Alberta’s jobs crisis continues: National unemployment drops; Alberta’s increases as we shed full-time jobs

Edmonton – Alberta is experiencing an ongoing jobs crisis, as our province shed full-time jobs while Canada, overall, saw increases in full-time employment. In June, Alberta’s unemployment rate edged up […]

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Let’s face it – Alberta has a problem, a revenue problem: It’s time for a grown-up conversation about how to fix the province’s broken revenue system

The Alberta government’s revenue model is broken and the time has come to talk about how to fix it, says Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) president Gil McGowan. Yes, that […]

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Minimum Wage Increases Do Not Lead to Job Loss: AFL analysis shows service industry employment has increased after minimum wage adjustments

CALGARY – New Alberta Federation of Labour research shows employment in service industries actually grows after minimum wages increases, said AFL president Gil McGowan in his presentation to a government […]

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Ted Morton doesn’t speak for Albertans on pension reform: Don’t allow improvements to be derailed, finance ministers warned

Edmonton – Canada’s finance ministers are being urged to ignore the opinions they are hearing from their Alberta counterpart, Ted Morton. In an open letter in today’s Guardian newspaper in […]

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Alberta cutting training programs amid zero job growth: New AFL research shows Alberta cut job training by $23 million despite increased need by aboriginals and young workers

EDMONTON – Alberta is the only province in Canada that hasn’t seen job growth since last summer, but the province is cutting employment training programs by more than $20 million, […]

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Alberta not adequately prepared to keep workers safe if economic boom times return

Research shows Alberta spends less on workplace safety now than in 1991 – even though many more Albertans work in dangerous industries New research released today by Alberta’s largest workers’ […]

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The lives of thousands of working Albertans are being put at risk by government’s shocking reluctance to enforce its own workplace safety rules

AFL calls for immediate implementation of Auditor General’s recommendation for a crackdown on employers who repeatedly break the law Yesterday’s report from Alberta’s Auditor General reveals a fundamental flaw that […]

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Morton’s remarks suggest Alberta is abandoning its leadership role in the search for solutions to Canada’s looming retirement income crisis

Finance minister downplays seriousness of issue and suggests the problem can be addressed by increasing the retirement age and requiring more seniors to sell their homes to raise cash CALGARY […]

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Latest jobless figures show Albertans are paying the price for Stelmach government’s ongoing refusal to stimulate the economy

Alberta is only province in Canada that continues to shed jobs – and it’s also the only province that didn’t increase spending to deal with the recession. It’s no coincidence […]

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Alberta Women Are Falling Behind: Gender issues met with “deafening silence” in government

Whether there’s a boom or a bust, the economic reality facing women in Alberta is that they are falling further and further behind men. A new study by the Edmonton-based […]

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Albertans send Stelmach message – Save Our Services!

Public programs are already stretched to the limit – do not make more cuts EDMONTON – Representatives of Join Together Alberta today related stories of how the services Albertans desperately […]

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Albertans are already hurting from deep cuts to public services

Citizens attending town halls implore government not to make a bad situation worse The public services Albertans desperately need are already being stretched to the breaking point and people are […]

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Government budget cuts may kill more jobs in Alberta than the recession: Analysis predicts that cuts will lead to the loss of tens of thousands of jobs in both public and private sectors

The Alberta government is about to embark on a program of public spending cuts that could kill more jobs in the province than were lost to the recession. Using the […]

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Alberta heads for another jobs crisis – and this time it will be self-inflicted

Deep public-sector spending cuts will kill tens of thousands of private-sector jobs, along with public ones The Stelmach government will stifle Alberta’s fragile recovery and create its own made-in-Alberta recession […]

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AFL President concerned over Morton in Finance

Alberta’s public service in jeopardy, McGowan says Alberta Federation of Labour president, Gil McGowan, expressed grave concern over Premier Ed Stelmach’s pick for Finance Minister in his new cabinet announced […]

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Year-end labour force numbers show Albertans are still hurting as province begins to emerge from recession

Recovery could be smothered in its infancy by provincial budget and job cuts, warns AFL Year-end employment figures released this morning by Statistics Canada paint a picture of an Alberta […]

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What’s happened to the full-time jobs? asks AFL in wake of latest job figures

Labour leader in Calgary today to talk to Alberta manufacturing workers, one of the groups hardest hit by recession Please note that, due to weather conditions in Alberta today, Gil […]

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Government case of $2 billion in cuts is a shaky one: Cutting jobs and services isn’t justified by the numbers and will inflict further pain on a labour force that’s already hurting

The president of Alberta’s largest union advocacy organization is baffled as to why the Stelmach government seems determined to cut public sector jobs and services even though the province’s fiscal […]

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EPCOR’s dismal 3rd quarter results prove Edmonton City Council should never have relinquished control of power generation assets

EPCOR CEO Don Lowry is living in fantasy world if he thinks his dramatically diminished corporation will ever generate $130 million in dividends for the citizens of Edmonton again, says […]

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Follow the doctor’s orders on H1N1 and lose your job!

AFL calls for changes to Employment Standards Code that would make it easier for people to stay home from work when they’re experiencing swine flu symptoms If the Alberta government […]

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Union coalition to consider options in light of EPCOR court decision

Ruling doesn’t change the fact that Edmonton city council did an end run around the democratic process, says AFL EDMONTON – The labour unions that launched a legal challenge aimed […]

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Union coalition to consider options in light of EPCOR court decision

Ruling doesn’t change the fact that Edmonton city council did an end run around the democratic process, says AFL Sep 25, 2009 EDMONTON – The labour unions that launched a […]

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Unions go to court to overturn Capital Power decision

A Court of Queen’s Bench justice will be hearing arguments tomorrow in a case launched by a group of labour organizations against the sale of EPCOR’s publicly-owned power generation assets. […]

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City Council had no legal right to privatize EPCOR’s power generation assets

Closed-door meetings breach Municipal Government Act, group charges in lawsuit The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench today is hearing a case that could potentially overturn the multi-billion-dollar deal that saw […]

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