Alberta needs pension reform: AFL Report says more than half of senior families have no pension

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour says the provincial government needs to get on board with Canadian Pension Plan reform or get out of the way. In a report […]

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AFL wants CPP expansion

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is calling the Alberta government out on its stance against an enhanced Canada Pension Plan (CPP). In a report released on November 16 by […]

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2010 Nov Speaking Notes – Launch of REAL Pension Reform Campaign

Launch of AFL Real Pension Reform Campaign November 16, 2010 Matrix Hotel, Edmonton, Alberta Good morning and welcome. We’ve invited you here today because a crisis is looming: a crisis […]

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Hey Ted, Albertans want REAL pension reform: Labour groups urge Alberta Tories to stop standing in the way of CPP expansion

Edmonton – A campaign for REAL pension reform was launched in Alberta today to persuade the provincial government to change its mind and join the growing consensus around expanding the […]

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It IS Broke – So Fix it!

It IS Broke … so fix it! Why real pension reform is needed to address Alberta’s looming crisis in retirement income A report by economist Hugh MacKenzie that shows Albertans […]

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AFL & CLC launch campaign aimed at bolstering the CPP

Labour groups hope to pressure Alberta to accept federal proposals to improve pensions. In June, Alberta Finance Minister Ted Morton said the province will not support a proposed expansion of […]

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November 2010: Better health and safety rules; pension reform; Parkland fall conference; Lakoff lecture highlights; stop Calgary Public Library cuts

AFL demands better health and safety rules The AFL has released a 10-point plan on workplace health and safety (click here for the plan), calling for immediate action from the […]

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October 2010: Pension reform; Lakoff lecture/workshop; health-care proposals; workplace injury and fatality records website

New poll shows massive support for pension reform More than three quarters of Canadians support increasing Canada Pension Plan benefits, according to a new national survey released today by Canadian […]

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Reforming Canada’s Pension Plan

Only thirty-three percent of Albertans are covered by a workplace pension plan, a rate below the national average. And with the number of retirees set to spike as the baby […]

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Gov’t gains critical support for CPP hike: Alberta among minority of provinces opposed to higher premiums

Federal and provincial finance ministers have rallied around a mandatory, modest and gradual expansion of the Canada Pension Plan as the best route for fattening Canadians’ retirement incomes. Finance Minister […]

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Alberta labour group questions CPP plans

One Alberta labour group says it doesn’t believe the provincial finance minister when it comes to CPP. In a letter published in a Charlottetown newspaper Sunday, Gil McGowan with the […]

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Albertans want pension reform’: labour leader

Albertans want pension reform, despite what the province’s finance minister might say, according to the president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. On Sunday, Gil McGowan wrote a letter that […]

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Ted Morton doesn’t speak for Albertans on pension reform: Don’t allow improvements to be derailed, finance ministers warned

Edmonton – Canada’s finance ministers are being urged to ignore the opinions they are hearing from their Alberta counterpart, Ted Morton. In an open letter in today’s Guardian newspaper in […]

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April 2010: Auditor General Report on Occupational Health and Safety; Temporary Foreign Workers; Pensions; Phone now to save union jobs

Lives of workers put at risk by government The government’s shocking failure to enforce its own workplace safety laws is putting thousands of workers at risk, according to a new […]

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Morton’s remarks suggest Alberta is abandoning its leadership role in the search for solutions to Canada’s looming retirement income crisis

Finance minister downplays seriousness of issue and suggests the problem can be addressed by increasing the retirement age and requiring more seniors to sell their homes to raise cash CALGARY […]

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Alberta embodies need for pension reform: expert

Andrew Kohsel can testify on multiple fronts to a growing problem plaguing many of today’s seniors — and will soon spread to a large swath of baby boomers. As the […]

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2008 March Submission to AB/BC Pension Standards Review Joint Panel Mar 2008

2008 March Submission to AB/BC Pension Standards Review Joint Panel Mar 2008

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2008 November Response to Report to AB/BC Joint Expert Panel on Pension Standards

2008 November Response to Report to AB/BC Joint Expert Panel on Pension Standards

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2002 October LCP Presentation Standing Policy Committee on Economic Development

2002 October LCP Presentation Standing Policy Committee on Economic Development

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Investing in the future

Ten years ago, David MacDonald felt completely lost at a seminar on mutual funds. “There was just this sea of grey hair, with two 20-year-olds at the back,” he recalls. […]

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A better nest egg for our retirement

More than half of Canadians fear they aren’t saving enough money for their retirement. Unfortunately, their fears are justified. Statistics show one in five Canadian working households have no retirement […]

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October 2009: Attacks on health care; EI failing working people in Alberta; Pension reform; Send Old Dutch a message

Wrong Way! Stelmach vows to proceed with attacks on health care … In his recent televised address to the province, Premier Ed Stelmach vowed to press on with plans for […]

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Labour Day pension blues

In some ways, it’s appropriate that the Labour Day holiday marks the last long weekend of summer. Let’s face it, while some of us are lucky enough to have jobs […]

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