300 Alberta industrial jobs to be lost at Celanese

Alberta Federation of Labour President Kerry Barrett was highly critical of the lack of any government industrial strategy in the wake of the announced closure of the Celanese Canada plant […]

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Labour Federation Presidents hold parallel conference in Inuvik, NT

Inuvik, NT – Federation of Labour Presidents from across Western Canada and the Territories have arrived in Inuvik, NT to make their views clear to the Premiers of the 4 […]

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Song and Dance Routine Continues

The Alberta Federation of Labour responded to the government health care plan today by noting that the real plan is being held under wraps until after the next provincial election, […]

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Drug Testing Proposal Is a Failure, Says AFL

Random drug and alcohol testing misses the root problem with substance abuse, and will fail to produce safer workplaces, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) says today. The AFL is […]

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Klein should apologize to Chilean community

[Edmonton] The Alberta Federation of Labour today called upon Ralph Klein to apologize to Alberta’s Chilean community for his comments endorsing the military coup and human rights abuses of dictator […]

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Labour movement and aboriginal community explore new possibilities

[Pigeon Lake] ‘Building Bridges and Sharing Struggles II’, the second workshop sponsored by the Alberta Federation of Labour to explore common ground and possible cooperative actions between the labour movement […]

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Alberta Losing Battle Against Workplace Death – Fatality Rate on the Rise

On the eve of the 10th International Day of Mourning, the Alberta Federation of Labour is releasing the latest statistics on workplace fatalities in Alberta, showing an increase in both […]

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AFL President Les Steel Steps Down

Les Steel is stepping down as the President of the Alberta Federation of Labour in order to take a new, Alberta-based position with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC). He has […]

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Real Wages in Alberta Falling – a Wake-up Call?

The Alberta Federation of Labour has released data showing that real, inflation-adjusted wages in the province have fallen for the second year in a row, and for the fourth time […]

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Racism Continues to Scar Alberta Landscape

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is taking the opportunity of the 38th United Nations Day for the Elimination of Racism, which is Sunday, March 21, to renew […]

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AFL encourages Edmontonians to tune into A-Channel

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is formally lifting a union-led viewer boycott of A-Channel as workers at the station head back to their jobs today after a grueling […]

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One day left for Martin to defend maternity benefits

EDMONTON – If Prime Minister Paul Martin doesn’t want to see a “patchwork quilt” of maternity benefits in Canada – generous in places like Quebec and sub-standard in places like […]

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If Klein wants health reform, he should support Romanow blueprint

Premier Ralph Klein is up to his old tricks. Once again, he’s trying to convince Albertans that Medicare is unsustainable and that the only way to “save” the system is […]

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Lack of government disclosure sinks union court challenge

The Alberta Federation of Labour reacted with disappointment early today after the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench ruled there wasn’t enough evidence to proceed with a case against the Labour […]

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Economic boom times have not led to rising standards of living for most Albertans, says report

EDMONTON – What do ordinary Albertans have to show for a decade of unprecedented growth and prosperity in their province? As it turns out, very little. In a new research […]

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Government plans war on nurses early in the New Year

AFL Year-end Message Looking ahead to the New Year, it’s clear the Labour movement will have a lot on its plate. New rules on drug and alcohol testing in the […]

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A-Channel attempts to muzzle free speech

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour and the union representing striking A-Channel workers have jointly filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against A-Channel. The unions claim the station attempted to […]

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Forcing nurses into binding arbitration is a “recipe for disaster,” says AFL

EDMONTON – Alberta’s health care system could be thrown into chaos if the province’s nine regional health authorities are successful in their bid to force nurses into binding arbitration, says […]

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Klein mixed the ingredients for this pie himself

The “pie-that-was-heard-across-the-country” may have been delivered to Premier Ralph Klein early last week – but it had been in the oven for a long time. And the Premier himself had […]

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Labour hails decision to re-open WCB cases as “long overdue”

After nearly two years of on-again, off-again support for a major review of old WCB cases, the government has finally agreed to open the books on previously rejected claims covering […]

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Forestry workers urge Klein government to be part of the solution, not the problem in softwood dispute

EDMONTON – Leaders from the Alberta Federation of Labour and two unions representing thousands of forestry workers in the province will meet with Human Resource Minister Clint Dunford this afternoon […]

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Real wages plummet in Alberta despite current economic boom

If you’re finding it more and more difficult to keep up with the bills each month, you’re not alone. Recently released figures show that the amount Albertans earn each week […]

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Labour hopes to “wake sleeping giant”

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour has adopted an aggressive new action plan aimed at helping working Albertans re-discover their collective political power – and convincing them to use […]

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Celebrating Aboriginal Solidarity Day

The Alberta Federation of Labour is marking National Aboriginal Solidarity Day by strengthening its commitment to promoting aboriginal involvement in the labour movement. “For years now, aboriginal people have faced […]

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