November 2014: Parkland Conference: People vs. Profiteers; Energy East wrong type of petroleum infrastructure; Immigration – and TFWP – must remain a federal responsibility; did you k…

Urgent Action People versus Profiteers: Demanding justice and equity The Parkland Institute’s Annual Fall Conference will explore why, at a time of remarkable wealth production, the money seems to be […]

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Alberta PCs will be under pressure at Red Deer Convention

Pressure will be on delegates at Alberta’s Progressive Conservative Party convention in Red Deer on Nov. 7 to halt the province’s funding cuts to health care, education and other social […]

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2005 May Speech Don’t Cut Alberta Kids Out of National Day Care Campaign

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Campaign Launch News Conference, May 2005 (In the spring of 2005, the AFL joined Public Interest Alberta in launching a province-wide […]

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2005 January Speech Calgary and District Labour Council AGM

Kerry Barrett, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, January 2005 Good evening and thank you for this opportunity to talk to you about the work of the AFL. As […]

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Ask your candidate where they stand on Public Interest Issues!

Public Interest Alberta, a new provincial advocacy organization, has launched a great campaign to challenge all provincial candidates to define where they stand on key public interest issues. Called “A […]

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