EI Failing Albertans in Time of Crisis

New Analysis of EI Reveals Serious Shortcomings The Alberta Federation of Labour, in partnership with the Calgary and Edmonton Labour Councils, has released a new analysis (EI: It Should Be […]

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Dramatic jump in Alberta jobless rate underlines need for much quicker action on EI reform, says AFL

Premiers should demand an end to federal dithering on efforts to fix Canada’s broken unemployment insurance system, says labour leaders REGINA-As Alberta’s unemployment rate soars to levels not seen since […]

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New BRIK program too small to turn the tide of raw bitumen being sent south of the border for refining, says AFL

Thousands of jobs will continue to be lost down the pipeline as a result of government’s failure to adopt more aggressive policies The Alberta government has finally added flesh to […]

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Newly formed Task Force on Pension Reform must look outside Alberta: Labour rejects Alberta-B.C. Penson Plan Model

The new federal-provincial task force on pensions meets in Calgary today. The Alberta Federation of Labour is concerned that the task force will not focus on real changes that protect […]

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Union leaders urge western premiers to reject Alberta-B.C. pension proposal as solution to unfolding crisis in retirement income

Instead of getting behind ill-conceived “ABC plan,” western premiers should use their clout to call for a national pension summit and to discourage Harper and Ignatieff from reaching watered-down deal […]

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With no commitment to Alberta-based refining, Kearl should not be seen as economic saviour

If Imperial Oil’s Kearl Lake project represents the future of the oil sands, then Albertans should be very concerned, says the president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. “Kearl Lake […]

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Day of Mourning About Remembering But Also About Preventing

The Alberta Federation of Labour is encouraging Albertans across the province to stop for a moment today to remember workers who were killed because of work. April 28th is the […]

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Alberta Entrenching Exploitation of Foreign Workers

The Alberta Federation of Labour today released Entrenching Exploitation, the second report of its Temporary Foreign Worker Advocate. The report provides an update on the living and working conditions of […]

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AFL to Release New Temporary Foreign Worker Report

AFL Convention Continues through Weekend As part of its ongoing convention, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) will be releasing the second report from its Temporary Foreign Worker Advocate. Release […]

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March to Legislature Highlights Day at AFL Convention

[Edmonton] – Delegates to the Alberta Federation of Labour convention will march to the Legislature Friday at noon to demand an end to provincial cuts to Medicare. Three hundred delegates […]

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Environmental groups and AFL release groundbreaking Green Jobs report

Edmonton – Alberta can create more than 200,000 long-term green jobs and build a strong economic future, according to a groundbreaking report on green jobs released by two prominent environmental […]

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Union Leaders Gather to Discuss Economy

Thursday, April 23, 2009 – Sunday, April 26, 2009 Crowne Plaza Chateau Lacombe, 10111 Bellamy Hill, Edmonton The Alberta Federation of Labour will be holding its 46th Constitutional Convention in […]

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Alberta employment figures fall further and faster than other provinces

When it comes to employment, new figures from Statistics Canada show that Alberta has fallen further and faster over the past six months than any other province. Between October 2008 […]

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Provincial budget must emphasize jobs, not cuts, labour leaders say

EDMONTON – Next week’s provincial budget needs to emphasize getting unemployed workers back to work and keeping those who have jobs at work, say the leaders of some of Alberta’s […]

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Albertans Thirst for Renewable and Clean Energy

Edmonton- A recent poll showing that Albertans overwhelmingly prefer subsidies for renewable and clean energy sends a message to the Stelmach government that its upcoming budget should include plans to […]

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New report suggests oil-sands jobs won’t return even if Alberta economy improves

U.S. pipeline and refinery expansions mean that Alberta’s dream of “moving up the value ladder” is on its deathbed EDMONTON – Without aggressive government intervention, Alberta will almost certainly miss […]

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How bad is the oil-sands jobs collapse and what should we do about it?

The Alberta Federation of Labour will release a report tomorrow dealing with the employment implications of the recent collapse in oil-sands investment. The report includes a number of troubling new […]

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Cutting Public-Sector Wages Will Deepen Recession

The Alberta Federation of Labour today urged Premier Stelmach to learn the lessons of the past and abandon any efforts he might be considering to re-open public-sector contracts to reduce […]

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Alberta No Longer Immune from Recession

With today’s release of the February labour force statistics, it has become clear that Alberta is no longer immune from the recession that is hitting across the world, says the […]

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Report shows Tories have waved the white flag of surrender in battle to keep Alberta oil sands jobs from being shipped down the pipeline

When it comes to Premier Stelmach’s oft-repeated promise to keep oil sands jobs in Alberta instead of shipping them down the pipeline to the U.S., his government’s new oil sands […]

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End the Harvest of Death: Farmworkers deserve safety protection

On June 18, 2006, Kevan Chandler went to work, as usual, as a farm worker at the local feed mill. He never made it home again that day. While cleaning […]

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Federal budget fails to end EI discrimination against Albertans: only 1 in 5 eligible for benefits

EDMONTON – Stephen Harper may represent an Alberta riding, but he certainly wasn’t thinking of the growing number of unemployed people in his home province when he and his cabinet […]

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New Safety Ads A Missed Opportunity

The Alberta government released a set of web-only safety ads today aimed at young workers. The ads are graphic and gory and attempt to highlight dangers common in youth workplaces. […]

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Maple Leaf strike in Edmonton exposes buried election issue

EDMONTON – Today’s news that Maple Leaf Foods is abusing temporary foreign workers at its poultry plant in Edmonton and attempting to use them as pawns to drive wages down […]

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