Workers displaced by TFWs are not getting their jobs back, despite claims from company

Pracer-Promec seems unrepentant, saying they’ll continue to use TFWs Edmonton – The 65 workers who were replaced by Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs) last week have still lost their jobs, despite […]

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Edmonton – In a press release on Feb. 6, 2014, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) made a mistake in how it identified the employer that had fired 65 Canadian […]

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Company promises to hire Canadians after being caught using TFWs to replace domestic iron workers

TFWs will be moved to another project, but it remains unclear if fired Canadians will get their jobs back Edmonton – The company involved in a TFW scandal on Imperial […]

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Yet another group of Canadian Tradesworkers displaced by low-cost TFWs on Oil Sands construction site

Employers are becoming emboldened as Harper Government continues to turn a blind eye to abuse of TFW program Edmonton – The time has come for Canadian construction workers to express […]

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The two faces of Premier Redford

Generosity for an overpaid inner circle while freezing workers’ wages Edmonton – Premier Alison Redford offered a fierce — and disingenuous — defense of high salaries for her inner circle […]

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Thousands of Albertans learn how much pension changes will cost them

Online calculator at shows impact of destructive pension proposals Edmonton – Public-sector workers all over Alberta are learning how much the Redford government’s pension proposals could cost them. In […]

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Redford government’s proposed cuts to public-sector pensions are “unjustified, unfair and reckless”

New actuarial study demonstrates that Alberta pension plans are healthy and getting healthier – even without benefit changes EDMONTON – A new study prepared by an independent, professional actuary shows […]

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MEDIA ADVISORY-Leaders of largest public sector unions to unveil actuarial report showing pension plans in good shape

Redford government’s proposed cuts to public-sector pensions are “unjustified, unfair and reckless” Leaders of largest public-sector unions unveil actuarial report showing pension plans in good shape EDMONTON – A new […]

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AFL exposes secret grant

“Are Tories attempting to buy academic endorsement of government policy?” asks McGowan Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour has released documents that suggest the Redford government has been spending […]

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AFL blasts Northern Gateway decision

Conditions placed on approval won’t stop pipeline from shipping high-value jobs overseas Edmonton – Despite the evidence that the Northern Gateway will be detrimental to the interests of Canadians, the […]

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Redford needs to stop blocking sensible CPP reforms

Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) ads say Redford has an opportunity to make positive history – or to go down in the books as the Premier who ignored Canada’s retirement […]

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Harper undermines postal service to justify eventual privatization

In Harper’s warped world, postal workers are too essential to strike, not essential enough to deliver the mail Edmonton – The elimination of door-to-door mail delivery is the latest example […]

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AFL calls for Albertans to stand up to the Bully

Labour leaders confront anti-democratic legislation with advertising and legal challenges Edmonton – Workers in Alberta need to stand up to Alison Redford’s bullying tactics says the province’s largest labour advocacy […]

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URGENT ACTION ALERT-UPDATE: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46!

Action Request: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46! When: TONIGHT Wednesday, December 4, 2013 7:30 p.m. *Seating provided on a first-come, first-serve basis Where: Alberta […]

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Unions urge Redford to suspend debate on Bills 45 and 46 to avoid a “generation of poisoned labour relations”

AFL and unions next in line for bargaining say a task force on public-sector labour relations is needed to rebuild trust Edmonton – The leaders of the Alberta Federation of […]

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URGENT ACTION ALERT: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46

Action Request: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46! When: TONIGHT Tuesday, December 3, 2013 7:30 p.m. Where: Alberta Legislature Gallery 4th Floor, Legislature Building (10800 […]

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URGENT ACTION ALERT: Rally against the Provincial Government’s Bill 45 and 46

Action Request: Rally against the Provincial Government’s Bill 45 and 46 When: TODAY – Monday, December 2, 2013 Where: CALGARY – MacDougall Centre 455 – 6 Street SW, Calgary 6:30 […]

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Anti-Worker Bill Designed To Stifle Dissent

Public Sector Workers Targeted For Standing Up For Rights Edmonton – The Redford Government is trying to stifle dissent by introducing stringent new anti-wildcat-strike legislation. The Public Services Sector Continuation […]

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Alberta Government breaks promises – and laws – with wage freeze legislation

Edmonton – The Redford wage freeze breaks promises and breaks laws. The legislation, which the government tabled on Wednesday, will ignore the bargaining rights of hundreds of thousands of Albertans […]

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Urgent Action Alert: Stop The Wage Freeze Rally

Action Request: Stop The Wage Freeze Rally When: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 at 2:30 p.m. Where: Legislative Assembly of Alberta 10800 – 97 Avenue NW, Edmonton Issue:The Government of Alberta […]

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1 in 4 new jobs in Alberta filled through Temporary Foreign Worker Program, shows new data for 2013

Employers getting the green light for TFWs even when there are 2.3 unemployed Albertans for every job vacancy Edmonton – The president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group released new […]

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Supreme Court rules Alberta’s privacy law unfairly infringes on workers’ right to free expression

AFL President Congratulates UFCW 401 on Supreme Court Ruling Edmonton – Gil McGowan, President of The Alberta Federation of Labour, offered his congratulations to the United Food and Commercial Workers […]

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Federal job training plan bad for Alberta

Canada Jobs Grant will take from the poor, to give to the rich Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is asking Premier Alison Redford to refuse the Canada […]

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Northern Gateway deal could shortchange Alberta

Pipeline tolls are deductible from royalties; agreement could cost Alberta taxpayers Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is warning that Albertans could be shortchanged for their natural resources if […]

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