Delay in inspecting murder trial worksite is evidence of government failure: Minister’s reliance on complaints-driven process puts Albertans at risk, says AFL

The provincial government has shown once again that its attitude toward inspecting workplaces is putting Albertans in danger, says the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL). “Despite undeniable and uncontested evidence […]

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Minister fails to implement obvious solution to forklift-safety problem: Mandatory training and licensing for forklift operators is the best way to save lives, says AFL

The disappointing results of a recent blitz of forklift-safety inspections should come as no surprise to Alberta’s employment minister, says the province’s largest labour organization. “We have told Employment and […]

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Lukaszuk has become the minister of workplace blitzes: But blitz inspections alone won’t make Alberta safer for workers

A recent series of workplace safety blitzes by occupational health and safety inspectors has confirmed there are serious safety problems in Alberta workplaces – but this approach is doing little […]

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More Albertans dying on the job as government fails to act: Warnings to improve workplace safety have been ignored, says AFL

The number of Alberta workers killed on the job jumped by 24 per cent last year while the provincial government failed to fulfill its responsibility to protect its citizens in […]

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AFL concerned about plan to keep Albertans working longer: Workers will rebel against efforts to force deferral of retirement dreams

Plans announced by the provincial government today to keep Albertans working longer are being viewed with concern by the labour movement. “If Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk is talking […]

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Study finds widespread violations of standards for underage workers in Alberta: More than one in five employed adolescents work in prohibited jobs – survey

Edmonton – There are widespread violations of employment standards for working children and adolescents in Alberta, according to a study by the province’s largest labour group. “Tens of thousands of […]

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AFL says Hastman is being “offensive” when he suggests Conservatives are the only party that can be trusted with the oil sands: Conservatives have broken their promise to stop oil sands j…

Conservative candidate Ryan Hastman is being both offensive and untruthful when he suggests that the federal Conservatives are the only party that can be trusted with the future of the […]

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Government failure on oil-sands royalties shameful, says AFL: “The Tories are allowing billions of dollars to slip through their fingers while they say we can’t afford to keep schools o…

EDMONTON – The Auditor General’s Report on oil-sands royalties confirms Albertans’ worst suspicions – that the Progressive Conservative government cares more about the energy industry’s bottom line than what is […]

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The real story on Keystone XL pipeline is that Stelmach Tories are breaking their promise to keep upgrading jobs in Alberta

AFL releases new figures showing that Alberta has fallen even further behind government’s own upgrading targets than previously thought As Premier Ed Stelmach and his ministers continue to lobby the […]

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Conservatives accused of hypocrisy in dealing with immigrants: Policies prove they are no friends to new Canadians or foreign workers

Hypocritical federal Conservatives are reaching out to immigrant Canadians on one hand, but crafting policies that punish them with the other, says Alberta’s largest labour group and Linda Duncan, who […]

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Unions ask Stelmach to confirm he’s not considering U.S.-style attack on the rights of public-sector workers: AFL reveals cabinet minister’s links to think tank pushing Tea Party-style …

Alberta’s largest union organization has asked Premier Ed Stelmach to re-affirm his commitment to honouring the collective-bargaining process with public-sector employees, after it was revealed that a member of the […]

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Alberta women falling behind, say union leaders: Labour calls for government action to end gender inequality

Today, more than a dozen MLAs are hearing from union leaders calling for a minister to be made responsible for the Status of Women in the province. “Alberta’s women continue […]

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Government urged to act now on minimum wage and ease poverty: Two-year delay in raising the level of pay for lowest earners “inexcusable,” says AFL

Alberta’s poorest workers continue to endure unnecessary hardship and poverty thanks to a two-year delay in increasing minimum wage by the Alberta government. “Alberta’s minimum wage has been stuck at […]

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Alberta unions condemn Wisconsin decision to strip collective bargaining rights from workers: Warning issued to Tories and Wildrose – Don’t try this here!

The leaders of Alberta’s largest labour group meeting in Edmonton today condemned the passage of an anti-union bill in the Wisconsin Senate – and issued a warning to right-wing politicians […]

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Alberta government must do more to improve lives of women, says AFL: Province urged to appoint minister responsible for status of women

One hundred years after the creation of International Women’s Day, Alberta’s largest labour organization is calling on the provincial government to take immediate action to give women an official voice […]

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Workplace safety inspectors welcomed, but far more action needed, says AFL: Albertans want real and effective improvements to work safety

Alberta’s largest labour organization welcomes the announcement that 30 new Occupational Health and Safety inspectors will be hired, but says much more needs to be done to protect workers. “This […]

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Tories table Wildrose Budget in all but name: Empty coffers, empty hospitals and empty schools to be part of premier’s legacy

Edmonton – This is the budget the Wildrose Alliance made, says Gil McGowan, leader of Alberta’s largest labour group. “This budget is straight out of the Wildrose Alliance’s playbook – […]

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Forklift safety inspections welcomed, but not enough says labour group: Mandatory training and certification needed to save lives, says AFL

An increase in the number of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections at worksites where forklifts are used has been welcomed by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), but the […]

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Unions call for probe into missing billions: Auditor General asked to examine why government is failing to meet its own revenue targets

As Albertans brace for yet another budget that includes deep cuts to vital services, a coalition of unions is calling on Alberta’s Auditor General to investigate why the government is […]

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With Morton out of cabinet, Alberta must reverse position on pension reform: AFL calls on government to revive CPP proposal, as poll proves it’s what Albertans want

With Ted Morton no longer in cabinet, it’s time for the Alberta government to listen to its own citizens on pension reform and reverse its opposition to increasing Canada Pension […]

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Employment minister under pressure to change farm-safety laws: There are growing calls to extend legislation to cover farm workers, says AFL

Edmonton – As the death toll continues on Alberta farms, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) today called on Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk to do the right thing and extend […]

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AFL demands wider probe into Horizon coker explosion: Public must not be kept in the dark for years waiting to find out what caused the blast

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is demanding a wide-ranging and public investigation into the explosion and fire that injured five workers at the Canadian Natural Horizon upgrader in Fort […]

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CPP Reform Delayed likely to be CPP Reform Denied – McGowan: Decision to ice CPP expansion in favour of “further study” bodes ill for Canadians’ retirement security

Kananaskis – Alberta Federation of Labour Gil McGowan says the federal-provincial finance ministers’ decision to put CPP expansion on ice misses an historic opportunity for retirement security for millions of […]

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Harper/Flaherty Pension Scheme a Holiday Gift to the Banks; a Lump of Coal for Canadians:Taking CPP expansion off the table would be a betrayal of what Canadians need and want

Edmonton – Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has betrayed generations of Canadians by suggesting that expansion of the Canada Pension Plan should be taken off the table at the meeting […]

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