Today’s move to a $15 minimum wage will increase overall wage costs for employers by a paltry .6%

“Small price to pay for big benefits,” concludes AFL study Edmonton – A new study based on Statistics’ Canada Labour Force Survey provides fresh evidence that Alberta’s move to a […]

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Alberta’s largest worker advocacy organization applauds government action on Farm and Ranch worker health and safety – AFL

New rules underscore enhanced protections for Farm and Ranch workers across the province Edmonton – Alberta’s largest worker advocacy organization applauds the government for taking action to protect agricultural workers […]

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Statement from AFL President Gil McGowan on arson at Edson Mosque – AFL

Following last night’s cowardly arson at the Mosque in Edson, the Alberta labour movement stands in solidarity with our Muslim members, friends, and neighbours to condemn this disgusting attack and […]

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Labour Leaders host free Father’s Day community BBQs across province to talk about early childhood education and care – AFL

Alberta Federation of Labour hosts free BBQs in Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer, Lethbridge, and Fort McMurray to highlight Fair Start Alberta campaign Edmonton – This Sunday, on Father’s Day, Fair […]

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At Edmonton Pride Parade, Alberta Federation of Labour asks: Which side are you on? – AFL

Alberta’s largest worker advocacy organization compares leaders’ records, says Jason Kenney poses a direct threat to LGBTQ+ community Edmonton – As Edmonton hosts its annual Pride Parade, Alberta’s largest worker […]

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New workplace rules will empower workers and save lives – AFL

Long overdue changes coming into effect today will give workers the tools and supports they need to stay safe and healthy on the job Edmonton – Today, changes to Alberta’s […]

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This Mothers’ Day it’s time for Alberta to commit to a Fair Start for Families – AFL

AFL launches third phase of Fair Start Alberta campaign, including community BBQs on Fathers’ Day Edmonton –This Sunday, on Mothers’ Day, Fair Start Alberta will officially launch the third phase […]

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Statement from AFL President Gil McGowan on International Workers’ Day – AFL

Edmonton – May Day is a day to pay homage to workers worldwide who have fought for basic workers’ rights that so many now take for granted. More than a […]

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Hope on this year’s Day of Mourning: The Government of Alberta made workplaces safer in 2018 – AFL

With new policies and joint workplace health and safety committees, Alberta workers see a safer future as they mourn for past losses As hundreds of workers gather to remember those […]

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REPORT: Budget 2018 needs to address the elephant in the room – AFL

Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group warns government of dire consequences for ignoring revenue hole created by irresponsible Klein-era tax cuts With global oil prices staying “lower for longer,” Alberta’s 2018 […]

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Alberta Women still behind on International Women’s Day – AFL

Alberta Federation of Labour calls on government to introduce Pay Equity, Universal Child Care, and Domestic Violence legislation to close the gap between Alberta’s men and women Edmonton – Despite […]

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Workers Left Out of Bilateral Child Care Agreement – AFL

Governments must do more to raise the floor for ECEC sector workers Edmonton – Following the announcements of details for the bilateral agreement to expand Alberta’s Early Learning and Child […]

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Worker Organization Urges Kenney to Fire Nixon Over his Role in Sexual Harassment Case – AFL

“Nixon is walking, talking proof of why we need tougher laws against sexual harassment.” Edmonton – Alberta’s largest worker advocacy organization has joined the chorus of people calling on UCP […]

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“Me Too” campaign exposes pervasive problem of abuse against women, including workplace abuse – AFL

Employers must step up to the plate with training, policies, and support to protect workers from gendered violence and abuse at work, and to support survivors Edmonton – On the […]

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Bill 30 will empower workers and save lives – AFL

Long overdue changes will give workers the tools and supports they need to stay safe on the job Edmonton – Changes to Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Workers’ […]

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Alberta’s Coal Transition Plan a Step in Right Direction for Coal Workers – AFL

Coal Transition Coalition commends province for moving forward, calls for federal government support Edmonton – The Government of Alberta’s release of the final recommendations of the Advisory Panel on Coal […]

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AFL applauds pay-before-you-pump law

Edmonton – The pay-before-you-pump rules contained in Bill 19 will save lives by eliminating gas-and-dash deaths, but more work is needed to protect gas station and convenience store workers from […]

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Ki Yun Jo’s Gas-and-Dash Death Didn’t Have to Happen – AFL

AFL launching ‘Pay Before You Pump’ campaign to ensure his death is the last Edmonton – Following the October 6th gas-and-dash death of Ki Yun Jo, a gas station attendant […]

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Evidence shows a $15 Minimum Wage will be good for Alberta’s Economy – AFL

Newly released business community reports are raising the alarm on the impact minimum wage increases could have on youth employment. Yet here in Alberta, the employment of 15-24 year olds […]

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Alberta Needs Gas-and-Dash Laws – AFL

Husky’s move toward pay-at-the-pump sets industry standard – new provincial laws should follow Edmonton – Alberta Federation of Labour is calling on the Alberta Government to follow Husky Energy’s lead […]

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Celebrating Farm Workers Day 2017 – AFL

Progress has been made but it’s time to for the government to finish the job As Alberta marks the province’s twelfth annual Farm Workers Day, we celebrate the meaningful progress […]

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Alberta Government’s OHS Review Welcome, Long Overdue – AFL

Alberta’s OHS review must address missing fundamentals of worker safety Edmonton – The Alberta Government’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) review is a welcome and long-awaited announcement. Decades of PC […]

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Brian Jean’s Platform Would Make Recession Worse – AFL

Jean’s “Moderate” platform gives Albertans a taste of UCP’s dangerous austerity policies Edmonton – Independent economic analysis shows the type of austerity measures in Brian Jean’s platform would create a […]

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Labour Leaders to Premiers: Collective Bargaining, Better Labour Laws Good for the Economy – AFL

Evidence shows economic growth, higher standards for workers go hand-in-hand Edmonton – Labour Leaders from across Canada are urging Canadian Premiers to recognize collective bargaining and better labour laws as […]

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