Rules that protect Canadians from being passed over for TFWs are not ‘silly’ – AFL

The federal government should not relax safeguards designed to protect Canadian workers Edmonton — Immigration Minister John McCallum needs to understand that it isn’t ‘silly’ to ensure companies hire unemployed […]

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Pension report shows resilience of well-managed defined-benefit plans – AFL

LAPP’s 97 per cent funding level repudiates Tory fearmongering about impending financial collapse Edmonton – Alberta’s Local Authorities Pension Plan has hit 97 per cent funding just two years after […]

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Liberal Government quietly breaking promises on TFWP – AFL

Trudeau eases guest worker hiring regulation intended to protect Canadian jobs Edmonton – While Canadians were celebrating their nation’s birthday over the weekend, the federal Liberal government quietly broke their […]

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AFL calls on Prime Minister to fire Canada Post CEO over manufactured crisis – AFL

Completely unnecessary lockout and service interruption the result of ‘toxic combination of ideology and ego’ Edmonton – Canada Post CEO Deepak Chopra should be removed from his post for deliberately […]

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Businesses should not fear $15 minimum wage – AFL

Wage increase would be ‘a rising tide that lifts all boats’ Edmonton — Despite a concerted campaign of fear and misinformation from certain employer groups, there is every reason to […]

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$15-an-hour minimum wage would be billion dollar boost to the provincial economy – AFL

A higher minimum wage could boost the provincial economy according to a study from the 15 is Fair campaign. Edmonton — A higher minimum wage could boost the provincial economy […]

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Minimum wage hike would boost Alberta’s economy by almost a billion dollars – AFL

Research shows economic benefits of plan to increase minimum wage to $15 an hour Edmonton — The 15 is Fair campaign is releasing research that shows Alberta’s economy will reap […]

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Police must deal with those who put female politicians in the crosshairs – AFL

AFL condemns violent hate speech against women in politics Edmonton — Alberta must confront the ugly — and dangerous — rhetoric that is directed at women in politics. At the […]

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15 Is Fair campaign urges government to ignore fearmongers – AFL

Raising minimum wage to $15 will help struggling Albertans and boost economy Edmonton – Alberta’s labour movement is launching a campaign calling on the government to follow through on promises […]

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Surprise! Restaurants Canada launches campaign opposing increases to the minimum wage – AFL campaign predictable since “now” is never the time for industry lobby groups Edmonton – Predictably, Restaurants Canada launched a campaign today opposing Alberta’s plan to increase the minimum wage […]

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New information on fatalities demonstrates need for controversial farm worker law, says AFL – AFL

Deaths wouldn’t have been reported and investigated under old system EDMONTON — New information on fatalities on Alberta farms demonstrates that the provincial government’s controversial new farm worker law was […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour pleased to see province move forward on ensuring the rights of farm and ranch workers – AFL

Welcomes the next phase of consultations with the farm and ranch sector on the Enhanced Protection for Farm and Ranch Workers Act. Edmonton – Today’s announcement of the composition of […]

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Workers shouldn’t be asked to sacrifice life or limb to the recession – AFL

AFL urges Albertans to put safety first on the 20th International Day of Mourning for Workers Killed and Injured on the Job Edmonton — Albertans should not allow the economic […]

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Trans-Pacific Partnership is ‘the TFWP on steroids’ – AFL

Labour leader warns that trade deal will fundamentally transform Canadian labour market Calgary – The Trans-Pacific Partnership allows corporations to bring in unlimited exploitable foreign workers and fundamentally transforms the […]

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TPP would open TFW floodgates – AFL

Labour mobility sections of trade deal will put Canadians out of work Calgary – The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will undermine the Canadian labour market, the leader of Alberta’s largest labour […]

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AFL Responds to Provincial Budget – AFL

AFL Responds to Provincial Budget Edmonton – Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan will be available in the legislature rotunda after the provincial budget is tabled. McGowan has been […]

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AFL joins national day of action for the Fight for $15 campaign – AFL

AFL joins national day of action for the Fight for $15 campaign Edmonton – On Friday, April 15, volunteers from the Fight for $15 campaign will be meeting at the […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour Launches Fair Start campaign – AFL

Calls on provincial government to move towards implementing a universal early childhood education and care system in Alberta. Edmonton – At an educational breakfast this morning, dozens of concerned labour […]

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AFL Welcomes Government Review Of Workers’ Compensation In Alberta – AFL

Years of neglect by previous governments have undermined WCB system Edmonton – The recently-announced review of Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation Board is long overdue, says the Alberta Federation of Labour. Today, […]

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Essential Services Legislation Strikes Balance Between Workers’ Rights And Public Safety – AFL

Right to strike restored to many public-sector workers after having been unjustly denied for decades Edmonton – Alberta’s new essential services legislation strikes a reasonable and constructive balance between the […]

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Wildrose critics are “simply wrong” when they say the government’s new negotiator is in a conflict-of-interest, says AFL – AFL

Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan: Edmonton – “The Wildrose Opposition’s comments on the appointment of Kevin Davediuk as the Alberta government’s Chief Advisor on Negotiations are […]

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Strong public services means strong women – AFL

Supporting public services in economic downturn a priority for women on IWD Edmonton – Support for public services is essential in the battle to advance the rights of women, says […]

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Government must put the retirement security of Albertans ahead of CFIB fearmongering – AFL

Expansion of the Canada Pension Plan is the most efficient and effective way to ensure the financial security of Albertans in their old age Edmonton – The Government of Alberta […]

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Workers must be heard in TFWP Review – AFL

Canadians cannot allow business lobbyists to dominate discussion of guest-worker program Edmonton – The Federal Government must listen to working Canadians, not just employers when they review the Temporary Foreign […]

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