2014 Fact Check: P3 Model Bad for Alberta Taxpayers

For Immediate ReleaseFriday, July 18, 2014 P3 Model Bad for Alberta Taxpayers Lukaszuk’s Appointed P3 Board Idea a ‘Recipe for Corruption’ Edmonton – PC leadership candidate Thomas Lukaszuk’s proposal to […]

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Province Pulls Plug on P3s

Government makes the right call in building 19 new schools without for-profit partners Edmonton — Nineteen new schools in Alberta will be built through traditional financing models. Although the schools […]

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Documents show school promises may never be fulfilled

Scathing internal report shows government scrambling to find way to build schools Edmonton – “The Redford Government’s P3 schools experiment has been all but abandoned by the construction industry,” Alberta […]

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Internal government debrief document on P3 schools

Internal government debrief document on P3 schools Part of AFL News Release Thursday, February 20, 2014 titled “Documents show school promises may never be fulfilled“

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P3s, other alternative financing on Alberta government’s radar


The Redford government’s promise to keep building Alberta despite budget woes and bitumen bubbles could lead the province to embrace alternative financing to pay for high-priority construction projects. Premier Alison […]

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P3s, other alternative financing on Alberta government’s radar


The Redford government’s promise to keep building Alberta despite budget woes and bitumen bubbles could lead the province to embrace alternative financing to pay for high-priority construction projects. Premier Alison […]

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Sales tax discussion dominates economic summit


CALGARY — Premier Alison Redford was ready to declare the inaugural Alberta economic summit a success Saturday even without a consensus from the prominent Albertans who spent the day hashing […]

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Southeast LRT will be P3 project

Council to seek provincial, federal help with $1.8B plan City council has voted to build the $1.8-billion southeast LRT line as what could be one of Edmonton’s largest publicprivate partnerships. […]

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