Government document questions legality of private health care clinic

Officials raise “serious concerns” that Copeman Clinic is breaking the law Edmonton – Senior government staff question the legality of the Copeman Clinic, a private health care clinic, according to […]

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Advice to Minister – Concerns on Legality of Copeman Clinic

Advice to Minister – Concerns on Legality of Copeman Clinic Issued with Thursday, February 20, 2014 New Release Government document questions legality of private health care clinic

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Harper undermines postal service to justify eventual privatization

In Harper’s warped world, postal workers are too essential to strike, not essential enough to deliver the mail Edmonton – The elimination of door-to-door mail delivery is the latest example […]

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Postal workers walk out over outsourcing

Fort McMurray local faces job losses due to government mismanagement Edmonton – More than 50 postal workers in Fort McMurray walked off the job this morning to protest contracting out […]

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Labour Leaders From Across the Province Rally Against LRT Privatization

Alberta’s union movement is standing up for public transit Edmonton – Hundreds of concerned Albertans and union members will rally today at noon at city hall in protest of privatization […]

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NDP leader hopes to jolt voters by raising concerns over electricity costs

EDMONTON – NDP Leader Brian Mason said Wednesday his party would regulate power rates if they win the provincial election. Seated at the dining room table at a retired couple’s […]

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Farm families hit hard by soaring electricity costs

Alberta farm families are being strangled by skyrocketing electricity costs that stick them with monthly bills of $1,000 or more, cabinet ministers heard at a meeting of rural municipalities Tuesday […]

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Media focus on senior dumped at Emergency Ward signals more trouble for Redford Tories

As shocking as it is an ambulance crew was used by a for-profit Edmonton nursing home to evict an 80-year-old grandmother afflicted with dementia and dump her at a public […]

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Family of evicted long-term care patient attacks plans for more privatization

Statements from press conference, 10:00 a.m., March 14, 2012 Family Statement, March 14, 2012 Noel Sommerville Statement, March 14, 2012 Family of evicted long-term-care patient attacks plans for more privatization […]

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Seniors home report cites lack of staff

Supportive living complexes may be unsafe, officials say Over a quarter of residents in Alberta’s supported living facilities may be unsafe because there is insufficient staffing and care for their […]

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Alberta family demands answers after elderly mother dumped at ER

Government rules allowed private, for-profit facility to evict senior in stable condition An Alberta family is demanding answers from the Conservative government after their mother, a long-term-care patient in stable […]

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Industry financially squeezed by high electricity prices

EDMONTON – You can hear it on the floor of AltaSteel’s east Edmonton mill when the hourly price of electricity spikes. Virtually everything goes quiet. For almost two full days […]

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URGENT ACTION: Join campaign to stop the dismantlement of the Canadian Wheat Board

Issue: The Harper government’s bid to dismantle the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) and undermine rural Prairie communities through Bill C-18, now before the Senate. Action Requested: Take part in an […]

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November 2011: Canadian Wheat Board; Keystone XL decision; Occupy Movement; health and safety blitzes

Prairie labour groups defend Canadian Wheat Board The The Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Federations of Labour united to defend the Canadian Wheat Board against attack from the Harper government. In […]

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Prairie labour groups defend Wheat Board as Parliament votes;Western Agriculture Ministers acting against the interests of rural communities, says AFL

EDMONTON –The leading labour groups from the Prairie provinces today united in calling on the Harper government to abandon its illegal and undemocratic plan to dismantle the Canadian Wheat Board […]

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Prairie labour groups defend Wheat Board as Parliament votes

Western Agriculture Ministers acting against the interests of rural communities, says AFL EDMONTON, Nov. 28, 2011 /CNW/ – The leading labour groups from the Prairie provinces today united in calling […]

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Don’t Let Harper Steamroll Canadian Wheat Farmers

Prime Minister Harper has stated that he intends to dismantle the Canadian Wheat Board by Christmas, 2011. It’s time to tell him to Stop the Steamroller. – Prime Minister Harper […]

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Join Together Alta meeting Thursday night

Expect cutbacks to the education system to be front-and-centre when a group calling for more money for education, health care, and other government services holds a public meeting in Edmonton […]

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Alberta needs new revenue system

Fluctuating revenues lead to cuts when oil prices decline In industries such as oil and gas, revenues can fluctuate, sometimes wildly, with the ebbs and flows of the market. For […]

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Calgary Joins Together to fight cuts to vital public services

With 331 jobs set to be lost in Calgary’s public schools alone, Join Together Alberta (JTA) is holding a town hall meeting tonight in Calgary to challenge cuts to education, […]

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Air Canada back-to-work legislation slammed by Alberta labour leader: AFL also fears for future of Canada Post at hands of federal Tories

Using legislation to force employees back to work will not bring labour peace or prosperity to Air Canada, says the Alberta Federation of Labour. “The only way to secure a […]

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Hundreds of city teachers lost to budget cuts

EDMONTON – After a day in which 326 Edmonton teaching positions were likely lost, school boards say they desperately need consistent funding. Both Edmonton school boards passed versions of their […]

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Concerns raised over long-term care

Concerns have arisen around changes to seniors care in Grande Prairie with the relocation of residents from the QEII’s Mackenzie Place to the new Points West Living complex in the […]

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Ongoing funding cuts to core services a cry for revenue reform

People such as Premier Ed Stelmach and Education Minister Dave Hancock want Albertans to believe that these are tough times. They want us to believe that the recession has left […]

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