Pension report shows resilience of well-managed defined-benefit plans – AFL

LAPP’s 97 per cent funding level repudiates Tory fearmongering about impending financial collapse Edmonton – Alberta’s Local Authorities Pension Plan has hit 97 per cent funding just two years after […]

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Government must put the retirement security of Albertans ahead of CFIB fearmongering – AFL

Expansion of the Canada Pension Plan is the most efficient and effective way to ensure the financial security of Albertans in their old age Edmonton – The Government of Alberta […]

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LCOP MEDIA ADVISORY: Labour leaders at legislature to show opposition to pension bills

EDMONTON – Despite months of protests, and despite all opposition parties uniting against the proposals, the Government is moving forward on controversial public‐sector pension legislation today. The union leaders representing […]

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2014 Alberta Labour Coalition on Pensions Updated Leaflet

The Government is gutting the pension you paid for. Updated Information as of February 24, 2014 Updated Leaflet – Alberta Labour Coalition on Pensions Take action at

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Frontline public employees rally today against imposed cuts to modest pensions

Frontline public employees are rallying today at multiple locations throughout Alberta to defend their modest pensions against imposed cuts to their retirement savings unilaterally introduced by the Redford Government. “Nobody […]

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Stand Up for Your Pension Rallies Speech by Gil McGowan, AFL President March 20th – Day of Action

Speech by Gil McGowan, AFL President March 20th – Day of Action There are hundreds of people here today – but you’re not alone. As we speak, thousands of public-sector […]

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MEDIA ADVISORY: Government fudging numbers on pension liability

Analysis shows unfunded liability getting smaller by about $1 billion EDMONTON – Alberta’s public-sector pension plans are getting healthier, despite what Finance Minister Doug Horner claims. Analysis by independent actuarial […]

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Redford government fudging pension numbers

New analysis reveals truth about Alberta’s shrinking pension liability EDMONTON – The unfunded liability of Alberta’s public-sector pension plans is already a billion dollars smaller than Finance Minister Doug Horner […]

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Alberta budget based on lies

Government puts itself on “collision course” with workers Edmonton – Today’s provincial budget is a flawed document designed around false economies and myths about public-sector workers. During his budget speech, […]

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Action Alert: Rally at the Leg for Pension Fairness

Rally at the Leg to defend pensions The Redford Government has proposed costly and irresponsible changes to your pension plan. Make your voice heard on the first day of the […]

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Labour Coalition: Alison Redford awarded ‘Political Oscar’ for promise-breaking performance

EDMONTON – Alberta Premier Alison Redford was named the winner of a “Political Academy Award” this afternoon for her remarkable promise-breaking performance persuading so many Albertans she would fight to […]

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Labour Coalition Advisory:Three promise-breaking Redford performances nominated for political “Oscar”

What: “Oscar” ceremony for political performances at public employees’ rally When: 2 p.m., Sunday, March 2, 2014 Where: Churchill Square, downtown Edmonton Why: To award the “Political Academy Award” for […]

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Action Alert: Rally for Retirement Fairness on March 2

RALLY FOR RETIREMENT FAIRNESS2:00 PM, SUNDAY, MARCH 2FIGHT FOR THE PENSION YOU PAID FOR! The Redford government is trying to dictate pension plan changes without negotiation. If this goes ahead, […]

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Release: Redford leaves workers and pensioners out in the cold

Government meets behind closed doors while making decisions about worker-funded pensions without negotiation Edmonton – The elected leaders of some of Alberta’s largest unions staged a mock negotiating session in […]

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Thousands of Albertans learn how much pension changes will cost them

Online calculator at shows impact of destructive pension proposals Edmonton – Public-sector workers all over Alberta are learning how much the Redford government’s pension proposals could cost them. In […]

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