currently fares better than any other Canadian province. But despite being fairly insulated from the economic turmoil plaguing the rest […]

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Expanding TFW program an attack on workers, says labour group

A reasonable pace of oil-sands development would mean more jobs for Albertans, says AFL Calls to expand the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) program in Alberta are a move to unfairly […]

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Labour crunch threatens Alberta’s growth, groups warn

Coalition calls for changes that would bring more workers into the province ahead of an anticipated shortage EDMONTON – An alliance of 19 Alberta business organizations called on the federal […]

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Conservative decision on upgrader reveals real priority is shipping raw bitumen

Tories acting to benefit pipeline companies and foreign oil interests, says AFL The Conservative government’s withdrawal of support for an upgrader clearly shows its priority is exporting raw bitumen instead […]

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Wildrose Alliance’s really wild idea

Wildrose agrees with the Alberta Federation of Labour and the New Democrats VANCOUVER, Feb. 24, 2012/ Troy Media/ – In an early February announcement with a local candidate near Edmonton, […]

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Our oil interests not well protected

Chinese deals make Canada seem like junior partner According to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, his recent trip to China was about advancing and protecting the “national interest.” But after taking […]

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Proposed pipeline to have no effect on gas prices

The public debate surrounding Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway oil pipeline has suddenly veered off in a new direction, powered by economic nationalists and the suggestion that rather than exporting oil […]

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The Sinopec File

Pollution, bribes, more. Nikiforuk pries open the record of China’s oil giant, business partner for Northern Gateway pipeline. Sinopec, Enbridge’s Chinese business partner for the Northern Gateway Project, has a […]

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Enbridge pipeline bad for the economy

The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline will deliver an inflationary oil price “shock” to Canadians of US$2 to $3 per barrel “every year for 30 years,” a B.C. economist predicts. Robyn […]

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Budget 2012: Tax and Royalty Giveaways

“No honest conversation with Albertans on Revenues in Budget 2012” – McGowan Edmonton – Alberta cannot hope to have great health and education services and fewer deficits without ending corporate […]

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Report warns of Gateway pipeline ‘price shock’

A new report says the Northern Gateway pipeline will boost crude oil prices $2 to $3 per barrel annually over the next 30 years, causing significant damage to consumers, businesses […]

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Economist Calls Gateway Pipeline an Inflationary ‘Threat’

Former CEO of ICBC concludes project ‘is neither needed nor in public interest.’ A highly respected Canadian economist says the controversial Northern Gateway Project “poses a serious threat” to Canada’s […]

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Northern Gateway Would Hurt Economy, Study Says

A study endorsed by opponents of the Northern Gateway pipeline proposed by Calgary-based Enbridge says it would cause an oil “price shock” to Canada’s economy. The economic assessment was done […]

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Oh, those ‘radicals’!

Today the HarperCons stepped into the [cesspool / polluted waters] tar sands issue to announce a water monitoring project which will take 3 years and $50 million to fully implement. […]

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Koch Denies Having Interest in Keystone Implementation

Disagreements on the Keystone Pipeline continue in Congress as Republicans insist that the project move forward. The House Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing Friday on a bill […]

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February 2012: Beyond Acute Care Conference; Better Way Alberta campaign; farm workers safety; health care; Burns Lake blast; 2012 Centennial

Register now to see Ralph Nader and Maude Barlow at conference on health care It’s time that seniors and those with disabilities were covered by the medicare umbrella. World-renowned consumer-rights […]

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Northern Gateway pipeline will hurt consumers and harm Canada’s already weakened manufacturing sector

CEO and labour leader agree: Canada should upgrade bitumen rather than send value-added jobs to China and U.S. Building a pipeline to send millions of barrels of raw bitumen from […]

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Northern Gateway would hurt economy, study says

Pipeline project would boost price of oil in Canada A study endorsed by opponents of the Northern Gateway pipeline proposed by Calgary-based Enbridge says it would cause an oil “price […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour opposes Northern Gateway pipeline, wants refining jobs in Canada

The Alberta Federation of Labour is opposing construction of the Northern Gateway pipeline from the Alberta oilsands to Kitimat, British Columbia on the grounds that the construction jobs would only […]

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