AFL Joins Campaign for Province-Wide Smoking Ban

The AFL joined with Action on Smoking and Health, Alberta Cancer Board and the Alberta Chamber of Commerce today to launch a campaign to urge the Alberta government to implement […]

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Labour wants Keystone pipeline put on hold

[Edmonton] In a submission to the National Energy Board (NEB) on April 13, 2007, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) argues that the Keystone pipeline project that is currently before […]

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New LRB Protocol a Victory for Transparency

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), the United Nurses of Alberta (UNA) and the Communications Energy and Paperworkers Union (CEP) jointly announced today that they are withdrawing their legal action […]

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12-Year Olds Can Now Work in Bars

The Alberta Federation of Labour has learned the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) has altered its policy regarding the hiring of minors to work in bars and lounges. Effectively […]

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Palace Casino Ordered to Pay Damages to Union

Striking workers at Palace Casino in West Edmonton Mall have won a major victory in arbitration, one that imposes a stinging penalty for flagrant employer misconduct. In an award issued […]

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Labour urges Minister to extend full rights to farmworkers in Alberta

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) today urged Employment, Immigration and Industry Minister Iris Evans to extend basic employment rights and protections to Alberta farmworkers. In a letter to the […]

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Labour Relations Board stacks deck against Palace strikers

Against the objections of their union, the Alberta Labour Relation Board (LRB) has ruled that striking Palace Casino workers in Edmonton must vote on an employer offer that the union […]

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Working Our Fingers to the Bone

The Alberta Federation of Labour reacted today to a new study by Statistics Canada looking at work hours across the country. The study revealed that Albertans work the most hours […]

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New Cabinet Fails to Bolster Confidence in Alberta Tories

The announcement of the new Alberta cabinet doesn�t create any new confidence in the direction of the Conservative government, says the Alberta Federation of Labour today. “I fail to see […]

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Relaxed Foreign Worker Rules Will Lead to More Abuse of System, says AFL

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) responded to Citizenship and Immigration Minister Monte Solberg’s announcement this morning that the federal government will be relaxing rules for the importing of temporary […]

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AFL Urges Unions to “Push Back” against Employers Imposing Drug Testing

At its October meeting, the Executive Council of the Alberta Federation of Labour approved a new Policy Statement on Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing that clarifies labour’s position on the […]

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Charities Asked to Support Striking Palace Casino Workers

The labour movement has escalated its efforts to resolve the Palace Casino strike by sending letters to 300 charities who are scheduled to volunteer for casinos at Palace in the […]

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AFL Wins Key Victory in Ongoing Bill 27 Scandal

The Information and Privacy Commissioner today ordered the Alberta Labour Relations Board (LRB) to release approximately 200 records to the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) pertaining to the drafting of […]

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Cardinal Sets Ugly Precedent with WCB Appointment

Human Resources and Employment Minister Mike Cardinal has subverted a longstanding agreement with the labour movement by appointing an individual with no connection to labour to the WCB Board to […]

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Why No Labour on Oilsands Multi-Stakeholder Committee?

The AFL responded today to the announcement of a Multi-stakeholder Committee to examine oilsands development by questioning why labour is the only stakeholder group left off the 19-member committee. “This […]

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Farm fatality proves need to include protection of farmworkers in all labour legislation

The death of Kevan Chandler in a farm accident near Black Diamond, Alberta that left his wife, Lorna, and two young children in dire financial straits tragically illustrates the need […]

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Construction Letter to PM Calling for More Foreign Workers Is Self-interested, Self-Serving

In an open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper this week, the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) makes a series of recommendations it claims will address the problem of “labour shortages” […]

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Some Boom – Wages Up a Measly 1.4%

The first issue of a new quarterly publication from the Alberta Federation of Labour finds that weekly wages in Alberta are only up 1.4% in 2006, after accounting for inflation. […]

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Lack of Transparency, Accountability at Labour Relations Board Creates “Crisis in Confidence”

EDMONTON-The AFL today released a study conducted by Dr. Lorne Sossin, Associate Dean of Law at the University of Toronto, examining the conduct of the Alberta Labour Relations Board in […]

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Conference Board Report “Ludicrous” in its Labour Shortage Estimates

The Alberta Federation of Labour reacted swiftly today to the release of a new Conference Board of Canada report saying that by 2025, Alberta will have an annual shortfall of […]

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Government and business Reaping What They Have Sown in Over-heated Labour Market

CALGARY – Unreasonably low royalty rates and years of under-investment in trades training have combined to create the tight labour market that so many Alberta business leaders and politicians are […]

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12-Year Olds in Restaurants Rules Changed to Satisfy Big Donor to Conservatives

When the Alberta government changed employment standards rules governing 12-year olds working in restaurants last year, one of the big mysteries was “why”. That question was answered today, when an […]

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FOIP Request Shows Employers Flaunting New Rules Allowing 12-year olds in Restaurants

EDMONTON-Nine months into new rules allowing restaurants to hire 12 and 13 year olds it is clear they are failing to protect young workers says the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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Temporary Foreign Workers a “Lose-Lose” Proposition

EDMONTON-The Alberta Federation of Labour, Alberta’s largest labour organization, released today a formal policy statement on the controversial issue of temporary foreign workers. The statement is jointly crafted by the […]

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