2015 #PrenticeBlamesWomen

On International Women’s Day, the Premier of Alberta is framing his election campaign around an attack on women’s hard-earned equality gains Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is marking […]

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2015 Prentice blames Albertans. Unions launch campaign aimed at unmasking the real culprits: the Tories themselves

Better Way Alberta campaign offers Albertans solutions to government’s budget woes Edmonton – A coalition of major public-sector unions is launching a $500,000 province-wide campaign aimed at saving public services […]

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2015 Prentice blames Albertans. Unions respond with campaign unmasking the true culprit: the PC government itself

Instead of cutting services, we need to end sweetheart deals for corporations and the wealthy, says Better Way Alberta campaign Edmonton – In response to comments from Premier Jim Prentice […]

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2015 Public-sector unions roll out provincial campaign to oppose cuts at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.

Better Way Alberta press conference scheduled for 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Edmonton – Because the government has scheduled a press conference at 1 p.m., and many reporters cannot make […]

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Province Pulls Plug on P3s

Government makes the right call in building 19 new schools without for-profit partners Edmonton — Nineteen new schools in Alberta will be built through traditional financing models. Although the schools […]

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Election forum puts Temporary Foreign Worker program in the spotlight

AFL to help inform voters about differences between candidates stance on controversial guest-worker program FORT MCURRAY–Fort McMurray-Athabasca voters will examine the Temporary Foreign Worker program at a forum on Monday, […]

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Oil price gap a handy excuse for strapped governments


According to experts inside Alberta Energy, it’s much more profitable to refine more of our oil before we ship it. Both the Alberta and federal governments are now pointing to […]

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November 2012: Help us defeat Bill C-377, TFW program under the microscope, AFL and UFCW lead the charge for food safety

Temporary Foreign Worker program under the microscope The Alberta Federation of Labour will be paying close attention to the Federal review of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program that was announced […]

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AFL stands in solidarity with Idle No More

Union leaders oppose bill that targets indigenous rights Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is urging Canadians to be Idle No More in opposing Bill C-45. On the morning […]

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AFL Response to “Hooray for C-377”

Letter in response to “Hooray for C-377” In response to Lorne Gunter’s column on Saturday, Dec. 15 Unions are some of the most democratic and accountable organizations in Canada. Union […]

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AFL President calls bill an attack on workers rights


The president of the Alberta Federation of Labour says Bill C-377 goes above and beyond transparency. The bill, which passed through the House of Commons, requires unions to provide detailed […]

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Hasty passage proves punitive anti-union bill motivated by politics

Edmonton – The speedy passage of Bill C-377 is evidence that the legislation is not about transparency, but about punishing unions, according to labour activists. The private members bill brought […]

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Labour leaders react to vote on punitive anti-union bill

EDMONTON – Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan will be available to speak to media this evening about the vote on Bill C-377. The bill, which critics say will […]

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National campaign protests Bill C-377

Edmonton activists stage ‘wait-in’ at MPs office Union activists in Edmonton participated in a national ‘wait-in’ to protest the punitive anti-worker Bill C-377 today. The private members bill, which targets […]

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Who’s cheque-ing who?

Critics say the Lobbyist Act has no teeth Alberta Ethics Commissioner Neil Wilkinson’s 2012 annual report, released November 19, has nothing but enthusiasm for the work of his office and […]

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Labour, Wildrose and New Democrats unanimous in call for election finance reform

Alberta Federation of Labour urges level playing field with ban corporate, union donations Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) welcomes the support of the Wildrose Party in the […]

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Unions under attack as backbone of progressive causes


The Left should remember what the Right has known for years How ironic that the Right seems more aware than the Left of the crucial importance of unions to progressive […]

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AFL urges Premier to remain steadfast on commitment to protect farm workers

AFL urges Premier to remain steadfast on commitment to protect farm workers Status quo with respect to farm safety is simply not good enough, writes McGowan EDMONTON – Gil McGowan, […]

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Employers’ group calls for change to Alberta labour laws


A group representing Alberta’s non-unionized construction industry hopes the results of a new survey will convince the government to make changes to the province’s labour laws. Merit Contractors Association, which […]

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Child Labour Issue Debated in Alberta


Liberal MLA David Swann has called on one snack food company to stop using Alberta-produced potatoes, as child labour in the province’s industry remains unregulated. In Alberta, one member of […]

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Ethical Oil charity complaint sparks Alberta corporate complaint


As is well known, the “Ethical Oil Institute,” the Edmonton-based organization founded by Sun News Network commentator Ezra Levant to support petroleum extraction companies in Alberta, has complained to the […]

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