AFL Response to “Hooray for C-377”

Letter in response to “Hooray for C-377” In response to Lorne Gunter’s column on Saturday, Dec. 15 Unions are some of the most democratic and accountable organizations in Canada. Union […]

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Protect farm workers

Re: “Voluntary safety rules for farms ineffective, experts say,” Sept. 18. It is hard to describe how disheartening, how damaging, how dreadful it must be for farm workers and their […]

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McGowan: Harper’s gift on Labour Day – wage suppression

This Labour Day, working Albertans have a lot to be thankful for. We have the highest wages, the best job prospects and the highest standard of living in Canada. So, […]

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Beware of low-wage agenda

This Labour Day, working Albertans have a lot to be thankful for. We have the highest wages, the best job prospects and the highest standard of living in Canada. Life […]

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Federation Presidents: Premiers should fight back against Ottawa’s low-wage schemes

It has become clear that the federal government, supported by a number of employer organizations, has a plan for transforming Canada’s labour market in ways that will profoundly hurt Canadians. […]

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Royalties and upgrading: Two words that politicians dare not utter

In the Harry Potter stories, characters are too afraid to utter the name of the villain, Voldemort. Something similar appears to be happening in the Alberta election when it comes […]

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The end of the Occupy camp saddens at least one Calgarian

The Occupy Calgary Movement has been legally evicted by the city. Whether the justification of the verdict is the invalidity of the protesters’ cause, the cleanliness and accessibility of Olympic […]

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McGowan: Trades workers under attack

Labour Day is a holiday to honour the contributions that workers make every day to the economy and the communities in which they live. It’s supposed to be a day […]

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A true national energy strategy has to be about more than building bitumen export pipelines

As energy ministers from around the country gather in Kananaskis this week, it’s starting to look like the Alberta government is engaging in an old-fashioned game of bait and switch. […]

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Ongoing funding cuts to core services a cry for revenue reform

People such as Premier Ed Stelmach and Education Minister Dave Hancock want Albertans to believe that these are tough times. They want us to believe that the recession has left […]

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Include farm workers

Re: “Justice for firefighters,” Editorial, May 12. The Alberta Federation of Labour welcomes the news that Alberta will extend Workers’ Compensation Board coverage to include volunteer firefighters. These courageous people […]

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Farm workers deserve same

Re: “WCB to cover volunteer firefighters who get cancer on job; Bill provides same benefits as full-timers get,” The Journal, May 11. The Alberta Federation of Labour welcomes the news […]

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Unions ‘stand on guard’ for middle class

All eyes are on the Middle East as a wave of popular uprisings sweeps dictators from power. But there’s another battle brewing closer to home that has more significance for […]

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Civil servant wages not to blame for deficit

Re: “Want to enjoy great wages and job security?” by Barbara Yaffe, Feb. 22. Yaffe quotes former Reform MP Herb Grubel, who wants to deprive public servants of the right […]

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Price of tax cuts

Re: “Want to make money? Try public service,” Barbara Yaffe, Opinion, Feb. 20, and “Civil servants paid too much,” Editorial, Feb. 22. Yaffe quotes former Reform MP Herb Grubel, who […]

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Finding hope in a hockey rink: Project aims to improve life for the Lubicon Cree

Here’s one for the books — unions, employers and human-rights activists working together on a project to improve the lives of a forgotten First Nations community in Alberta. These seemingly […]

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Smart employers will see unions as tools for improving workplace

Few of us would find it easy to terminate an employee. It’s not pleasant to be the one who has to undertake this role — and nor should it be. […]

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Plea to finance ministers: Don’t derail needed CPP reform

This Sunday and Monday, Alberta will be centre stage at what has the potential to become a key moment in Canadian history. Finance ministers from across the country will gather […]

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Dear Canada: Don’t surrender on CPP reform: Finance ministers must stand up to pressure from Alberta, Ottawa

On Sunday and Monday, Alberta will be centre stage at what has the potential to become a key moment in Canadian history. Finance ministers from across the country will gather […]

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Tweak in Alberta’s tax rate could stop $2B giveaway

Labour Day has marked the contribution of the labour movement to Canadian society for almost as long as there has been a Canada. Thanks to pressure from unions and others, […]

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Stelmach policies export jobs along with bitumen out of province: Premier not acting in best interests of Albertans

While other politicians have been using the first few weeks of summer to hit the barbecue circuit, Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach has been engaged in a much more solitary pursuit: […]

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Don’t blame unions for G20 chaos: I’m sure Duhaime would prefer that people who disagree with public policy stay home and shut up

It’s hard to know where to begin in pointing out the flaws – or outright misleading propaganda – in Eric Duhaime’s July 7 column blaming unions for the G20 “mess.” […]

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Whitewashing Alberta’s workplace safety record

On April 28, workers around the world participated in the International Day of Mourning — a day set aside to remember the multitude of people killed or injured at work […]

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Decline in workplace deaths no cause for complacency: Fewer injuries in 2009 reflect the fact that fewer Albertans are working, not tougher government regulations

On April 28, workers around the world participated in the International Day of Mourning — a day set aside to remember the multitude of people killed or injured at work […]

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