Dark Side of a Boom – Worker Death Rate Hits 25-Year High

EDMONTON-The Alberta Federation of Labour today blamed government inaction on health and safety enforcement for the rising number of workplace fatalities in Alberta. The AFL made the observation on the […]

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Unions urged to make common cause with employers in opposing Third Way

As members of the provincial government caucus prepare to gather in Calgary tomorrow for a meeting that could decide the fate of the so-called “Third Way”, the Alberta Federation of […]

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Majority of Albertans do not support federal child care plans

Edmonton – A poll conducted by Public Interest Alberta (PIA) and the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) indicates that most Albertans do not support the Harper government’s plans to replace […]

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Business and government have it wrong on labour shortage concerns, says AFL

EDMONTON-Alberta’s largest union organization, the Alberta Federation of Labour, weighed into the debate over skills shortages today by unveiling a detailed new policy paper, entitled “Beyond Chicken Little: Understanding the […]

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Proposed “Third Way” in health care could cost Alberta businesses a bundle, says AFL

The so-called Third Way in health care may be Premier Klein’s “hobby horse” – but Health Minister Iris Evans shouldn’t feel obliged to hop on board, says AFL president Gil […]

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Unions cry foul over “Family Day Massacre” at Ed-Web printers

EDMONTON-Alberta unions are up in arms after learning about an “unethical and probably illegal” scheme to bust the union at a prominent Edmonton printing company. “It’s bad enough that they’ve […]

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Government cooperated with developer to cut union workers out of Horizon mega-project

EDMONTON-Documents recently filed with the Court of Queen’s Bench in Edmonton show that the provincial cabinet used its power to over-ride existing labour law in a bid to help a […]

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Oilsands Project to Import Chinese Workers – May Breach Rules Regarding Foreign Workers

EDMONTON-Documents released by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) and Alberta Building Trades Council (ABTC) show that Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL), the lead partner in the Horizon oil sands […]

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Cardinal Backtracks on First Contract Arbitration, AFL Calls it

The Alberta Federation of Labour today reacted to news that Human Resources Minister Mike Cardinal has backed away from a promise to hold a public consultation on first contract arbitration […]

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The Mystery of the Disappearing Lawyer

EDMONTON-In ongoing revelations in the scandal regarding Bill 27 and the Labour Relations Board (LRB), the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) released documents today contradicting public statements made by Human […]

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Restaurant industry consulted, public ignored in drafting of 12-year-olds at work policy

[Edmonton] The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) today released documents it received through a FOIP request that show the Alberta government actively involved only the Alberta Restaurant and Foodservices Association […]

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AFL wins right to information in Court

[Edmonton] The Alberta Federation of Labour has won the first round in its efforts to force the Alberta Labour Relations Board to release all pertinent documents surrounding Board involvement in […]

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AFL Goes to Court to Defend Right to Documents

EDMONTON-There are a number of developments today in the scandal involving the Labour Relations Board’s involvement in Bill 27. First, this afternoon, the Privacy Commissioner took the Alberta Federation of […]

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Correcting Clint

EDMONTON-The AFL responded today to comments from Clint Dunford regarding the released emails implicating key Labour Relations Board (LRB) in a scandal regarding the drafting of Bill 27. “Either Minister […]

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LRB “Biased and Compromised”, says AFL

Documents received by the Alberta Federation of Labour show that key figures of the Labour Relations Board (LRB) breached their role by actively participating in the drafting of legislation, and […]

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Finning Workers Win Contracting Out Breakthrough – Sign Tentative Agreement

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), announced today they have a tentative agreement with Finning Canada. The 1,000 workers at Finning in Alberta have been on strike […]

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Support the Change that Brings Workplace Peace

In the wake of the bitter Lakeside Packers strike, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) today launched a new campaign to urge the government to implement first contract arbitration in […]

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AFL praises RCMP for approach to policing Lakeside strike

AFL president Gil McGowan has written a letter to the RCMP praising them for the approach they took to policing the recent Lakeside Packers strike in Brooks. In a letter […]

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Tentative Agreement at Lakeside great news for workers, cattle industry

The Alberta Federation of Labour today applauded the union at Lakeside for reaching a tentative agreement with Lakeside Packers in Brooks, but pledged to continue to pressure the government for […]

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“Time to Put Egos Aside” in Telus Dispute, says AFL

EDMONTON-In the aftermath of the rejection of a tentative agreement by Telus workers, the AFL sent a letter to Telus CEO Darren Entwistle urging the company to return quickly to […]

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AFL Sends Condolences to Families of Killed Strikers

EDMONTON – The President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Gil McGowan, today released the following statement regarding the car accident last night that killed two striking Lakeside workers, and […]

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Labour movement mobilizing support for IAM strike at Finning

In a major demonstration of union solidarity, the Communications Energy and Paperworkers Union (CEP) is ensuring that no work normally done by striking International Association of Machinists (IAM) members will […]

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LRB Decision Banning 2 Lakeside Managers from Picket Line, Negotiations Unprecedented

The Alberta Federation of Labour responded to an Alberta Labour Relations Board (LRB) decision handed down today banning two high-ranking managers from the picket line, any strike-related activity and from […]

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Charges against Lakeside Officials Demonstrate Company “Thinks It Can do Whatever It Wants”

EDMONTON-The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) responded today to reports that four officials from Lakeside Packers – including the plant’s former CEO, Garnet Altwasser, and the current farm operations manager, […]

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