One-time blitz of construction sites not enough to save real lives: Alberta workers deserve the same protection that other Canadians enjoy

A blitz of residential construction sites by inspectors is a welcome step in making worksites safer, but this short, one-off campaign is not the solution to safety woes, says the […]

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Real solutions missing in Alberta government response on TFWs: More must be done to address province’s labour needs and protect vulnerable workers

The Alberta government has recognized the failings of the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) program, but has missed an opportunity to offer real solutions, says the province’s largest labour organization. “We […]

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Alberta workers under attack as province marks Labour Day

Alberta workers are under increasing under fire as the province takes a day off work Monday to celebrate their contribution to our communities and our economy. “The Alberta government has […]

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Minister’s secretive review of labour code fatally flawed: Biased process launched at the whim of lobby group, says AFL

A review of the labour code launched by Alberta employment minister Thomas Lukaszuk is doomed to fail unless the process is changed, says the province’s largest labour group. “The minister […]

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Jack Layton an inspiration to Alberta workers:AFL mourns loss of great statesman and great friend

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is mourning the loss of Jack Layton – a great Canadian and a true friend of working people. “The labour movement in Alberta recognized […]

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Minister’s silence on farm-worker safety unacceptable, says AFL: Lukaszuk has failed to respond to calls for investigation of farm accidents

Workers on farms and ranches will mark the seventh annual Alberta Farm Worker Day tomorrow still waiting for the Alberta government to end its silence on a call to make […]

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Investigation demanded into lobbying by Big Oil group: Alberta government should not leave decisions to industry, says AFL

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) today called for an investigation into the lobbying activities of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP). “We have come into possession of a […]

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Minister must do more to protect Alberta workers; Waiting for complaints to be filed won’t prevent abuse in the workplace, says AFL

EDMONTON – Moves to improve the enforcement of Alberta’s Employment Standards code are welcome, but the government approach is wrong and doesn’t go far enough in protecting workers, says the […]

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New figures show use of temporary foreign workers set to surge while unemployment among Canadians remains stubbornly high

Alberta becoming “Dubai of the North” as many employers use guest-worker program as first choice rather than last resort, warns labour leader Alberta employers are increasingly looking to temporary foreign […]

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Top union leaders call on Premiers to condemn Harper’s “shocking betrayal on pension reform”: Labour leaders will lobby Premiers at Vancouver meeting tonight, urge them to stand up…

VANCOUVER – The leaders of Canada’s provincial and territorial Federations of Labour today called on the premiers to use their annual meeting, currently underway in Vancouver, as a platform to […]

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Alberta-based bitumen upgrading is plummeting, new figures show: ERCB projections demonstrate that Tories have turned their backs on promises to keep oil sands jobs in the province, says…

New figures released today by the Alberta Federation of Labour show that the percentage of oil-sands bitumen upgraded in the province will drop to 52 per cent by 2016 – […]

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Unions urge energy ministers to keep oil-sands jobs in Canada instead of shipping them “down the pipeline” to U.S. and China: “A true national energy strategy has to be about more …

Is the meeting of energy ministers currently underway in Kananaskis a real attempt to develop an energy strategy that works for Canadians in all regions of the country? Or is […]

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AFL finds evidence of huge royalty giveaway: “Grey market” trading of royalty credits bleeds Treasury of billions

EDMONTON – Oil and gas companies have used $2.9 billion of public money to boost their own profits, while the government lays off over a thousand educational staff and professionals […]

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Report on workplace safety ignores one of the biggest threats to young workers: Violent criminal attacks – AFL calls for ban on working alone to stem attacks on night-shift workers

Yesterday’s government report on safety for young workers fails to deal with one of the biggest threats faced by young people working in convenience stores, fast-food restaurants and gas stations: […]

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Unions vow to fight Harper’s anti-worker agenda: Labour leaders from across Alberta condemn ‘one-sided’ back-to-work legislation

Alberta’s labour leaders sent a strong message to the Harper government today, condemning the anti-worker agenda shown by back-to-work legislation in the Canada Post and Air Canada disputes. “Rather than […]

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Privacy breach leads to demand for WCB investigation: Opportunity to overhaul failing system must not be ignored, say AFL

The Alberta Workers’ Compensation Board is failing in its duty towards injured employees and only a full investigation and overhaul can fix the problems, says the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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Abuse of foreign workers must be stopped, says labour group: Alberta government action needed in light of new criminal charges, says AFL

News of criminal charges being laid in relation to welders and machinists from Poland and Ukraine working in Alberta is more evidence of widespread violation of employment laws and the […]

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Calgary Joins Together to fight cuts to vital public services

With 331 jobs set to be lost in Calgary’s public schools alone, Join Together Alberta (JTA) is holding a town hall meeting tonight in Calgary to challenge cuts to education, […]

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Air Canada back-to-work legislation slammed by Alberta labour leader: AFL also fears for future of Canada Post at hands of federal Tories

Using legislation to force employees back to work will not bring labour peace or prosperity to Air Canada, says the Alberta Federation of Labour. “The only way to secure a […]

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Albertans share union’s vision of a better public postal service, says AFL: CUPW is fighting for improved service and for safety and fairness in the workplace

As postal workers walked picket lines in the Edmonton and Calgary areas today (Wednesday), Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) president Gil McGowan said Albertans should support the fight for a […]

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Workplace safety move welcomed, but far more must be done, says AFL: Government must make Certificates of Recognition program transparent or it will fail

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) welcomed today’s move by the provincial government to improve workplace health and safety, but says changes to the Certificate of Recognition (COR) do not […]

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Minimum-wage raise welcomed, but program seriously flawed, says AFL: Further delay in implementing raises is ‘mean spirited,’ says Gil McGowan

Today’s announcement that minimum-wage levels in the province are going up has been welcomed by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), but the labour organization has serious concerns over details […]

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Mass movement calls for urgent revenue reform in Alberta: Join Together Alberta launches campaign to save education, health and social services

EDMONTON – A coalition of hundreds of thousands of Albertans is gathering to force the Conservative government to fix its broken revenue system and save our schools, post-secondary education, health […]

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Message to Minister Lukaszuk: Raise minimum wage before you resign to seek Tory leadership

Minmum wage should be raised now, before thousands of high school students get summer jobs, says McGowan EDMONTON – Before he steps down to pursue the leadership of the PC […]

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