Budget 2012: Tax and Royalty Giveaways

“No honest conversation with Albertans on Revenues in Budget 2012” – McGowan Edmonton – Alberta cannot hope to have great health and education services and fewer deficits without ending corporate […]

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Northern Gateway pipeline will hurt consumers and harm Canada’s already weakened manufacturing sector

CEO and labour leader agree: Canada should upgrade bitumen rather than send value-added jobs to China and U.S. Building a pipeline to send millions of barrels of raw bitumen from […]

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Is Redford heading towards another broken promise, this time on farm workers?

Three years have passed, but Tories fail to act on judge’s recommendation in farm-death inquiry Today marks an unhappy anniversary for an important group of Alberta workers whose safety has […]

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Tax and royalty giveaways have led to deficits and unwarranted pressure on services, says new campaign: Coalition calls for “Obama-style” debate on taxes and royalties In lead-up to …

EDMONTON – Ever wonder why Alberta, Canada’s wealthiest province, is running a $3-billion deficit and saying it can’t afford to maintain middle-of-the-road spending on vital public services? That’s the question […]

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Alberta’s artificially low taxes could set off a “race to the bottom” that’s bad news for all Canadians, says prominent Alberta author and politician

New book shows Alberta wealth is going to corporate profits, not public services How is it that a province as wealthy as Alberta is running deficits and says it must […]

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Federation of Labour Presidents call on Premiers to stand up for health care

The Presidents of the provincial and territorial Federations of Labour are calling on Canada’s Premiers to reject an irresponsible Federal Conservative “plan” for health care. In an open letter from […]

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Work begins on monument to Alberta’s Broken Families

A monument to Alberta’s Broken Families began to take shape today, with workers breaking ground in Edmonton’s Grant Notley Park. “Alberta is a dangerous place for workers. Last year, 166 […]

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Labour group offers real solutions to Alberta’s deficit problems: Wealthy province can afford to protect services by adopting simple revenue fixes, says AFL

The Alberta government must do a better job of collecting revenue to provide the vital public services Albertans have clearly said they want, according to the 2012 Budget submission sent […]

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New evidence shows Lobbyist Registrar missed the mark in his report on cozy relationship between government and energy industry: AFL calls for new investigation based on documents showin…

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour today released new evidence that sheds more light on the energy industry’s extraordinary influence over government public communication plans on shale gas and […]

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Prairie labour groups defend Wheat Board as Parliament votes;Western Agriculture Ministers acting against the interests of rural communities, says AFL

EDMONTON –The leading labour groups from the Prairie provinces today united in calling on the Harper government to abandon its illegal and undemocratic plan to dismantle the Canadian Wheat Board […]

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AFL congratulates Alberta Occupiers: Protesters drew attention to issues many too timid to tackle

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour congratulates Albertans involved in the growing Occupy movements for bringing issues of inequality in our wealthy province to greater public attention. “Calls for […]

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If companies like Sinopec are going to invest in the oil sands, they need to respect our laws, says McGowan

AFL applauds court decision to hold Chinese firm to account for workers’ deaths EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour applauds the Alberta Court of Appeal’s decision to uphold a […]

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Harper pension plan ‘like using a squirt gun to put out a forest fire’: PRPPs a betrayal of working Canadians and a gift to financial institutions, says AFL

Pensions legislation being introduced by the Harper government today (Thursday) will reward Tory friends in the financial services industry, but do nothing to help Canadians facing a looming retirement crisis, […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour applauds Keystone XL delay: It’s a chance to consider value-added opportunities in Alberta, says McGowan

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour applauds the Obama administration’s decision to delay the Keystone XL pipeline, saying it will give the Redford government an opportunity to pursue value-added […]

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Unions call on City Council to let Occupy Calgary protesters stay: They are peaceful, have a powerful message and are a force for positive change, says AFL

The City of Calgary risks staining its good name if it tries to evict peaceful protestors from the Occupy Calgary site at Olympic Plaza, says the province’s largest labour organization. […]

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Unions call on City Council to let Occupy Calgary protesters stay: They are peaceful, have a powerful message and are a force for positive change, says AFL

The City of Calgary risks staining its good name if it tries to evict peaceful protestors from the Occupy Calgary site at Olympic Plaza, says the province’s largest labour organization. […]

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Shocking results of construction blitz shows Alberta needs more than rhetoric on workplace safety: Workers in residential sector need to be able to join unions to keep themselves safe, s…

Adding evening and weekend safety inspections is a step in the right direction to improve safety at residential construction sites, but what Alberta workers really need is the ability to […]

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Anti-union disclosure bill is an attack on democracy, says Alberta labour leader: Harper government deliberately trying to silence all opponents

A Conservative Private Member’s Bill to be debated in Parliament today (Thursday) is part of an organized campaign by the Harper government to silence all those who oppose its right-wing […]

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Temporary Foreign Worker Program being used to drive down wages: Harper government interfering in labour market by taking sides with anti-union employers

Reports of 200 Albertans losing their jobs and being replaced by temporary foreign workers (TFWs) is clear evidence that the TFW program is driving down wages and working conditions, says […]

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Provincial labour federation supports Occupy Calgary, Occupy Edmonton: Union leaders condemn unfair treatment of working families across Alberta and beyond

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), which represents 145,000 workers across the province, made a clear declaration of support for the Occupy Calgary and Occupy Edmonton movements today. The protest […]

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Labour unrest to be expected if province proceeds with ‘Wisconsin-style’ labour law changes: Union leaders united in condemning biased and secretive process

Alberta is heading for unprecedented workplace unrest if the province proceeds with a biased and secretive review of the Labour Code, union leaders warned today. “The changes being proposed in […]

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Labour leaders call on MPs to help stop “job-killing” Keystone XL pipeline: Approving Keystone XL is not in the interests of Albertans and Canadians

Canadian politicians have been acting against the interests of their own citizens in pitching the Keystone XL pipeline, says the leader of Alberta’s largest labour organization. “Members of the Alberta […]

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Delayed justice spells danger for Alberta workers: Action needed now to make worksites safe as province braces for boom in foreign employees

The delay of the criminal case against companies involved in the deaths of two oilsands employees is bad news for Alberta workers, says the province’s largest labour group. “Justice delayed […]

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Gary Mar must answer $660-million question: Will he cut services again to pay for his latest gift to wealthy corporations?

Gary Mar has a $660-million question to answer if he wants to become Premier of Alberta, says the province’s largest labour group. “That’s how much money Mar will be giving […]

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