WCB continues to “blame the victim”

EDMONTON – Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) is continuing its “long-established practice of blaming the victim” when it comes to issues of workplace health and safety, says the president of […]

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AFL raises concerns about WCB satisfaction survey

EDMONTON – The “customer satisfaction” survey that is being used by the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) to defend itself from mounting public criticism is deeply flawed and misleading, says the […]

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WCB needs fixing, but privatization is not the answer, says AFL

EDMONTON – The Alberta Workers Compensation Board (WCB) does not always treat injured workers fairly, but replacing it with a system of private insurance will not fix the problem, says […]

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Organized labour continues to make an important contribution to Alberta society

EDMONTON – The last Labour Day of the 20th century provides us with a unique opportunity to reflect upon all the positive contributions that the labour movement has made to […]

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On-going budget surpluses prove that Tories are mismanaging tax dollars

EDMONTON – As a result of the provincial government’s on-going obsession with debt repayment, Albertans are not getting the kind of high-quality public services they deserve – and which they […]

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Albertans deserve more protection in the workplace

EDMONTON – The Alberta government is not doing nearly enough to protect workers – especially young workers, women and immigrants – from abuse and unfair treatment in the workplace, says […]

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Nurses deserve thanks for standing up in defense of quality Medicare

EDMONTON – Nurses in Alberta deserve the heartfelt thanks and congratulations of all Albertans for their strong stand in defense of quality health care – both at the bargaining table […]

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Georgia-Pacific workers win important victory

EDMONTON – Workers at the Georgia-Pacific Wallboard plant in Northeast Edmonton are back at work today after voting to accept a new collective agreement which offers pay increases and no […]

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Government “debt party” an insult to Albertans

EDMONTON – Alberta Premier Ralph Klein has another thing coming if he thinks a few free hot dogs and drinks will make up for years of brutal budget cuts, wage […]

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Massive budget surplus proves deep cuts were unnecessary

EDMONTON – News that the Alberta government is sitting on yet another massive budget surplus proves that Premier Ralph Klein and members of the ruling Conservative party greatly exaggerated the […]

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LRB decision proves that Alberta labour laws are seriously flawed

EDMONTON – The decision to prohibit Alberta nurses from holding a vote on the latest contract offer from their employers proves that Alberta’s labour laws are seriously flawed, says the […]

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Concerns of working people ignored in reorganization scheme

EDMONTON – Working people in Alberta are being short-changed by a plan announced earlier today to re-organize government departments, says the president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. Audrey Cormack […]

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AFL expresses concern about new Human Resources minister

EDMONTON – The president of Alberta’s largest workers’ organization has some serious concerns about the man who has been appointed minister of the new Human Resources and Employment department. AFL […]

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Day of Mourning Commemorates Workers Killed At Work

On Wednesday, April 28, Alberta workers will be marking the 4th International Day of Mourning in their worksites and at special ceremonies. The Alberta Federation of Labour, in conjunction with […]

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AFL Announces New Environment Policy for 21st Century

To mark this year’s Earth Day, the Alberta Federation of Labour is announcing a new Environment Policy for Alberta’s labour movement. The policy is intended to guide unions in making […]

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AFL wraps up successful convention

CALGARY – Unions in Alberta are prepared to face the challenges of the 21st century, said Audrey Cormack president of the Alberta Federation of Labour as the AFL wrapped up […]

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AFL Convention Wraps up Tomorrow

CALGARY – The biennial convention of the Alberta Federation of Labour wraps up in Calgary tomorrow afternoon. Elections for Executive Officers and members of the AFL Executive Council will take […]

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Unions more important than ever, says report

CALGARY – In the turbulent workplace of the 1990s, workers in Alberta need the kind of protection that unions provide more than ever. That was the central message of a […]

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Delegates to explore the role of unions in protecting Medicare

CALGARY – The Alberta Federation of Labour’s biennial convention continues in Calgary tomorrow. Highlights from the convention agenda for Saturday, April 18 include the following: A panel of labour leaders […]

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Convention Delegates join picket line outside Dynamic Furniture

CALGARY – Hundreds of delegates attending the Alberta Federation of Labour’s biennial convention in Calgary will be joining striking workers on the picket line outside Dynamic Furniture (5300 – 6th […]

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“State of the unions” report will cap busy day at AFL convention

CALGARY – Delegates to the Alberta Federation of Labour’s biennial convention will be kept busy all day tomorrow with a number of important guest speakers and special events. Highlights of […]

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AFL convention begins tomorrow in Calgary

CALGARY – Two prominent union leaders will be featured speakers as the Alberta Federation of Labour kicks off its biennial convention tomorrow in Calgary. Several hundred union members and activists […]

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Unions prepare to set a course for the 21st century

CALGARY – Hundreds of union members and activists from across the province will gather in Calgary next week to set a course for the Alberta labour movement as it prepares […]

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Labour Rejects Panel Report on Bill 37

EDMONTON – Premier Ralph Klein will go down in history as the man who killed Medicare if he goes ahead with recommendations put forward by the so-called blue ribbon panel […]

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