Conference Board Gets it Wrong on Wages

The Alberta Federation of Labour responded today to a Conference Board of Canada study, released this morning, stating that wages across Canada are on the rise due to wage pressure […]

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High Court Overturns Labour Board Decision

EDMONTON-In an important and strongly-worded decision released yesterday, the Alberta Court of Appeal overturned a controversial Labour Relations Board (LRB) decision which allowed Finning International in 2005 to rid itself […]

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Federation organizes royalty rally in Ft. McMurray so workers in Alberta’s oil sands heartland can speak for themselves

AFL dismisses so-called “grassroots” event at Legislature as “a gathering for small business bosses who’ve bought into Big Oil’s scare tactics” EDMONTON-If you want to know what rank-and-file oil industry […]

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New Data Shows Workers Not Getting Ahead in the Boom

New research produced by the Alberta Federation of Labour and the Parkland Institute shows that wages in Alberta are lagging behind the rate of inflation. As well, inequality is on […]

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Union leader challenges Monte

EDMONTON – Just because more and more employers are clamoring for access to easy-to-exploit temporary foreign workers doesn’t mean the government should ignore the broader public interest and give them […]

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Implementation of full royalty report even more pressing in light of today’s NEB decision to approve

Without safeguards, Keystone pipeline will act as a spigot draining thousands of potential value-added jobs out of Alberta says McGowan If Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach was looking for another good […]

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Alberta Labour Law Once Again Stomps on Workers Rights

The decision rendered this morning by the Alberta Labour Relations Board (LRB) declaring the strike notice filed by the Carpenters union invalid is the latest example of how Alberta’s labour […]

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Change Labour Law or Expect Charter Challenges, Unions Warn Government

This Labour Day long weekend, the Alberta Federation of Labour is calling on Iris Evans, Minister of Employment, Industry and Immigration, to establish a review of Alberta labour relations legislation […]

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Plant closure proves Molson is anything but Canadian

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is highly critical of the Molson Coors shut-down of its Edmonton plant announced yesterday afternoon. “The American-based Coors Molson Company is closing a […]

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Labour skeptical about compulsory arbitration process

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour will be watching the compulsory binding arbitration process forced upon Calgary paramedics by the government. “When the government established a public emergency tribunal, […]

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Government should stay out of Calgary ambulance dispute

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour today sent Minister of Employment, Immigration and Industry Iris Evans a letter asking her not to step blindly into the paramedics’ dispute in […]

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Alberta reaches troubling milestone: more people now coming into province as temporary workers than traditional immigrants

EDMONTON – It’s official. Alberta has become the first province in Canadian history to bring more people into its jurisdiction under the temporary foreign worker program than through Canada’s mainline […]

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AFL disappointed with Supreme Court decision upholding Alberta law that excludes workers from running in school board elections

EDMONTON – Today’s Supreme Court decision upholding controversial changes to Alberta’s Local Authorities Election Act may be a narrow technical victory for the provincial government – but it’s a real […]

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Labour leader urges NEB to stop energy companies from “sending Alberta jobs down the pipeline”

CALGARY – If approval is granted to the proposed Keystone mega-pipeline, literally thousands of potential Alberta jobs in upgraders and refineries will be lost and Alberta will miss out on […]

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National Energy Board rules against labour motion to subpoena witnesses from Big Oil

CALGARY – Under heavy cross-examination from union lawyers, the man in charge of the proposed Keystone mega-pipeline admitted he doesn’t really know how much raw bitumen from Alberta will be […]

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Labour groups lead charge to keep value-added jobs in Alberta

NEB Hearings on pipeline to move unrefined oilsands to U.S. begin CALGARY – Hearings begin this week before the National Energy Board in Calgary to determine whether or not the […]

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Employers in Alberta need to wake up

[Edmonton] With Alberta facing a growing number of labour disputes, the Alberta Federation of Labour said today that it’s time for employers to take a reality check before they enter […]

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Alberta Government Should Consider Taking Equity Position In Oil Sands Projects, AFL Tells Royalty Panel

If major oil companies balk at paying higher royalty rates on oil sands projects, then the Alberta government should consider developing the resource themselves by working in equity partnerships with […]

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Labour Movement Calls for Shutdown of CNRL Tank Farm

CALGARY — At its Biennial Convention today, Alberta Federation of Labour delegates voted unanimously for a resolution calling for the immediate shutdown of the CNRL Tank Farm site north of […]

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AFL sets up Temporary Foreign Worker Advocate Office

The Alberta Federation of Labour is creating a new Temporary Foreign Worker Advocate Office to help protect the basic human and workplace rights of vulnerable foreign workers in the province. […]

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Two-and-a-half Workers a Week. The Price of Prosperity?

On the eve of the 12th International Day of Mourning, which will be commemorated around the world on Saturday April 28, the Alberta Federation of Labour called on government, employers […]

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Workplace Tragedy Raises Many Questions

The Alberta Federation of Labour is demanding a full and transparent investigation into the death of two workers and injury to four others yesterday in Fort McMurray. The AFL is […]

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Government warned to control development

[Calgary] “The Stelmach government must act now to control the pace of development,” says AFL President Gil McGowan. “The province is already paying too great a price for their past […]

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Will Australian Billionaire resolve Palace Casino strike in Edmonton?

In a letter sent today to James D. Packer, Executive Chairman of PBL Publishing & Broadcasting Ltd. – the Australian publishing, broadcasting and gambling giant – the Alberta Federation of […]

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