LCOP MEDIA ADVISORY: Labour leaders at legislature to show opposition to pension bills

EDMONTON – Despite months of protests, and despite all opposition parties uniting against the proposals, the Government is moving forward on controversial public‐sector pension legislation today. The union leaders representing […]

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2014 Alberta Labour Coalition on Pensions Updated Leaflet

The Government is gutting the pension you paid for. Updated Information as of February 24, 2014 Updated Leaflet – Alberta Labour Coalition on Pensions Take action at

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Stand Up for Your Pension Rallies Speech by Gil McGowan, AFL President March 20th – Day of Action

Speech by Gil McGowan, AFL President March 20th – Day of Action There are hundreds of people here today – but you’re not alone. As we speak, thousands of public-sector […]

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MEDIA ADVISORY: Government fudging numbers on pension liability

Analysis shows unfunded liability getting smaller by about $1 billion EDMONTON – Alberta’s public-sector pension plans are getting healthier, despite what Finance Minister Doug Horner claims. Analysis by independent actuarial […]

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Redford government fudging pension numbers

New analysis reveals truth about Alberta’s shrinking pension liability EDMONTON – The unfunded liability of Alberta’s public-sector pension plans is already a billion dollars smaller than Finance Minister Doug Horner […]

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